Chapter two: Theories

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The crowds of students only got worse the closer the two walked to school. The chatter and shouts of students surrounded them as they walked, some running and pushing past them to get to school faster, while some others hurried at a steady pace. The rush of cars (who had either dropped off their children or were driving to work) zoomed past them, increasing the chaos around them.

"The walk to school was always manic" Cheyenne thought,

"Did you see the latest theory?" Alex asked, breaking Cheyenne's conversation in her head.

"Huh?" She asked, "Oh yeah!" She said, "The one where they think The Lady is Six's mum" she stated, Alex nodded,

"I don't think it's true" he said, more blue ties walking past them. Cheyenne turned,

"Why?" She asked, confused.

One of her favourite theorists, SuperHorrorBro, said that it was true- with evidence to back it up-  so she believed it, however that was her one of her weaknesses, she was very naive.

"It was said on the Little Nightmares Twitter account that the theory wasn't true" Alex announced.

"Really?" Cheyenne asked, her question was answered by the screen of Alex's phone. It was simple and wasn't that big, not like an IPhone or a Nokia, with a black phone case and a chipped screen protector, a bit like hers. On it, was the familiar blue bird in top corner, followed by a tweet from the developers of Little Nightmares.

"The Lady has no Heir in the Maw, Six however, she has a different story..." it was followed by probably a million tweets from fans or theorists.

"Oh..." Cheyenne Said, interested. "Well I still think it's true" she said, Alex nodded,

"Whatever you think Cheyenne" he said in an as good as an sarcastic voice he could manage. The girl rolled her eyes, she had guessed that Alex had a crush on her for a while now, it was quite obvious as he went bright red after his comment. "Sorry" he said, she waved her hand to tell him that she didn't mind. It was a shame she had feelings for someone else otherwise he would of asked her by now...

They walked in silence, the only thing that filled the noise was their footsteps and ragged breath. It was always cold in Bristol, especially in winter and although there was no chance of snow it was still cold. Eventually, Alex couldn't handle the quite anymore and looked down at his phone,

"It's almost 10 Cheyenne, we should probably hurry" he said, the girl nodded and started to jog, Alex doing the same to keep up with her. Cheyenne saw her breath blow away in the icy cold, the same temperature that nipped at her fingers and nose, making it run, she wiped it with her coat sleeve and continued to jog, pushing past other students to try and get there faster.

The school gates where covered in frost that glimmered in the sunlight as the two friends passed them, breathless, tired and warmer than they once were.

"Look" Said Cheyenne breathlessly, pointing beyond the crowd. There, behind a group of year 7's, was their other friend Dylan. The only reason why they recognised him was by his hair. He had grown it out during the summer holidays, so not only was it thicker, but much curlier. Cheyenne had tried several times to touch it, or move it out of his eyes but he had resisted.

"Hey!" Alex shouted, Cheyenne stared at him, he was really good at embarrassing people. He ran across the road with out looking to greet him, which made Cheyenne shout from pure fear.

"Alex!" She said, her voice cracking at the end. She jogged over to him, a cross look on her face and hit him lightly on the arm.

"Why did you do that?!" She asked, Dylan laughed, making her forget about the situation.

"So, when I was having a good morning going to KFC to get some chicken, Alex was trying not to die from getting ran over" Dylan said,

"What?" Alex and Cheyenne said in unison. Within seconds, behind a tree that Dylan was leaning on, was a big bucket of chicken. The KFC logo printed across it.

"What the fuck Dylan?!" Cheyenne said through laughter, "You actually went to KFC and bought a boneless banquet!" Dylan joined in and nodded, taking a piece for himself and passing the bucket around. "I can't believe you!" Cheyenne continued.

After everyone had taken a piece, Alex blurted out,

"Oh Dylan did you watch the new theory on Little Nightmares?" He asked through a full mouth. Dylan nodded,

"Yeah course I did" he said. Soon after he had said that the crowds of students started to head inside. Dylan turned to the door.

"You guys ready to go through the strange glass thing that opens and into hell?" They nodded laughing again.

"By the way" Cheyenne Said, "Does anyone know where Luke is?" Dylan shook his head.

"Nope, but if I were to guess he would be flying here right now on his intergalactic slime from Terraria to get here faster"

They all burst into laughter once more and headed inside.

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