Chapter eighty-nine: A suspect installed

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"Ok so what happened to the plan?" Cheyenne asked, running through the house's corridors.
Dylan turned to face her for a moment.

"Out the window" Dylan said, pointing to a window across from them.

"Oh no way!" Alex said, panicked. "We are not going through the window!" He yelled.
A chorus of giggles answered Dylan's question he was going to say.

"We are not going-" he was yanked by the corner of his school shirt, dragging him around a corner and thrusting him forward.

"Yes we are" Cheyenne said, "We are going to hide" she continued, a playful smile coming to her face.

"Wait?! What!" Alex said, annoyed that he was pranked.
It was Dylan's turn to laugh.

"Do you think we really were going jump through a window?!" He said through his fits.

"YES!" He said, even more annoyed.
Cheyenne put her hand on his shoulder.

"Well we weren't" she said. "Why would we? I thought you were the logical one?" She continued.

"I am! But you know how much I hate heights"
He said.
Dylan laughed.

"Don't worry, I hate them too" he reassured his friend.

"Yeah, but I don't!" Cheyenne exclaimed. She jumped up and down, excited for no real reason.
Dylan gave her a weird look.

"You ok?" He asked. Cheyenne nodded, she looked like she was on a sugar high.

"Sorry just the adrenaline" she said, "It's starting to get to me!" She beamed at them.

"Alright...Cheyenne's high" Dylan half joked.

"I am not...just excited that's all" she said, "Am I not allowed to be high- I mean, excited?"

"What did you take?" Dylan asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"Nothing! I'm just excited!" She said.

"For what?" Alex caught on.

"For...I don't know! I just get excited when I'm scared that's all!" She admitted.

"Ohhhh!" Dylan said, getting it, "You made yourself hyper didn't you?" He summarised. She nodded actively.

"That makes sense" Alex added, nodding along.
She jumped up and down some more, her smiled as wide as her eyes, sparkling within the darkness, they were like a mirror, her eyes themselves showing that she was happy, but inside her pupils reflected a horror.
Dylan turned to see it. Or them. Slowly creeping, skipping with silent steps along the floor towards them.

"We have to get out of here!" He exclaimed, the others turned to see why.

"Why are they here?!" Alex shouted, backing away from the group, the other two following his movements.

"To kill us!" Cheyenne answered, now actually talking and being like herself, the adrenaline had worn off, only leaving the dread in her heart and sinking in her stomach. 

"Come on!" Dylan said, pointing to the door next to them. They fled inside, shutting the door behind them. Breathing heavily, they looked around seeing a familiar sight.

"Crying Child's room" Dylan said, recognising the pile of FNAF plushies on the floor.

"Evan's room" Cheyenne corrected him.
Just the sight of it brought back memories of that one time Cheyenne tried to play Thai game and died instantly to Chica.
That reminded her, they had met every other animatronic apart from Bonnie and Chica.
Where were they?
She stopped her thinking by Dylan pointing to a door across the room.

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