Chapter sixty-three: How do I look?

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Alex paced around the hideaway, baffled.

"I don't even have powers! How can I be Six?!" He said,

"You said it yourself" Cheyenne mentioned, "Maybe that's why you're here" she said.

"Yeah!" Dylan agreed, "I mean you got no shoes, you got the Hunger and you are very agile! All that's really left is-"

"-The raincoat and powers" Cheyenne cut in.

"Well it's not like I'm going to casually find another raincoat here, am I?!" Alex said, "Maybe we should just stick with the other plan" he sighed, making tiny specs of dust float off the floor, from their home. Alex felt a little connection with them.

"Now you know what it's like to be away from home" he thought.

"Maybe your right" Cheyenne said, forcing a smile on her face to cover up the disappointment she felt. She needed to be strong for her friends, otherwise they were never going to get out of here.

"Just remember" she thought, "If you cry you die"

"But are you sure you're going to be able to cope with all those Guests by yourself?" Dylan asked. Cheyenne nodded.

"I'll be fine, and not only will I have you guys I'll also have the Demon" she mentioned.

"Right" Dylan agreed. They all stared at the Nome, holding up another drawing, the figures eyes filled with vengeance, like a ghost with unfinished business and a pair of draping robes, revealing claws as sharp as teeth.

"The Lady" Alex said, he stared at it in disgust, all he wanted to do was tear the drawing apart, like one of the Lady's shattered mirrors or bring the picture to her to show how ugly she was.
"Like the small mirror Six uses" Alex said aloud.

"What about the mirror?" Cheyenne asked, then an idea came to the boy.

"Cheyenne?" Alex questioned, "Are you able to see yourself in Bendy" he said, Cheyenne gave him a confused look. "Like your reflection" he added.

"Yes, what are you getting at?" Cheyenne asked.
Alex smiled.

Somehow it seemed that their run from before didn't seem chaotic enough for the teenagers. So, thanks to the empire of Guests in The Maw, the chaos was a lot worse.

"I hope this works" Dylan said to himself, running fast to get away from the Guests, but not to far; he remembered what Alex had said:

"And what about you Dylan? I mean it's called a Looking Eye for a reason right?"

With a hopeful breath, he gave a nod to his friends holding up the device.

"You don't have to use it, you just have to get close enough so they can see their reflection"
Alex had explained.

One of the crawling Guests made eye contact with the glass panel, then his body was gone, replaced with a stream of black mist and a fleshy mask, lost in the crowd of his peers.
Soon to have the same fate.

Dylan smiled in relief, once again, Alex's plan had worked.
He just hoped it would for the others.

Cheyenne ran, loosing her friends in the swarm of chaos, it made her anxiety explode from within her, as well as Bendy. Not having her friends within her sight was one thing, but being surrounded by enemies was another.

"Bendy" Cheyenne said to the Demon, "Why don't you show them how pretty you are"
With a growl from the beast, he began to loom over the foes and with a crooked smile and toothy grin, opened his ribcage to reveal not organs, but his spine, moulded out of ink, shining in the Guests direction. They might of moved fast, but they were not fast enough to avert their eyes from the mesmerising substance, they too disappeared into the black mist, swirling around the room, they to leaving their mask, the only respect they got were the feet and stomachs of the other Guests.
Cheyenne smiled.

"Now you know what it's like to have no self esteem" she said. She looked at the Ink Demon proudly, "Good job" she said, "Now go show them who's scarier" she ordered.

Alex was met with only one thing. Hundreds and thousands of hands, all reaching towards him like he was either a famous celebrity or a wanted boy. Both known for very different reasons, ones that Alex would not like to endure.

The faint scuffling, emphasising the cries of the Nome broke Alex's catastrophising.

"Nome?!" He yelled, the sausage fingers belonging to the Guests gaining on the boy making him fun faster, then darkness hit.

It was unlike the darkness he had seen before, it was a black mist. A new found experience.

"What is this?" Alex asked himself, searching every bone, vein and brain cell in his body to figure out where this new found development came from. The black mist desolving into his blood system, becoming a part of him that he will have to explore later.
Suddenly, a shadow towered over his figure, matching his height just a quickly as it came, Alex dove out of the way.

"Hey elephant!" He yelled, the noise it made told Alex that the Guests was offended. "Eat this!" He yelled, grabbing Six's lighter and shoving it in the persons face, it screeched as it saw its own reflection. But before it had time to react, they were gone, disfigured into the same black mist that Alex saw earlier, the substance forming with his skin.
He turned towards his companion only saying one thing:


The two darted to their only choice of escape, a lift. They ran before seeing two other figures joining their gang.

"To the lift!" Alex ordered, as the four outran their enemies, decreased to half the army they once were, to their only form of sanctuary. As the gates opened, they slid inside, the iron bars closing again as they did so, like it had been waiting for them. The four turned, seeing Death beyond the bars, Alex pressed the button  to go anywhere but here, he sighed. Once again he had avoided Deaths grip.

"That was close" Cheyenne said, leaning against one of the four walls they were enclosed by.

"I can't believe it worked" Dylan added, joining Cheyenne as the Nome sat on the ground next to them.

"You're telling me! I almost got grabbed!" Alex said, "If it weren't for Six's lighter I would of been a freshly delivered meal!" He said, but before anyone could say anything the lift gave a small 'ding' and the doors opened to reveal their new territory. A hallway.

"We don't have much time" Alex said, stepping out the elevator and into the corridor, before another word was said, he set off in a direction to the only door.
Once he was there he opened it.

"In here" he said, "And hurry!"
As Dylan shut the door behind him, they heard another 'ding' from the elevator.

"Who's that?" Cheyenne asked, but she was met with a panicked Alex.

"Hide!" He said, as he scanned for a hiding place.

"Why?" Dylan asked, as they crouched in a box full of toilet roll, his question was answered by the opening of the door.

"That's why" Alex whispered.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें