Chapter seventy-two: The 'rumoured' children of the Maw

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As Alex looked around, he couldn't help but notice the sinking feeling in his heart, he turned his head to face Cheyenne, then Dylan, then all the other children.

Then down at his hands.
His manly hands.

"Five collects them, harnesses their fake ice identities and gets rid of them" Three had told him, her blonde now moving slightly by the elevator. "Fives is to be rid Lies"

"I have a feeling that I'm no longer a girl..." Alex said to himself, slightly upset, for the mere moments that he was a girl he felt like himself.

His true self.

Then a terrified voice brought him back to the present.

"What is that thing?!" He heard The RunAway Kid asked, horrified.

"My power" Cheyenne said, "Bendy, the Ink Demon"
Dylan smiled.

"He's harmless" he added as Bendy went over to the Nome, the creature pointing out each child as he made his usual scuffling l. He was probably introducing them.

"I hardly believe that!" The boy in green said, Cheyenne rolled her eyes.

"Well if you would like I could get him to rip your head off" she suggested. The Demon growled,

"He's good at doing that" Dylan cut in. The boy shook his head.

"No thanks" was all he said before there was silence once more.

"Do you have a power?" The blonde girl asked Dylan. He fetched the Looking Eye from the loop of his trousers.

"This is my power" Dylan said, holding it up to his face like he was going to fire it. "Wanna see?"

He was cut off by Cheyenne and Alex.

"NO!" They said.

"Do you want us to fall to our Deaths?!" Cheyenne asked.
Alex went pale.

"Fall" he said in fear.

"Oh right" Dylan said, putting the device away, "Sorry"

"Save it for when we get attacked" Alex mentioned.

"Attacked?" The bandaged boy questioned. Alex nodded.

"The Guests restaurant is by the gateway" Alex said, "I thought you would know the layout of the Maw?" He said, the boy shook his head, making his bandages shake from side to side.

"We haven't left the lower layers in a long time" One said, piping into the conversion, "Ever since my sister got turned into stone"
The other five nodded in agreement.

"I've been the only person leaving for food and supplies while the others were supposed to look out for her" the RunAway Kid continued, "But I found you instead" he finished.

"And you freed me" Three added, smiling at Alex. Alex smiled back as the elevators doors opened with a 'ding'.

One by one, they exited cautiously, careful not to interrupt the Guests a hundredth meal.
They crept down the middle of the room, their feet treading on a long rug, a familiar shade of reddish-brown. Perfect to describe the Guests' plates, towered up with meat.
Cheyenne looked at it in horror and disgust.

"Do you think that they know what they are eating?" She asked the group.

"Probably, as they were trying to eat us" Alex said.

"Don't tell me we have to go through that again!" Dylan said, almost sarcastically but afraid.
Alex shook his head.

"Not this time" he mentioned and turned to Five, walking behind him. "Can you clean up after me?"

"Yes" the girl in the cloak said and moved to the front of the crowd. Followed by Two, Three, Four, Cheyenne and Dylan and the Nome, holding Bendy's hand, terrified.
With a slow breath, Alex shouted into the nearly empty restaurant.

He stepped back, as a dozen heads looked his way. And the restaurant became chaos...again.

Alex held out his hand, the black mist from before forming with his skin and also emerging from it filled the room. Then, all that could be heard was painful, heavy breathing as the Guests crawled closer.
Alex turned towards Cheyenne.

"Can I borrow him for a few minutes?" He said, gesturing towards the Demon.

"Bendy" Cheyenne said, pointing to the soulless Guests as the Ink Demon, knowing what to do, made his way past the group of children and looked in front of the overweight people and growled. He opened his ribcage for the Guests to see their reflections before they were gone, their masks not even touching the ground before it was consumed by Five.

Five, with her hood down.

"As your Lies are withered away, there will always be another to take your place" she said. But before anyone could ask what her mantra meant, they were surrounded by another and my of Guests.

"I thought you said that we don't have to go through this again!" Dylan yelled as more enemies began to disappear.

"We don't!" Alex yelled back, "Now that we have the Rumoured Children!"

"What?!" Dylan said, Three tapped him on the shoulder.

"That's us" she said, gesturing to the other children. "The rumoured escaped children of the Maw"

"Oh" Dylan said, "That makes sense!" He ran before another Guest was killed by their reflection.
Then all of the kids stopped. Trapped

"There's too many!" Alex yelled, turning to Cheyenne.
She thought for a moment before she she shouted.

"Everyone get by me!" She ordered. They did as Bendy's black ink covered their view and the chaos outside of it turned to silence.
Bendy's ink merged with Cheyenne's skin once more as they all were met with an empty restaurant.
The other five children gasped, while Dylan and Alex stared out trying to find an exit.

"Woah!" They said, "How did he do that?!" The boy in the bandages asked.

"The Guests don't like their reflection" Alex answered.

"Yeah! Let's just say looks really can kill!" Dylan said, Cheyenne laughed.

"I guess" she said to him, they looked around at the empty restaurant, no more Guests blocking their view of the way out of this nightmare. This big nightmare.

"Talking about looks" The boy in green said, "Look what I found"
He pointed to a large metallic door a few few away from them.

"The gateway!" Three and Alex called out.

"Freedom!" Dylan and One said.

"Home..." Cheyenne and Five said.

They ran to the exit, joyful that this game would soon be over. They opened the gateway, a long line of steps leading upwards greeting them.
Then, with a smile from everyone, they climbed  out into the world...

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