Chapter thirty-seven: The monster behind the man

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"Hey" Cheyenne heard behind her, "You ok?"
She turned to see Dylan greet her, a somewhat smile on his face,

"Yeah, fine thanks, you?" Cheyenne replied,

"Better than ever!" He said cheerfully, "But, where are we now?"
Cheyenne looked around then groaned,

"The maze" she said, "I always hated this part"
Dylan looked across to the wall where a picture of the Looking Eye was drawn, he held it up to the wall and looked through it. Cheyenne turned towards him and saw the familiar skeleton once more.

"It's inside the vault" Dylan read. "The reel?"
Cheyenne nodded,

"No, it never was" she said and make her way out of the giant ink puddle they were standing in.


"Bendy" Cheyenne said, "Ever since he escaped, ever since I let him out of the Ink Machine in chapter one, he took it from the Film Vault and keeps it in his throne room" she interrupted.

"You really do know this game off by heart" Dylan said, impressed with her knowledge and amount of detail she knew about the game.

"Yep, and that's why I'm guessing I was sent here" she said,

"That makes sense" Dylan replied as he too managed to drag himself out of the puddle. "Should we go?" He said,

"Yeah, after this we only have to get to the giant Ink Machine and fight Bendy" Cheyenne said,

"How are we going to do that?" Dylan asked, "I have the Looking Eye, that would work"
Cheyenne nodded,

"Yeah, but we need the reel, remember what Joey said, 'Bendy has been there since the beginning, but he has never seen, The End'. So we need the reel to defeat Bendy, otherwise he'll kill us" Cheyenne quoted.

"Yeah, but didn't he say he won't kill you as you 'hold such knowledge?'" Dylan also quoted,

"Yeah, although I wonder why?" Cheyenne said as they passed through the small doorway that lead to the maze. As they approached their next task, filling in the pipes to clear away the ink from the door, Cheyenne saw to her surprise, that it had already been cleared.

"Huh?" She said in confusion, "This shouldn't be fixed, we should be the ones to fix it" she said, Dylan shrugged,

"Maybe it was Henry, or Sammy" Dylan said, Cheyenne agreed and just as she was about to the open the door she remembered something.

"Wait" she said, taking her hand off of the handle, "I need to see something first before we go" she looked at the entrance that lead to the maze and with a deep breath she walked through it and into the corridors.

"What is it?" Dylan asked, trying to keep up with Cheyenne as she paced the corridors trying to find the place.

"You'll find out soon enough" she said as she stopped in front of a door, a sign above it reading;
The Office Of Joey Drew

"Ohh" Dylan said, understanding why she wanted to come here, Cheyenne opened the door slowly as dust filled the room making the two cough. Inside was simple, a desk, some Bendy posters, normal things that you would have in an office, apart from the audio log on the table, along with pots and pots of ink, and above that, more ink.
It covered the walls completely, every inch of the room was devoured by the black substance as they looked around, even their feet were covered in it.
However, one place remained pure of ink, the back wall, and on it a message that looked like it had been written with an unsteady hand, Cheyenne stared at the words, trying to figure out each letter until she formed the sentence.

"Who is the monster behind the man?" Dylan and Cheyenne said together.

"Wait" Dylan recognised, "That doesn't make any sense"
Cheyenne shook her head, disagreeing with the boy.

"No, it makes perfect sense" she said, "The monster, Bendy and the man...."

"Joey?" Dylan said, Cheyenne shook her head.

"No. There's more to this story that meets the eye, Bendy is the monster yes, but it was Joey that made him that way, he made Bendy the way he is today by messing with things he shouldn't of, but he maybe a man but the man is none other than Henry." Cheyenne theorised. "It was Henry who created Bendy in the first place, he was the one who made him. Joey only turned him into something much more than a character on paper, yes he was wrong for doing so, but it was Henry who made Joey start this process, he was the one who lead Joey to make nightmares instead of dreams. Henry left the studio because he knew what Joey was doing was wrong, he left because he didn't want anything to do with it." Cheyenne added,

"He knew what Joey was planning, he just didn't do anything to stop him from burning his path, instead Henry chose the only other thing that he had left to go to.
His family.
But because Joey's path had burned and he needed someone to pick up the pieces for him,  who was the only other person who had known from the beginning what Joey had done. The first person to understand Joey's twisted mind that he called dreaming.
So like Joey said, Bendy has been there since the beginning, but he has never seen The End.
Because Henry is The End, he just chooses to restart the whole loop, the whole cycle by going through the door. Joey's door.
And, if I'm correct, that's why we're here" Cheyenne said, "To stop Henry from restarting the cycle, to set everyone free. And that is why Bendy doesn't want to let him go, because he knows that Henry has the power to end it all as well as me because I also have the power" Cheyenne finished.
Dylan stood there in shock, he couldn't believe what Cheyenne was saying, something that detailed and that true, he wondered how long she had known that for, but instead he asked.

"So we need to save Henry so we can break the cycle" Dylan said,

"Yep, and set everyone free" she said, "Let's just say Joey might have some visitors when we're done with this" Cheyenne joked, although it was a little serious to play it off.

"Well then what are we waiting for?!" Dylan asked, "Let's go and set them free!" He said as the two ran out of the office and back through the maze, to eventually find the door that lead into the Film vault. Cheyenne opened it, the door creaking as she did so,
With one last look at one another they entered the room, seeing the broken in vault door, they rushed into it and to the closed door that was their exit.

"Through here" Cheyenne said as Dylan once again used the Looking Eye to break through the door.

"This way" Dylan said, pointing at the long corridor ahead of them, but when he turned back he saw Cheyenne looking at a familiar desk.

"This was what Bendy was supposed to be like" she said pointing to the picture of the 'friendly' Devil, "This is what Bendy should of been like" she repeated and took the picture and stuffed it into her bag, closing the zip when it was inside,
Cheyenne looked at her friend and smiled,

"Sorry, I just want something to remember this by" she said,

"Cheyenne, I think you are that something" Dylan said, referencing her inky body.

"Yeah, but what happens if that goes away when we leave?" She asked, "I at least want something else"

"Alright" Dylan said, giving up on trying to convince the girl and walking ahead through another doorway,

"Dylan wait!" Cheyenne yelled chasing after him, but when she turned the corner, they were both met with the Devil.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن