Chapter eighty-one: The active attractions

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The four searched the darkness once again, only seeing the familiar yet unsettling inside of a mask, the mask. Looking around in horror. What they saw, what it saw was an even creepier sight, the three animatronics staring into its soul.
Their souls.
Bonnie, Chica and Freddy's eyes gone, only leaving a blank abyss.

"How do I get out of here?" The robot asked its peers.
They didn't answer.
Only stared.

The robot turned its head to the empty audience. However, instead of it being empty, there was someone.
No. Something there.
It skipped towards him so vividly, almost as if one of the lights were focused on the thing. But, they weren't, they were on it and it's peers. Then, why was it glowing green?
And why was it glitching?
And why was it dancing?
The animatronic's thoughts were interrupted by a giggle and before the teenagers could see more, they were devoured by the light.

"There was something that looked like a Halloween mask laying on the floor, I didn't understand, ink must have spilt. It was only then that I heard a shuffle from the testing room and realised Jeremy must be there. I went back and peered in the window, I couldn't see his face, he had the visor covering his head. He had ink spilled on himself as well, the front of the shirt looked black in the dark room, he turned his head in my direction, but I don't think he knew I was there..."
within the darkness, the teens waited for the click of the next tape to turn on. It did.

"The drawers have been emptied out, someone was here. I don't think it was spring cleaning either, no, there was plastic on the floor, someone was definitely here during the night, had to be the client, I mean, they sent us that stuff in the first place with no explanation, told us to scan, it said it would expedite the process so we wouldn't need to program any path finding ourselves, it was a budget thing I guess. It was just junk, circuit boards and things like that, looked pretty old, somehow though, there was usable code on some of it, it seemed to take hold by itself, things started changing, but then, he started appearing, at least that's what Jeremy said..."
There was a pause before the third click.

"Jeremy complained of nightmares when he came in this morning. He wasn't talking about it like someone telling a friend about his dreams though, he was pale, looked like he hadn't eaten in days, he spent an hour talking in Dale's office, but it didn't look like he was given much sympathy, when he came out, he went directly back to the testing room. He doesn't even jump anymore, nothing scares him, he just stands there like he's talking to someone, sometimes he rocks from side to side. We're told to leave him alone, I knew I was in line to do the testing next, they'd been prepping me for it, I guess they knew that Jeremy would need to be replaced soon..."

The tape ended with the same click as the teens were taken back to their present. They braced themselves to be met with either the rabbits or animatronics but neither came...yet.
The phone clicked on again and they were met with the frenulum voice of Phone Guy:

"Hello? Hello? See! I told you you wouldn't have any problems!
Did...uh, Foxy ever appear in the hallway? Probably not.-"

"Probably not!" Cheyenne blurted out.

"-I was just curious. Like I said, he was always my favourite. They tried to remake Foxy you know? They thought the last one was too scary, so they tried to register him to be more kid friendly and put him in Kids Cove. To keep the toddlers entertained...But kids these days just can't keep their hands to themselves, the staff literally have to put him back together after every shift. So eventually, they stopped and left him as some 'take apart put together' attraction. Now he's just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as 'The Mangle'...

Anyway, just wanted to warn you as I think he might get a bit active during the night, but our guard during the day hasn't reported anything unusual. And he's on watch from opening till close.
Ok, well anyway, hang in there and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow."
The phone too clicked off and left them in horrid silence.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang