Chapter sixty-six: Replacement of a lost soul

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Cheyenne, Dylan, Alex and the Nome stared at each other in the silence, listening to the clangs and twangs of the elevator, taking them to their final destination.

The Lady's Quarters.
The place of Death.

As the four gave each other a shared look of worry, the silence was broken by the one person who couldn't break it as sweet as they did.

The Nome.
Hugging Cheyenne.

She looked down at him in complete astonishment. The most precious being in this dimension, giving her affection. It was almost to much for her to bare. So, she wrapped her arms around Grayson gently, smiling to herself. They stayed like that for a seconds before he pulled away, fetching something from Alex's school shorts' pocket.

"Here" Alex said, giving him a curved piece of paper. The Nome walked towards Cheyenne, holding the drawing over his face and making his hands into claws.
It was supposed to represent his new friend. The last thing in this dimension that Cheyenne would ever consider a friend.

"It was his surprise to you and him" Alex said, looking at the Nome. Cheyenne looked at him, smiling and within seconds, her skin formed with the black substance that was the Demon.

The Nome in excitement showed him his new costume. The Ink Demon growled but instead of lashing out at the creature, he mimicked his actions.
The Nome hugged him, it was probably his way of saying; 'Thank you.'

The other three stared, their hearts filled with joy, smiling at the pair as a single happy tear ran down Cheyenne's cheek. It soon become sad as she remembered that they would have to depart.

"Who needs Boris when you've got Grayson" Dylan said, he stopped, rethinking his words, "Uhhh...I mean and Grayson" he corrected.
Alex nodded, agreeing with him.

"It's a shame I never got to see the wolf" Alex said, "He's my favourite" 

Their bonding was stopped by a 'ding', hopefully the last, that announced they had arrived.

"The Lady's Quarters" Alex said, stepping out of the lift and looked around. The same reddish-brown surroundings that stained the walls and floors, pictures of children long gone. Vanished into the past, or the Maw, never escaping. Alex looked at the gallery of pictures, children of every kind, some he recognised while others unknown, a boy with a paper bag over his face, a girl with blonde hair and a girl with a face that looked like china, fragile and pretty, subtle, maybe to be revealed in the theory or a next game, however Alex stared at the centre of the gallery, a girl with black hair covering her eyes.

Unknown but heard of.
He looked next to it, a staircase ascending upwards. Then, Alex remembered;

"A halo ascending above our sea.."

"And then they are no more"

"The Guests must eat. The Maw must survive..."

"But they are dead. The Maw must die..."

"For none that enter return to tell the tale..."

"At least...Not yet"

"Send on a ferry upon our sea..."

"We're going to the place where this all started..." Alex said, "Where vengeance, unfinished business and sharp claws are" he finished and started to climb the stairs...

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