Chapter thirty-four: The long story

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"Dylan!" Cheyenne yelled out as she raced across the never ending river of ink,

"Hey!" He yelled back, also racing towards his friend,

"You ok?" Cheyenne asked as they came closer to one another, Dylan shook his head, he barely had any energy to say anything, he wanted to say he was fine, but after that blast, all his strength had seemed to disappear. Behind them, they heard Tom approach, he carried himself over to the two teenagers, he gripped his mechanical arm tightly and now that he was closer, Cheyenne could see how much damage it had taken. It was dented in some places while others had scratch marks on it and splotches of ink from the Projectionist had harmed himself, Cheyenne imagined that if it wasn't ink it would be blood.

"We should go" she said, "I don't want to find out what happens if we stay"
Tom and Dylan nodded in agreement, everyone needed to rest, and fulfil their strength, if that was what two boss fights were like, then they needed to prepare for the next.


The three had all tried their best to make themselves comfortable as they sat upright against the storage boxes, the gravel digging into their bodies as they sat by the fire that Tom had made for them, a pot of Bacon Soup boiling over the fire to try to drown out the crying of the Lost One in the cage, who had refused to join them for supper, which Cheyenne thought was very rude.

However, Dylan had been given the opportunity to rest against the wall where the animatronic Bendy had once been and although their injuries out of the three of them were bad, it was Dylan who needed the comfort the most. Cheyenne had tried to convince him over and over again to sit on the table but he had refused and said it was unfair to the other two, so he was curled up against the storage box, using Cheyenne's school blazer that had been in her bag as a blanket and was trying to get some rest as he listened to Cheyenne's story of how she got here to Tom.

"It was Sammy who had found me" she began, "I was wandering the halls of the studio, trying to find an exit to this hell and had somehow managed to come across the insane Music Director. He took me to his lair and said that the ritual must be completed and he did manage to do that, but,  in the end I got away from him and found Dylan along the way." She said, Tom seemed fascinated with her tale so let her continue, "I don't remember much after that but, I think I might of passed out and was taken to Boris' hideout, it might seem a bit confusing, but you see, there's two of you" she added, skipping out who Boris really was and why there were two different types of the friendly wolf.

"Then after that we wandered some more with Boris now on our side around the studio, until we met Sammy along the way and I got sick of seeing his face so told him to go find a way out of here and stay away from me until I needed him, then we went down to Alice's floor only to find the two Alice's fighting." she said (Again missing out on why there were two) "-so she was dead and we had no way of getting out of here, then we searched the studio some more until we found the other Alice and then she was killed by the other Alice and then she broke the elevator and we almost died and here we are now" Cheyenne finally finished. "Geez, if that was hard trying to explain it to you, wonder how it's going to be when I have to tell the others" she said to Dylan who had sat up halfway through her story to hear it.

"Oh that's gonna take a while, seeing as I've got a story to tell too" Dylan said,

"Oh yeah, you did say that you were gonna tell me if we survived" Cheyenne added. "And seeing as we've got all the time in the world, might as well make it count"

"Alright" Dylan said and began explaining;


"And here I am now" Dylan finished, Cheyenne was in shock. To go through one of her favourite games and not have any of the main characters there would as Dylan described it, depressing. She was glad that some of them survived but, it didn't sound the same when Dylan had described it, she wished that this adventure would be over as quickly as Dylan's was. Fortunately, as he was explaining, he seemed to get some life back into him, Cheyenne guessed that he wasn't 100% himself, but he definitely seemed strong enough to move forward.

"Alright" Dylan announced, "I think that's enough storytelling for one day, let's go kick some unwanted ass" he tried to say cheerfully, although there was nothing cheerful about kicking Boris' ass, the one cartoon character that had shown them that there was still hope, that everything, throughout this twisted adventure would be ok, however, somethings never change.

They got up slowly, still hurting a little from their injuries, Tom being the most vulnerable, he had somehow managed to use the other arm of the Bendy animatronic, he seemed perfectly capable of using it, it was just a matter of time before he got comfortable with it, replacing an arm isn't something that happens everyday.

"Everyone ready?" Cheyenne asked, picking up the GENT pipe she had found while rummaging through the room. Tom and Dylan nodded as they made their way to the House Of Horrors.

"Don't worry Buddy" Cheyenne thought, "We're coming for you"

The enter ace was the same as usual, one cart that was set up for them to ride, they all got in and was met with a familiar voice...

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