Chapter fifty: Monsters and nightmares

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Alex ventured through the darkness, nothing but rows of iron, used to imprison Minors. Temporarily, until they meet their fate.
The fate his friend would face soon if he didn't hurry.

"Nome!" Alex yelled, no answer. "Where are you?" Still no answer.
Then a sliver of freedom.

A rope attached to a cage, just high enough to reach a button. Alex looked up and then back down to see the glimmer and glimpses of a metallic door.

"An elevator" Alex said, a smile appearing on his face. Almost immediately, Alex climbed up the rope, the friction of it making him have rope burn, the sensation making him feel more alive than he ever has during this whole senario. He reached out, his hand stinging by the redness of his palm, although his whole body hurt from malnutrition, he still used all his unnatural strength to open the door. To push the button.
To be free.
Once again
Alex reached out and felt his finger move forward by an inch, followed by the lifting of a gate and a small ding that echoed through the silence, pushing back the monsters.
Pushing back the nightmares.
The frail boy decended down from from the cage and stumbled to the lift, wondering where it went, as he stared at it in awe,  he realizes that this wouldn't be the last time he would stare at these walls again.

Automatically, the doors closed and the elevator moved upward. Second's passed, only the rumbling of this contraption filled the silence. Then, another ding made Alex find his way back to reality. Alex saw within the artificial light, the long limbed janitor blocked his way forwards freedom and with even more horror he saw body bags, lots of them.

" Holy shit! What the fuck!?" Alex thought. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Quietly, Alex took on a deep breath, trying to calm down his pounding heart, it wasn't helping. Slowly, he stepped forward, praying to whatever Lord or Saviour there was in this nightmare.
One step, another. Another.
Thump, thump, thump...

Another, another. Another.
Thump, thump, thump...
He took one final step, inches away from the hatch he needed to go through. With gritted teeth, he took the final step.
And burst into a sprint and down the hatch into a pit of darkness.
A pit of more monsters.
A pit of more nightmares.

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