Chapter fifty-seven: Where's the key?!

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"Do you think she'll know where to met us?" Dylan asked Alex as they crawled through a vent.

"I think..." Alex said, trying to think of a positive outcome instead of all of the dreadful scenarios that Alex could of possibly thought of in the last second. "She will" Alex finished, looking behind and past Dylan to the vent's entrance.

While Cheyenne had made a distraction for her friends, Alex, Dylan and the Nome had managed to escape to this vent, and luckily for them, Alex knew exactly where this went. Seconds later, they were met with a dimly lit exit.

"We're here" Alex said, as the Nome held out his hand to Alex, ready to be held. The boy took it and the three of them together left the vent, ready for whatever was next on their adventure.

They climbed out of the vent as quietly as possible and whenever one of them made a noise to loud, they were met with a finger, shushing them, and whoever the person maybe, the Nome would always copy their actions. Especially as he couldn't talk anyway.
Only his faint scuffling reassured Alex that he was alright.

The two boys, Alex and Dylan, analysed their surroundings, grey, gloomy walls and floor, a shelf stocked with unknown jars and toilet roll and...a double toilet?

"What the hell?" Dylan said, staring at the toilet, or toilets, in confusion. "Now how does that work?" Dylan asked.
Alex shrugged.

"Probably like any other toilet" he said obviously. Dylan made a face that suggested that Alex was right.
Then the Nome walked ahead, leading Alex by his hand and pointed to a door a few feet ahead of them. Alex nodded in approval.

"Right the key" he said, Turing towards Dylan. "Try not to make a sound" Alex said to him as he walked towards and through the door.

"Noted" Dylan said, "No sound" following his friends.

They tiptoed into a hallway, the darkness covering them as they went as they slowly made their way to another door. Alex turned back once checking that Dylan was still there, and when he was, the boy opened the other door as its hinges creaked and they tiptoed inside.

There dark silhouettes merged with the room, creating more darkness to cover the boys and Nome as they crept to a large wooden bedside table, consumed in darkness. They crept along the floorboards, taking careful steps towards the piece of furniture, then, Alex stopped.
He pointed to a large figure ahead of them, he turned to Dylan and said;

"That's another Chef, he'll wake any-" Alex tried to say but was cut off by the stirring of the Chef, awakening from his slumber.
"Quick!" Alex half yelled half whispered, he pointed to a dark, wooden sculpture that Alex guessed was a bed and slid under it, as well as the others just in time to see a demented foot emerge from above them. They held their breaths as a second foot joined the first as the three gave a shared looked of disgust as they saw an even uglier form shuffling to a light switch, flicking it on and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
Dylan left his hiding place.

"So not only are they wasting double the amount of water but also electricity?!" Dylan shook his head, "What happened to Global Warming and saving the planet?" He turned towards Alex, waiting for him to agree, but the boy was to interested in an empty jar on the nightstand next to them.

"Where's the key?!" Alex questioned, then a voice broke his train of thought.

"You have to get out of here!" They yelled, running towards the group.

"Why?" Dylan asked, greeting his friend in a rushed manner. His question was answered by the bursting open of a door.

"That's why!" Cheyenne said, backing out of the bed, "RUUUN!" She yelled as the four of them broke up into groups of two.

Alex ran, the Nome clutching his hand terrified as the Chef chased after his other friends, that when he spotted a gold, shiny object latched onto the Chefs apron. Within the madness, he tracked Cheyenne and Dylan within it and shouted;

They turned in his direction, Alex pointed to the object, "The key!"

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