Chapter sixy-two: Don't be our Guest, be our meal instead

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"Who's idea was this?!" Cheyenne yelled over the grunts and heavy breathing of the Guests.

"You tell me!" Dylan yelled back, jumping from one light to another, thankful that it was square instead of circle shaped.

"It was mine!" Alex yelled, "Now stop arguing and run! Or do you want to be their next meal?!" He questioned, gesturing to the never ending swarm of Guests.

Thanks to Alex's flashback, his mumbles had turned into shouts, shouts for Six, that had managed to catch the attention of the Guests, causing the four of them to escape in here, something they wish they didn't do.

"No thanks!" Dylan yelled, "I would like to live long enough to get out of here!"

"Agreed!" Cheyenne said, then pointed to an open door, "Quick! Through there!" She yelled and dropped down from the light, landing on her feet, the others followed.
They stopped, but only for a second to see the turning of large heads, their faces landing in their direction.

"You have got to be kidding me?!" Dylan yelled. It only took that one second for the dining room to become chaos.

"RUUN!" Alex yelled, as the four sprinted across the wooden floor.

"Now who's idea was this?!" Dylan yelled.

"I didn't know! This isn't my dimension!" Cheyenne yelled back, "Alex!? Why didn't you warn us?!" Cheyenne questioned.

"Why I played this game, I promised to forget this stage!" Alex replied,

"Stage?!" Dylan yelled, "So you mean there's more after this?!"

"Yep!" Alex yelled, running faster to dodge a Guests grubby hand.

"Oh come on!" Dylan yelled, "Haven't I been through enough?!"

"Obviously not if you're still here!" Cheyenne added. Then her hand was grabbed by the Nome. "Grayson!? What are you doing?! I know you're afraid but I don't think now's the time for a hand holding session!" Cheyenne said, the Nome pointed to a vent ahead of them.
Her eyes widened.

"Guys look!" She yelled, pointing to the vent.

"An escape!" Dylan yelled, running towards it.

"But it's a vent! And I thought you were claustrophobic?!" Alex yelled to Dylan.

"Does it look like I care right now?!" Dylan yelled back.
Alex shook his head.

"Exactly! Vent or door or something! All I care about is getting out of here!" The other boy yelled.
Cheyenne looked back for a second.

"We'll hurry! They are gaining on us!" She warned.
Dylan and Alex turned around to see the ocean of Guests get closer.

"Shit!" Dylan yelled and when he was inches away from their safety, he slid inside the metal tube, the others following behind him and backing away from the entrance to avoid the Guests overweight fingers.
Once they were far enough, the Nome made his scuffling sound to get the teenagers' attention.

"What is it Grayson?" Cheyenne asked the Nome, he pointed to something in the distance, gesturing the others to follow.
They did.

"Now I understand why you wanted to forget that part Alex" Dylan said, "That was awful!"

"I know" Alex agreed, "You do not want to know how much I raged" he said.

"Too much?" Cheyenne guessed, Alex gave her a look as if to say 'waaay too much'.
Then Dylan said;

"Hey Alex?"

"Yeah?" The boy replied.

"What's that up ahead?" Dylan asked, Alex peered over his friend's shoulder to see what he was on about. Ahead of them, was a small object that greeted them into a larger space.

"It's the Nome's hideout" he answered, staring at the object. He looked at it from all angles, a metal box with a small door on the front, he opened its door, retrieving his lighter and lit the small candle inside, it lit up the whole room, giving it a homy feeling.

"Awww" Cheyenne said, "It's so cute"

"It's all they got" Alex said, looking around the room. Some blankets made into a bed, some toys and drawings on the walls. It wasn't much, it if it was home to the Nome, it was home to them.
While Grayson gave Cheyenne a tour of his hideaway, Dylan and Alex sat down on the pile of blankets.

"You know we have to go back out there right?" Alex said to Dylan. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to think of a plan so we don't have to run through that hell again" Dylan said.

"Why don't we just do what we did with the Chefs?" Cheyenne asked, taking a piece of paper and a blue colouring crayon from the Nome, her favourite colour. "Thanks Grayson" she said kindly to the Nome, while he grabbed a crayon and some paper for himself.

"Yeah, like there's going to be a meat grinder lying about here" Dylan said.

"No, you use your Looking Eye and I'll use Bendy" Cheyenne corrected him.

"It seemed to work last time" Alex added.
Dylan nodded but then said.

"Yeah, but I'm exhausted, and you know what happens if I overdo it"
Cheyenne nodded.

"Then why don't I just use Bendy?" Cheyenne questioned.

"It might work, but how many people do you think he'll be able to eat? He maybe a Demon, but we don't know his limits" Alex summarised.

"I guess your right...then what do we do?" Cheyenne asked, suddenly, the Nome got up from where he was sitting, the piece of paper in his hand, and walked over to the teenagers.

"What is it Grayson?" Cheyenne asked. The Nome held up his drawing for all of them to see. It was a picture of three people, the first two obvious, Cheyenne and Dylan using their weapons, however the third, not so obvious. They had a face scribbled in with black crayon and their clothes in yellow, their hand emitting some more black scribbles.

"Six?" Alex said, he looked at the Nome, "I'm not Six" however, Grayson still held up the picture.

"Maybe you are..." Cheyenne said, a smile on her face.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя