Chapter one hundred and eighteen: The fight for freedom

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There was chaos everywhere, the students in the room, fled to the classroom door, trying to open it while Luke's shouts scared them to stay inside, he also threatened them that if they opened the door he would punch the shit out of them for letting Baldi in, who, thanks to the noise, was alerted that the teenagers were in here and was trying to break down the door with his ruler, which; wasn't doing that much damaged- which was also good for the Horror Gang.

Bendy's roars sent more of the students into a panic as he blocked off Mrs.Pomp from trying to reach Cheyenne and Dylan who were trying with all their brainpower to solve the next maths book, all while trying to keep their concentration as Luke yelled surprising death threats at the teacher:

"FUCK YOU! I HATE SCHOOL BITCH!" He had yelled at one time before punching her, "I THINK YOU SHOULD DIE!" He had yelled again.

"Luke!" Cheyenne had yelled back when she had had enough, he had looked at her with some annoyance for interrupting his fight, "Do you mind keeping it down! We're trying to do math over here!"

"FINE!" Luke had yelled back, throwing another punch, as Bendy tried to block her from falling over and reaching the other two. Cheyenne turned to Dylan, who was wearing a very determined concentration face.

"How much longer?" She asked him, looking behind to see if the other two were doing a good job, she spotted Alex at the door, trying to keep it shut with the souls he was stealing from the children to stop them from leaving the chaos filled classroom. They met eye contact and nodded before Cheyenne turned back as Dylan answered her question.

"Now!" He said as the book turned green, however, unlike any normal game where the fighting would stop when you had completed the task, it continued.
Cheyenne grit her teeth before shouting:

The demon growled as a reply, still focused on the teacher,
"Kill" She said, hugging the Nome tightly to cover his view as Cheyenne heard the tearing of flesh before Bendy consumed the body, they turned back around, Mrs.Pomp gone, as well as the students thanks to Alex.
However, the one person that was not gone was Baldi himself, still banging on the door with his ruler.

"How do we get out of here!?" Alex asked, backing away from the door and to the group.

"Isn't it obvious?" Dylan said, but before he got to finish his sentence, he was cut off by Luke.

"WE KILL HIM!" He yelled and smashed down the door, letting the teacher in.

"Exactly!" Dylan yelled, retrieving his Looking Eye from his jeans and blasting the ruler out of Baldi's hand, leaving him defenceless. The teacher look at all of them in anger, as Luke finished him off, knocking him out as the long and thin figure fell to the floor.

"THERE!" The boy yelled, "NOW LETS GO BEFORE HE GETS UP AND GETS UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE HALLWAY!" Luke ordered, making a joke in the process, the three chuckled, getting it but before they began to
run down  the corridor to their next destination, which they didn't know yet, a little yellow book slipped out of Baldi's pocket, how it got in there, it didn't matter, after all; this was a video game.

"Look!" Cheyenne announced, picking up the book and showing it to Dylan, "The next book"
The boy looked shocked as he said,

"That's why no one can complete this game" he said, "Its because he has the last book" Dylan finished and taking it from Cheyenne and staring to complete the question that would acquire a top set student, which Dylan was, to do it. It only took him a few seconds before the book turned green, he placed the book back down, however, not before Luke picked it up and pulled out a pen from his school trousers and wrote something on the front of the book.

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