Chapter twenty-one: Not a Angel Worshiper

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"I forgot how dark it is" Cheyenne Said.

"It definitely didn't seem this dark in the-" Dylan was cut off by Cheyenne's death glare. He gulped, "-in the safe house" he said. Dylan turned towards the wolf.

"You ok Boris?" He asked. The wolf had begun to shake a little, he pointed at the flashlight on the table.

"Oh I forgot, he doesn't like the dark" Cheyenne said. She looked at the light on the small desk, it was covered in tools and food.

"Typical Boris" Cheyenne said to herself as she picked up the flashlight. "You guys ready?" She asked, they both nodded. "Alright" she finished and the three of them headed into the darkness.

"You know where you're going, right Cheyenne?" Dylan asked.

"Course, I mean it would be stupid if I got sent to this game without knowing the way" he heard.

"If you say so" Dylan replied. They had been walking for almost ten minutes now. The darkness and noises of who knows what was the only thing that really seemed to fill the silence. All three of them had been keeping lookout for anything unusual. So to say, this whole place was just that. He turned and saw Boris, looking around, completely fine.

"You ok Buddy?" He asked, the wolf half nodded in a response, he was too interested in his surroundings. Dylan shrugged. He had been checking on the character a lot, mainly to see if he was alright, but also, if he hadn't disappeared...

"We're here" Cheyenne Said, waking towards a faint light, turning off her manual one. She looked at the door. "What a surprise, the door is locked. She turned towards the 'boys' staring at Boris. "Do you think you could help us out?" She asked, Boris nodded, looking at the flashlight in Cheyenne's hand.

"Right, here" she said, passing him the torch. "Be careful" she said as Boris opened the vent. The teenagers watched him go, realising that they had to face this hell together. They looked at each other, worried.

"Nothings gonna come after us?" Dylan questioned. Cheyenne shook her head.

"No, not yet, however Boris will" she said, smiling to herself. Dylan thought for a second, then realised what she meant, joining her smile. It faded as the door opened.

"You...ready" Cheyenne said nervously, the boy saw her glance at her hands, half of one covered in ink, while the other was pitch black.

"Ready as I'll ever be... I guess" Dylan tried to say without sounding anxious. The girl nodded.

"Then let's go" the both of them walked through the metal doors, into the new area and was met with a deafening silence.

"It's so quite" Dylan said, taking a step forward, his footstep echoing down the corridor.

"Always is, I realised now why this part was never changed" Cheyenne Said,

"Why?" Dylan questioned, she stood still pointing holding her fingers out in front of her, the top pointing upwards. Nothing.

"That's why" she said, Dylan raised his brow in confusion, Cheyenne sighed. "The silence"

"Ohh" Dylan said understanding what she meant.

"It kills people with anticipation" she said as she walked down the corridor, Dylan joining her. "So" she said, changing the subject, "Who else survived in The Underground?"

Dylan thought, trying to jog his memory of his adventure,

"Sans, obviously" he started, "Alphys, uhhh Flowey-"

"-Really?" Cheyenne interrupted, Dylan nodded.

"Trust me, if you ever go there, don't ask him about The War" Dylan warned. Cheyenne nodded.

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