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I love everything
Fire's spreading all around my room
My world's so bright
It's hard to breathe
But that's alright

I wasn't proud of my work, but it had to be done. Whether guilt would come and haunt me later, I didn't care. All I knew was that she was dead and I could collect my money from The Boss. Walking through New York's empty streets at night, I gripped my briefcase tightly as I went to the abbandoned warehouse. 3 tattooed guards in sweat stained muscle t-shirts presented their guns.

"Who is you," the red bearded muscular man spoke.

"I'm here to see The Boss."

"We don't know who that is kid. So scram."

I walked closer to the thugish trio. Their looks do not intimidate me, I've dealt with much, much worse.

"Baby doll, you should leave while you still can walk," the dark skinned male spoke as he flexed his muscular build. I merely yawned at the sight of his overinflated ego.

"Look, I don't want trouble. I just wanna see them." I reached for the brass doorknob but the buff men shoved themselves infront of it.

"We warned ya kid," the scarred face tanned man spoke as he grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me into the air. "Any last words?"

"Yeah. I hate oranges." I grabbed my knife and stabbed it into the man's throat. Blood spurted from his wound as he dropped me and fell to the ground. With bloodlust in my eyes, I stared at the other two and cracked my neck.
"Get lost before you end up like ol' buddy boy other there." The two raced off, nearly tripping over one another in an effort to see who can escape my sights faster. Two gunshots ranged out and two bodies dropped to the ground. I smiled as I returned my pistol into my back pocket. I stared at the large metal doors, I have personally never met The Boss but I've heard of power they held. Making people vanish and reappear misshapened and confused. Making the choices between who lives and dies. The power whoever The Boss held was enough to shake even me. I shook the idea from my head as I pushed against the doors. The abbandoned warehouse was all that but abbandoned. A raging fire pit blazed as an army of scarred men and women alike wore camo tanks and black joggers with bloodied combat boots. They all turned their attention away from the fire and stared at me as they all reached for their weapons.

"ATTENTION!" The Boss called out. Everyone including myself stood attentive as he came into the spotlight. His scarred face and sinister smile, his tall stance and bloodlust for death, he was The Boss.

"Violet," he called for me as he motioned for me to come to him. I quickly ran towards him and bowed.


"Is the one known as "Clementine" dead?"

"Yes sir, she is."

The young man smiled and turned away from me.

"Describe what happened to me, don't leave out any details."

"I um- okay."


It was about an hour ago, just after midnight. I was walking home from the bar when I spotted her leaving the strip club across the street. Her mocha coloured hair illuminated in the streetlights and her caramel eyes flashed at me. Just for a moment. I looked away at my phone and she called a cab. I knew it was now or never. Kill her or be killed by The Boss. I followed her at a moderate distance on my motorcycle. I was so sure she never remembered me or anything about me. And I was surely wrong. Once the cab stopped at her home, I sped past into a dark alley to hide my bike. The street was vacant and dark, much like my chest after the damage she'd done. I walked to her house, she never did remember to lock it. Poor sweet and innocent Clementine. Her purity and love was her downfall. Her tv blared of tv commercials as she began to fix supper. I crept around the house, avoiding the creaking wooden floor boards that would surely have given myself away. As I neared the kitchen, she stopped cutting the onions and celery. She paused the television. She sighed and turned off the stove.

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