vermont refugees

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[So 'cannonically', Clem leaves with an Amish dude in the comix, right? Yeah...fuck that. I have my own telling of why she's leaving Erickson WITH AJ AND THE GANG! And for simplicity of there being no comix yet and little to no info about the dude Clem goes with yet, I'm using my OCs from my story "We Are Survivors"<shameless plug haha. Anways-> and some old faces from TWDG series...]
<fyi, if anyone is intrested in my OC book, besides the names and characteristics, nothing I mention here is cannon to the story>

The chilling coldness shivering down my spine as I limped along the frozen dirt. The mechanical foot was working out better than I had originally anticipated but it was no replacement for the natural thing. AJ reminded me of that often as I would stumble and slip on the ice, sometimes the crutches not being enough to stablize my motions. The terrain no longer being flat and grassy but mountainious and rigid, every slip could in theory be my end. Violet would often be by my side, picking me off my feet and mending any minor wounds I had. I feel awful dragging her down with me, sometimes quite literally, yet she always reassured me she was alright and getting better. Her eyesight improved enough for her to come with us on hunts, just enough for her to make out figures and blobs, enough to differienciate them between human friend and walker foe. Louis became more serious and focused, almost never missing a shot with his bow since AJ perfected his aim. Omar, Aasim and Ruby have all been a tremendious help in aiding me and helping out. Willy and AJ have gotten along alot better now, and despite everything, we haven't lost hope. Erickson was attacked by the unknown caravan, led by a familiar face I've long forgotten the name of over the years. Her dark skin and messy bunned up hair will forever be sketched into my head as I watched the life drain from her eyes as AJ fired off his gun. Part of me wanted to feel sorrow for the unknown woman but I couldn't. I don't remember her, why I should feel as if she meant anything to me. Flames and explosions errupted within the dormitory, the foundations of which it was built upon began to crack and cave in as the horses violently thrashed about and neighed, escaping the courtyard. We fled, carrying nothing but what we managed to grab during the chaotic fury. A few weapons, barely any ammo, no food, no spare clothes, no home to call home. Just aimlessly wandering the lands, hoping for something.

"This is so fucked." Violet mumbled to herself as she shivered from the cold. "Why did this happen to us?" I pondered the same question for some time now, the events replaying in my head like a broken cassette tape player. I remember the dark skinned woman's eyes lighting up as she saw me, maybe I was the cause for all of this?

"Doesn't matter why or how it happened. Just gotta keep moving forward." I told the group. Everyone looked at me and nodded.

"At least we have each other." Ruby's sweet southern accent was somewhat comforting in these bitter cold times of guilt and uncertainty. I shivered as the winds picked up, snow falling from the evergreen trees and landing ontop of my head.

"Clem! Look!" AJ pointed at a large metal sign. "Mount Mansfield [40 mi], Mt. Mansfield Logging Cabin [1/2 mi]".

"Shelter." Violet smiled. "Finally." She took off running ahead with Rosie, to which we all chased after the semi-blind blonde. The rugged terrain mixed with the icy snow was a disaster waiting to happen but we didn't care. We just needed to catch Violet before she hurts herself. The mountainious terrains settled as we reached the edge of a frozen body of water, the cabin across the frozen waters and no way to go around it.

"VIOLET, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!" Louis yelled as his foot slipped through a crackling slip of ice but Omar helped him regain his stance.

"I CAN SEE THE CAB-" Loud crunching and crackling of ice was audible. One moment, Violet's silloutte was visible, the next she vanished beneath the icy waves, Rosie running back towards us, whimpering.

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