Chapter eighteen: The exchange for freedom

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She awoke dizzy, it was a feeling she was getting used to. However, the new found emptiness she felt throughout her entire body. That, was new.

"Wakey wakey Little Sheep, the time of the ritual is at hand" she heard Sammy say. She was sort of getting tired of him saying the same thing.

"What ritual?" She asked, knowing she would get the answer.

"I am thankful you asked my Little Sheep" he said, "Now that the sacrifice has been successful, it's you I must free" he continued.

"Free? From what?" Cheyenne asked,

"Hopefully from this game" she thought. She heard Sammy giggle.

"From the sacrifice! He has twisted your mind, he has made you believe that Our Lord is evil!" Sammy said.

"He is" Cheyenne answered in her head.

"That's why I must complete this ritual! To make you see how he is the liar and not Our Lord!" He said happily. Cheyenne rolled her eyes, he truly was insane.

"Now, let us begin the ritual, soon, he will set you free" he stated, fastening the ropes around Cheyenne's body, stepping back with a crooked smile (thanks to his mask) and walked away into the familiar room where death and the Devil should meet him.

As soon as he was gone, Cheyenne struggled against the ropes to break free, the ropes slowly but surely loosening.

"Come on" She said through gritted teeth. With one last attempt the ropes gave way and she hurried out of the coil, she heard Sammy start the ritual. Her eyes widened as his words became unclear.

Then a roar awoke her senses to run.

It was lucky the gate was already open as Cheyenne came close to it, grabbing her backpack as she fled down down the hall. She heard the door burst open behind her followed by either a shout or roar as she sprinted faster.

"Don't go the wrong way" she told herself as she down one out of the corridors.

She was filled with disappointment as she was met with a wooden, inked wall.

She turned hoping that whatever it was hadn't caught up with her, however, her hope soon faded as she was met with a surprising sight.

"Roaming away my Little Sheep?" Sammy asked. He shook his head answering his own question. "Yes, I think you are" Cheyenne looked down in an almost shame like state. The inky figure flared at her, outstretching his dark arm. She let her, her body and mind no longer feeling like her own. A chorus of whispers filled her mind as she looked up. No longer seeing the characters face.

She looked around, no longer cornered by the wall, but in a very familiar room.

"How?" She asked afraid. What was happening to her? Why was this happening? She looked down, her feet devoured by ink, the black substance shining in the light. Then she caught a glimpse of something. She hadn't realised just how much her body was covered in ink, her hands and most of her right side of her body was covered.

"What is happening to me?!" She said in fright.

"Sheep, Sheep, Sheep, it's you I must keep. In the morning you will be mine. I must not let you die.."

Cheyenne started to panic, if anything, Sammy had an obsession with her, not Bendy.

"Where are you my Little Sheep?" She heard, "I must set you free"

She rushed over to the door, locking it. Although she knew it wouldn't stop him.

Then she saw a familiar can roll across the floor.

"Boris?" Cheyenne Said, but was met with a much more familiar and hopeful sight.

"Dylan?!" She said shocked, he looked just as panicked as she was, his blazer gone and a few scratches on his body. But she wasn't interested in that, she was more interested in what he was holding.

"Cheyenne!?" He said to her, looking around.

"Where's Boris?" She asked, his eyes widened as he saw his surroundings,

"Boris?" He checked around the corner, seeing nothing.

"I don't know" he said,

"What?" She said, coming over to join her, she too saw nothing. She shook her head. "He's supposed to be here!" She said, tears streaming down her face.

"What happens to-" But Dylan was cut off by a constant banging at the door.

"Little Sheep I know your in there" they said,

"Is that, Sammy?" Dylan said, he glanced at Cheyenne, her whole body in complete fear. She nodded.

"Little Sheep, let me in, we must complete the ritual"

"Ritual?!" Dylan said, "You don't mean-" Cheyenne shook her head to stop him.

"I'll explain if we survive" she said.

"I won't let you in Sammy!" She yelled, "Not until you let me go!" There was silence for a second.

"Oh my poor Little Sheep, so naive, so vulnerable, so...foolish" he said as he appeared through the door.

"Hide Dylan!" she said, pushing back around the corner.

"Come now Little Sheep, let us finish the ritual" he said, before Cheyenne could react, her body was moving on its own. Her mind completely blank. The whispers returning.

Dylan peeked around the corner, seeing the back of Cheyenne's head, and the front of Sammy's. A horrific sight.

"Cheyenne..." he whispered. He felt helpless, it wasn't like Undertale where you had the option to do other things. He wanted to move, but his whole body felt paralysed. Then he saw an amazing sight.

"Now, my Little Sheep, to complete the ritual you must be connected to Our Lord so-" he stopped, removing his mask, "You must wear this, my Little Sheep and you will feel the power of Our Lord!" He slowly lifted the cutout above her head, and the weapon behind him was also raised. However it came down spot faster than the mask. Which dropped to the floor, as well as Sammy Lawrence.

His body fading into thin air... however Dylan knew he would see it again.

He looked up, out of the darkness emerged none other than Boris the Wolf, his black and white figure a joyful sight to see.

"Boris" Dylan said, walking up to him, giving him a nod of appreciation. He turned his attention back to Cheyenne. She lay on the floor, her breathing heavy, however she was unmoved. Dylan dove to the floor, worried.

"Cheyenne?" He said. No response. He felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up and saw Boris shake his head. He guessed what he was trying to saw was that she was out cold.

Boris pointed to the door opposite them. Dylan nodded, looking down at his friend.

"Alright" he said and lifted her gently. "Lead on, Buddy" 

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