Chapter one hundred and seven: A potral has been discovered!

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They looked around, well Luke and Dylan did, cluelessly. They had no idea where they were, however, as Cheyenne glanced over to check if her friends were still with her throughout their adventure, met was met with Alex's face last, pale and full of despair, his eyes knowing that this wouldn't end well.

"Phuhuhuhuhu!" They heard, making the four look up. All around them was a circle, no a 'cult' of teenagers, all behind wooden beams, but no, they were podiums.
Cheyenne's eyes widened in fear.
She looked up, seeing a expensive throne ahead of them, on it, their next horror.

"Phuhuhuhuhu!" They said again, it's dark side looking at them first, it's red eye staring into their souls, trying to figure out their hope.
"We have new students!" They said cheerfully, jumping off the chair, it's metallic body walking towards them just a cheerful, it's light side watching them at all times.
It was then all the teenagers became worried.

"Who are you?!" One said, he looked down at them, terrified, his dreadlocks not moving much as he flinched away from the Horror Gang.

"Don't you get it, you fucking dummy! They're new students! Monokuma just said so you dumbass!" Another person said, his ginger hair pointing at the other teen angrily, his scowl carved so deep into his forehead it looked like it was about to crack.

"But...they just got here! can they be students too!" Another student said cautiously, like her words mattered, she adjusted her glasses, she looked just as scared as the other student that had spoken before.
Cheyenne smiled at her, making her retreat.

"Ah! She smiled at me!" She yelled, pointing at Cheyenne in disgust now. Cheyenne looked down, embarrassed that she upset the girl.

"Now! Now!" Another yelled, waving his arms in a robotic motion, trying to get their attention. "I'm sure she meant it as a kind gesture Toko!" The boy yelled at the girl.

"You don't know that dumbass! She could be trying to fucking get on our good side and then kill us! Remember, this is still a fucking killing game!" The ginger haired boy yelled.

"That is possible..but where did they come from?" Another boy said, swiping a piece of his blonde hair of his face, holding on to his square glasses, trying to figure the four other teens out.

"That...that is very true..." the other glasses girl said, blushing a little and hiding her face behind her plat to stop the others from seeing her smile.

"Phuhuhuhuhu!" The metallic thing said, Monokuma, laughed, breaking the confusion.

"Ah! I bet Monokuma brought them here!" Another female said, she pointed at Dylan, making her red jacket move a little, as well as her 'floating' ponytail.

"Phuhuhuhuhu! No! If I'm honest, which I always am, I didn't! They came here all on here own!" The black and white bear laughed again, although he too was confused at the Horror Gangs appearance.
Finally, Luke had had enough of being on the floor, so he got up and make a usual.

"HEY! LISTEN YOU FUCKING DUMB SHITS! WERE FROM...NOT THIS PLACE!" Luke shouted at them, looking at the bear in anger and fear.
This then started off an argument with the other loudmouth in the room.

Cheyenne and the blonde haired boy both face palmed themselves. Then the other boy joined in.

"I suggest you don't talk to my bro like that young man! Do you have any idea what he can do!?" He yelled, not as loudly, at Luke.

"OH YEAH?! WELL DO YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT I CAN-MHMMMHH!" Luke tried to yell back as a threat, but Cheyenne had slapped her hand around his mouth, stopping him from bursting all their eardrums.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now