Chapter seventy-six: Where's her beak? In the ink of course.

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All of them collided with the floor...again.

"Oof!" They all said, the air being knocked out of their lungs.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" Cheyenne asked, tired of being knocked around. She looked up, trying to search for the Spirit Box.

"Hey! Ghost! How long are you going to keep us here?!"
They were met with Phone Guy once more:

"Uh, Hello?!...Hello?! Hey! You guys are doing great! Most people don't last this long. I mean, you know, they usually move onto other things by now. I'm not implying that they died! Th-That's not what I meant. Uh, anyway, I better not take up too much if your time. Things start getting real tonight."

"Of course it does!" Cheyenne said, rolling her eyes. "Not like it could get anymore real!" She implied.
Dylan shook his head.

"-Because Foxy and Freddy have problems, let's just say that their remaining friends aren't taking that too well..."

"Yeah...I guessed" Alex replied.

"-So, uh, do try to be careful with them, otherwise the only parts of you that would likely see the light of day again would be your eyeballs and teeth when they pop out of the mask, heh.
Yeah, not too great...
So um, I guess I will leave you to it, see you on the flip side!"

"The flip side?" Dylan asked.

"Honestly?! What does he mean?!" Alex asked, holding the Nomes hand, also terrified. Throughout this whole game, so far, the creature had made himself comfortable under the desk, supported by Dylan's legs and feet.

"Maybe the actual flip side",Cheyenne theorised.

"What?" Alex and Dylan said in unison.
Cheyenne stared at them.

"Out of here" she implied.
They all looked at the doors, then at the Spirit Box, blasting out static before words were made out of the uncanny noise.

"Adventure" it said, "Horror" followed by, "Death" and "Liar"

"What?" Cheyenne asked the Spirit in the room.
That's when they heard a familiar and surprising voice:

"I know where Jeffery is!" They heard, "I know your son!"

"Luke?" The three said, confused.
Their words were followed by a giggle from outside the door.

They looked at each other before two of their gazes landed on Cheyenne.

"Bendy" Cheyenne announced, "The door"
The Demon growled and went over to the door, the giggling becoming louder. His claw touched the light button and they all saw a yellow animatronic looking at them through the small window.

"The door!" Cheyenne said, but the robot had slipped inside...

Or had it?...

Standing at the door was the killer animatronic and the Demon, Chicas head lodged in Bendy's stomach.

"Where's my beak?" The bird asked.
It twitched as its head was removed.

"In my ink...of course"
They heard, not Chica, but Bendy say. They stared at both of them, shocked. The Ink Demons body fused with the robots speaker, they stayed there for another second before he let go, watching it fall to the floor in pieces.
The Demon looked back, the same crooked smile in his face seemed to beam brighter.

"Good...Demon" Dylan said, as a familiar light flashed before their eyes.

"The portal-" Cheyenne said, but was cut off by the glitching and twitching of the room. The portal disappeared, leaving the four to witness this new horror.

The floor rumbled underneath them as some of the atmosphere turned into green that hurt their eyes, filled with letters and numbers.

"What's going on?!" Cheyenne yelled, trying not to loose her balance.

"I don't know!" Dylan yelled back, "This hasn't happened before!"
He stopped, hearing the box come to life.

"Adventure!" it said through the static, "Past!"
"Run!" Was all it said, before it cut out completely.

"What?!" They all said, "Liar?! Here?!"
They felt the Nome tug on their clothes, it pointed to a flashing green button on the desk, the three gave each other a worried look, however before they could do anything the Nome had ran over it and pressed it.

The glitching stopped.
As well as the rumbles.
That horror was over.
But a new one remained...

Long ears was the first thing they saw. Attached to a round, almost cute face if it didn't look like it had been put together messily. Purple eyes stared into the darkness, so bright that it almost looked like they were glowing, but they held dark secrets.
Dark lore.
And an even darker past.
And it's smile. Something that a psychopathic killer could wear with ease. But this. This had been made by the hands of a killer.
No. The killer.
A cheery smile turned dark.

And it's body, a light yellow, sort of Beige colour, mixed with green, the same green that had turned their eyes blind. Covered in dark splashes and splotches of... human ichor. A purple vest and tie stitched onto the suit, something a little too familiar to the teenagers.

And standing in front of the the suit. A girl with blonde hair and curious eyes, a crown on her head and a dress made of expensive and delightful pink fabric. About to be ruined by the colour of Death.

"Lęt mē øüt" the animal said. The girl looked at it. Then down at the key in her hands, a smile came to her face.

"Will you be my friend?" She asked.

ãłrėâdŷ äm" the figure said. The girl giggled.

"Ok" she said and opened the door.

"NO!" Cheyenne, Dylan and Alex yelled, all of them screaming, trying to stop her.
Then it all went dark.
And it was her scream they heard end the horror.

No. Begin it...

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now