Chapter one hundred and seventeen: Do you want to die with me?

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The four stopped after a few minutes, exhausted, they had somehow managed to avoid Baldi several times as they checked every classroom for the next book, but they had had no luck.
And talking about luck, Luke was especially unlucky for this play through.

He too was exhausted from catching up with them; for the fifth time, from detention, as the principle seemed to be somewhat stalking the boy, it was lucky however that Luke had beaten down the door when he did meaning he could run away from anymore entities.
Cheyenne stood at the front of the line they had made, breathing heavily as she tried to calm her breath to try and hear the faint sound of Baldi's ruler, and thanks to Cheyenne's amazing hearing, she could tell that the spanking was getting closer.

"We need to go" She said, regaining her breath but not her energy, she heard the others groan a little before Alex asked Dylan,

"Do you know where the next book is?"
The boy shook his head, Alex seeing the back of it and groaned once more.

"Sorry" Dylan said, "They're automatically generated so every game there is a different book in a different classroom" he said.
It was Luke's turn to have a moment.

"FUCK THIS GAME!" He yelled, "AND FUCK YOU DYLAN FOR NOT KNOWING THIS GAME!" He said then, out of no where the principle rushed around the corner, seeing Luke then saying.

"No swearing in the hall" as Luke disappeared from the Horror Gangs sight and back to detention, Dylan tried to hold in a laugh as they heard the boy shouting angrily from down the hall cursing a lot:

"FUCKKKKKK!" He yelled as the rest heard the breaking of wood as, they all guessed, Luke started to attack tables or chairs.
Cheyenne face palmed herself, wondering how he had managed to keep his cool in the other games but not this one. Then the slapping of Baldi's ruler alerted them to move, but still being too tired opened the classroom door Dylan had been leaning on and called out before the others ran away:

"Guys! In here!" They raced to the door, shutting it and staying incredibly quite as they heard the ruler right outside the door, it lingered there for a moment before heading back down the corridor.
They all sighed before hearing banging. They jumped back before the door was smashed down by Luke his face red from anger.

"I FUCKING HATE THIS!" He yelled, his whole body trembling in rage, all of them slowly backed away before Luke noticed something. The next book.
"AND FUCKING MATHS!" He yelled again, pointing to the book, making everyone turn to it, and Dylan being thankful and paranoid and the best as maths in their group rushed over to it and began to solve the problem, only taking a few seconds before being done. He turned back to the group with a weary smile before saying:

"Let's go, I would like to get out of here before Baldi corners us" He said, rushing out the doorway, climbing over the door, looked both ways before gesturing for his friends to follow him. They too did the same as Dylan, all apart from Luke who didn't care, and started to flee down the corridor, however, not before long, Alex called out and as the other three turned saw Playtime forcing the boy to skip with him.

"LETS PLAY!" She yelled as Alex began to jump the rope, very, very slowly.
Cheyenne grit her teeth to stop her from shouting at the girl for making Alex play, or shouting at Alex to hurry up.
Then after Playtime had finished, she asked the boy:

"Do you want to die with me?"
However, before Alex had time to answer, the girl's rope had tied itself around her neck as Playtime's body fell to the floor, dead.
They all stared for a few moments, shocked, then after Alex made his way around the girl, they began to run again, trying to ignore the guilt that they felt for leaving the corpse there.
They ran down the plain corridors, the only thing appealing to them were the posters that were messily hung on the walls, mostly explaining the school rules or showing a party for someone. They ignored them, not wanting to go to another party anyway, not after the other one they had been to.

They continued to run, only stopping for a few seconds whenever Dylan or Alex found money on the floor, Dylan knowing where they could use this and said, heading to the front next to Cheyenne:

"Follow me! I know where we can rest!" He said and lead them to the yellow doors of the cafeteria, they walked through, knowing that they would be safe here for now as they guessed that Baldi was miles away as they heard the quite slaps of his ruler, however, as Dylan went up to the vending machine, he had forgotten one thing, the cafeteria was The Bully's domain.
He stepped out of the dark corner of the room, like a villain trying to make a scene and ran over to Dylan, grabbing him and demanded:

"Give me your money!"
Dylan, shaking a little and knowing that he couldn't get out of the Bully's grip unless he did give him his money, regretfully gave the overly large boy the few pennies and pounds he had found while venturing through this hellhole.
With a scoff in Dylan's face, the Bully let go of the boys jacket and let him drop to the floor, Dylan got up with the help of Alex and looked at the entrance, now open for them to leave.

"We should go" he said a little sadly and with a quick and just as disappointing nod from the rest, they left the Bully to buy supplies or himself from the vending machine.
They walked slowly for a minute, letting the silence set some sort of realisation on this hell before Cheyenne asked Dylan,

"You ok?"
He nodded, trying to think of a joke to brighten the situation, but he couldn't, instead Luke had decided to announce war on the Bully, for owning too many doors and taking their 'riches', that made all of them laugh.

"Come on" Cheyenne said, a smile on her face, "Let's go find the rest of theses books and get out of here" she said as Alex asked,

"How many do we need to find now?"

"Five" Dylan responded, a small, playful smile on his face as they jogged through the corridor, until they saw another classroom door, they entered, stopping when they saw several students in there, as well as the next maths book.

"Shit" Dylan said, turning back to see that the door had been closed as the slaps of Baldi's ruler came closer.

"Wha!?" The three asked him in unison, confused and a little scared.

"This is Mrs Pomp's room" Dylan answered, as they all saw a nightmare of a teacher emerge from behind the front desk, Cheyenne gasped as she felt Ink on her elbows as Bendy also emerged from his hiding place, Grayson held tightly and protectively in the demons grasp, the Nome shaking with fear as Bendy put him down, giving him to Cheyenne to protect.

"Bendy" The girl said.

"Luke" Dylan said at the same time, Cheyenne gave him a nod of 'yes you can beat the shit out of this one' as both demon and angry teenage boy leaped towards the teacher, causing a ruckus in the room.

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