Chapter one hundred and fourteen: Doki Doki Kidnapping Club

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Dylan sat in his chair, the one he was bound to, as he stared at Monika. She sat at the other end of the only table in room and stared at Dylan back, he tried to look away to not make whatever was going on here a staring competition.

"Uhh..." He said finally, after he had been kidnapped here and tied to this chair, Monika had explained how she had fell in love with the boy at the first sight, but Dylan had thought that she was just a Yandere. He might of not known anime that well, but at least he knew what that was.

"Yes my love?" Monika asked him, blinking a few times to try and make it more flirtatious, except it only made it more cringe worthy. Dylan tried not to pull a face.

"Can I go now?" He asked her, already knowing the answer, Monika giggled then exclaimed:

"Of course not! You only just got here, and besides, I don't think you would want to leave anyway!"
Dylan gave her a confused look.

"Why not?" He asked, she giggled again, this time, in a more serious matter.

"Because silly! You're mine...! And you will stay here forever!" She said, her voice turning dangerously dark.

"Uhh..." Dylan repeated, looking around the room to see if a exit had appeared, but there were none. Monika laughed again trying to make Dylan forget his fears, however, it only increased them more. "Can we go anywhere?" He asked her, wanting to get out of this empty room. She nodded excitedly:

"Oh! I knew you were going to say that! Of course we can!" She said as three doors appeared across from them, they opened, revealing three different locations.

"We can go to the beach, the snowy mountains or...some other place that I...actually don't know,  but who would want to do that?! It looks sad and boring! Come on why don't we head to the beach!" Monika half suggested half forced Dylan to go through the door.

Sand hit the boy's feet as he was flung off of the chair into the hot gritty substance, he got up, trying to dust himself off, only to get more sand on him. He groaned.

"I hate sand" he said, looking up to see Monika in a swimsuit. He looked away, slightly embarrassed.

"Uhh..."He said, his cheeks bright red. Monika giggled at his reaction, then her face changed.

"Well I guess the beach isn't somewhere you like" she said, slightly dis that Dylan like where she chose. She sighed and just as quickly as they got here, they were back in the room, no sand on Dylan and Monika back in her uniform.

"There!" She said, a smile back on her face, "Why don't we go somewhere else?" She suggested again. The doors reappearing as Monika pointed to the second door, snow falling beyond it. "I know!" She said, "Why don't we go skiing?!" She said, once again dragging Dylan through the door into the whitest cold he has ever known.

He shivered, looking around as his feet crunched under the blanket of snow beneath him, half his leg being consumed by it, he tried to move around, only for his feet to be lost once more. He looked up, seeing Monika in a cosy skiing suit, ready to slide down the mountain, only to see Dylan shiver in the cold as her face once again turn to disappointment.

"Oh, you're really cold" she said, looking at him, "I guess we should head back" she said and once again they were inside the empty room again, Dylan regaining feeling in his limbs. He sat back in the chair, the bonds gone from it as he shivered a little.

"You're still cold" Monika pointed out, Dylan looked up at her, trying to regain control of his chattering teeth.

"O-f c-o-u-r-s-e I a-m!" He managed to say. Monika didn't laugh this time, instead she threw a blanket over the boys shoulders and waited until he was warm again.

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