Chapter thirty-three: He's still here...

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The one they all fear. The one who started this. The one who is gone. Or so they thought.

"Seriously, Sammy?!" Cheyenne said in shock,

"You have got to be kidding me" Dylan said, "What's up with this guy? Following you around like a stalker, it's starting to get a little creepy" Dylan mentioned,

"Yeah, I know, think how I feel, turning a corner and he's there" Cheyenne replied. She stepped closer to the figure then stopped, what she hadn't realised was what he was standing in front of, none other than Bertrum Piedmont's fairground ride, his face, most of the wooden structure that surrounded him and the ground were covered in black, only leaving a few gaps near his head, that implied that the somewhat lovable character was dead.
It seemed to be a common thing that happened down here.
Something that shouldn't happen at all...

"What happened here?" Cheyenne asked the insane character, he turned towards her, laughing still from Bertram's death.

"My Little Sheep" Sammy started, "It's you I must keep. In the morning you will be mine, I must not let you die" Sammy said,

"I must not let you die..." he repeated, laughing again after.

"Uhhhh" Cheyenne said, "Sammy... I'm still alive.."

"I think he's loosing it" Dylan said, he was quickly met with Sammy, his mask covering his face, and the crooked smile that was known to be everywhere looked a little too crooked now that Dylan could get a closer look. A really closer look as the man and boy were face to face.

"I must not let her die!" Sammy tried to whisper, but ended up shouting at the end.

"Ok...." Dylan replied a little startled.
He turned back to Cheyenne,

"My Little Sheep, you have been wandering, The Lord told me so" Sammy said, finally making some sort of sense.

"Yeah, I said that Sammy, I want to be set free" Cheyenne said, she pointed to her friends, "We all want to be set free" she said.
The inky figure put his finger to his chin.

"I know someone who wants to be set free" Sammy said, giggling to himself.

"Who?" Cheyenne and Dylan said in unison, they were both curious,
Sammy turned his head slowly to the doorway, Cheyenne followed his gaze and was met with a horrible feeling in her stomach.

"Dylan...." Cheyenne said quickly, the boy also turned and saw the horror that was lurking by the door. He backed away from the darkness, as Cheyenne continued;
"There's a Little Miracle Station by the switch in this room" Cheyenne didn't even have to finish before the boy started running towards the station, panicking as he did so. As he went he heard Cheyenne say,

"Tom, use your axe on him, I'll handle Sammy" Cheyenne said, charging head first into the battle with not one, but two iconic characters.
She didn't know what to really do., she has no weapon like Tom or fighting ability like Sammy, he was stronger and much faster than her, she was just about able to avoid being grabbed by him, moving back and forwards or managing to use the ink to get away from him,

"The ink" Cheyenne thought to herself, she may not be able to get out of this by herself, but what happens if she had some help?

"This may go one of two ways" Cheyenne said, placing her hands into the black substance, he might come and save me.
Or he might claim me.
There was a loud rumble from below, followed by the splitting of ink and The Demon emerging from it.

"This is how you should of ended" Cheyenne said, she turned towards Tom who was still trying to take down the projectionist.
"Both of you!"

With a ear splitting roar, the familiar screech of the Demon, the Ink Demon launched himself at Sammy, grabbing his chest and pulled him into the inky abyss. However, before Sammy's body could reach the puddle, a flash of white light hit him in the chest and Bendy's hand, making him let go of the satanic character as Sammy sunk into the darkness, Cheyenne guessed he was probably dead.

She turned towards the cause of the light and was met with a surprising yet heartwarming sight, but before she could do anything, Bendy had turned towards the other fight that was going on, the clanging that came from Tom's arm awakening his senses that there was a fight, and although he couldn't see, he knew where they were.

"TOM MOVE!" Cheyenne yelled at the wolf, he turned to her for a second, seeing the demonic figure moving towards him at a rapid pace and dove out of the way, just in time to avoid the Demons grasp as he heard the tearing of The Projectionist's head as it tumbled onto the floor and was devoured by the darkness.
Cheyenne stared at the sight of The Projections body, ink running like a water fountain flooded from his neck as she heard a low growl from the beast that held the corpse and movement as the creature walked away from the crime scene, taking the last piece of evidence they had left with him.

He continued to run, the station in sight. Then stopped, seeing  a familiar faint glow beside his leg,

"The Looking Eye" he said, pulling it free from his jeans, he turned back seeing a catastrophe before him. Cheyenne stood in the centre of the madness, her eyes glowing bright yellow as a dark figure escaped the floor and sea of ink they were standing in, he saw to his horror.
Without a second thought he aimed the device at the demon as he grabbed hold of Sammy, the man yelling and pleading to be let go.
"I hope you work properly this time" Dylan wished then grabbed onto the handle, the device shaking in his hands before a plasma beam shot from the glass, making the room glow bright white.

It was followed by a roar and a yell from his friend, whatever he did seemed to work.
But at the same time it didn't.
As he was still here...

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum