Chapter sixty-eight: The sacrifice of the Yellow Raincoat...

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Alex scanned the room, first seeing thousands of smashed mirrors, their cracks representing Alex's heart as they reflected what had made it damaged.

Two crumpled bodies sprawled out across the floor.

One, a nightmare.
Another, little. Their yellow raincoat hurting Alex's eyes because of its colour. It may be been the brightest thing in the room, but it had the darkest past.

It might of as well been painted red from the amount of blood it spilled.
Or black, from the number of lost souls it caused.
Alex stared at it in desperation and remorse.
It was his destiny to wear it.
And to be the sacrifice of it...

As he focused on the coat, Alex was mildly unaware of the darkness, surrounding him, consuming him.
Trying to show him the fight scene.

He was met with a disgusting sight. After all this time, all these flashbacks, he saw what he didn't, and did, want to see.

What was behind the 'perfect' mask.

It was a hideous, monstrous mess. Her face. Her skin, gracefully bursting out the porcelain mask, free from the restraints.
And her eyes. Dead, apart from the twisted sadness. Her face, sweating with tears, not only from her eyes, but pores.
It was like her whole face was crying.
Begging to be beautiful.

Something she had traded long ago.
To stop fleeing the world.
To forget the other places consumed in the chaos of the outside.

To keep the engine running.

"The Guests must eat" She sang, "The Maw must survive"

She combed her hair in what seemed to be the only mirror not fully broken.
Until it reflected the one thing that would cause her empire to crumble...

A yellow raincoat.
And a small mirror...

The stepping in glass caused Alex to regain consciousness. He looked down, seeing the same mirror that had killed the Lady. He looked at her body, lifeless. Something that should of been like that years ago.
Then, he looked at the former Six. The raincoat off of her slim and decaying body.
That's when it hit him.

Six didn't die because the Lady killed her.
She died because of the Hunger.

He looked down at his feet. The piece of clothing on the floor. Waiting for him.
It was like it was saying;

'Your turn'
Toying with him, waiting for him to full fill his destiny.

Alex took a deep breath and picked up the coat.  He stared at it for a second before pulling the sleeves over his arms along with the rest of the coat. His coat now.
Then, he felt the darkness consume him once and for all, like it always did. The new found development ready for him to test and explore.

"Alex?" He heard Cheyenne say, he turned and was met with gasps from his friends.

"What is it?" He asked them.

"You're-" Cheyenne tired to say.

"You're-" Dylan also said.

"Her" they said in unison.

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