Chapter fourty-six: All is not what it 'sees.'

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"YEES" he said more than a little enthusiastically, "I did it..." he said, shocked but he looked down sadly, "if only Cheyenne was here to see that..." he shook his head he would have to tell her when all of this was over. Now that he thought about it, where were his friends?

If he was here, where were Cheyenne, Luke and Dylan?
He tried to think back to before all this. The salt, the running and the darkness he had saw, but it was what he heard that jogged his memory. Luke's voice calling him.

If they were in danger, then he needed to get out of here as soon as possible, to save them.
And himself from this...

He rushed through the door but his clumsiness, made him tripped and fall, a stinging in his hands and knees. "Ouch" he said loudly and a dim light almost hit his skin, he crawled back in shock,

"The eye of stone" Alex said, "It's here" he got up and against the wall, taking a deep breath, why was it here?
Alex then started to list all of the questions in his mind:
If this was here did that mean he had to go through all the puzzles in Little Nightmares to?

If he had to, did that mean he was playing as Six?' And, if not, where was she?

"No, not the time to theorise now" Alex said to himself, making him come out of his trance. "Now is the time not to get turned into stone" He sneaked forward, almost holding his breath as he came closer to the light. Alex knew what would happen if he got caught by it, everyone who had either played or watched the game knew.

It seemed to be a common thing in games, but the good thing about them was that you could respawn and continue playing, but this seemed a lot different. No do-overs, no respawns, just death.

One step at a time, he made his way past the eye, crouching behind bins, sneaking when the light had moved away from his direction and finally, he had snuck past the camera, but something didn't seem right. He looked back into the No Man's Land, searching for the reason why his gut didn't sit right with him, then he found it. Only a few feet away from him was a child who had fallen, their grey features were just as stoney as their expression, their final moments of living, before... Nothing.

Alex twiddled his thumbs together, not sure why he didn't want to move past it, that's when he figured that had to take them with him.

"Ok" he whispered, waiting for the light to move before he rushed over to the statue, grabbing them by their waist and started dragging them towards safety.

"Come on" he said, moving them with all his might, with incredible luck, the two of them just managed to avoid getting caught by the light and to the corridor of safety. Alex wiped his forehead in relief.
"That was close" he said, he admired the figure next to him, now that he was closer he could make out their terrified features and face of fear. A pang of guilt and hopelessness went through Alex, who knew how long ago they had been turned?
And how much longer they had been standing there?

He looked ahead of him and saw another small and dark vent, then he looked back at the statue. He signed.

"I'm sorry, but, you can't come with me, you won't fit" he said honestly, he found himself, somehow, talking to a deadish person. "But, when I find Six, I will come back for you and maybe get her to free you" he said, hopeful.

With one last smile, Alex made his way over to the vent, he looked back once more, the pit of his stomach no longer filled with cramps of guilt, he began to crawl forward into the darkness of the Maw, when suddenly a rumble echoed through the the vent. Alex looked down to where the organ that made the noise was.

There may not of been cramps of guilt anymore.
There was another rumble.

But the Hunger still remained.

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