mistake eraser

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[Timetravel AU where 17 year old Clementine warns little 8 year old Clem of the future and all of her mistakes, but things go astray....]

Blackness. A deep, dark void of pure blackness. I was about 8 years old, wearing my daddy's baseball hat, playing in my treehouse. A foam sword in my right hand, my trusty teddy bear in my left hand, and nothing but imagination to entertain me.

"Clementine," a voice spoke out. I peaked out of my window to find a taller girl standing at the bottom of my tree. "Clementine."

"Who are you?"

"Lets just say I'm an old friend."

"Okay then....what do you want?"

"I've come to warned you."

"Warn me of what?" The groan of the rotting undead walking cut through the air like a bad note. Future Clem took out her knife and stabbed the walker in the eye. She looked back up me crying.

"This. This is what I'm warning you about." Future Clem climbed the ladder up the treehouse to reach me. I huddled into a corner, shaking as I cried my tears.

"What's going on?"

"A deadly illness that turns people into blood thirsty, flesh eating creatures I call "Walkers"."

I slowly became more trusting of Future Clem and came out of the corner.

"Why did you come back?"

"In the future, I've lost everything. My first love, my father figure, my best friends, even my son...." her voice trailed off. I crawled closer to her and put my hand into hers.

"What happened?"

She dried her eyes and looked at me.

"Everyone has died protecting me or because of bastards- I mean, evil guys that wanted me dead."

This was all too much for me to understand. I'm 8 years old. How am I supposed to kill? I can't even kill a spider!

"You have no right to believe me, but just hear me out," she sighed. "Love will get you killed. Loving someone gets you killed. It gets others killed. Stay detattched and far away."

"You don't-"

"I've seened things no kid should ever have to see. You are me. I know how your next 9 years in this rotting world pans out. So don't you dare say I don't know shit!" She punched the wall, startling me. Breathing heavily, she turns around to me. Her brown eyes, filled with rage, staring at me.

"Maybe the world's better off if we didn't get our friends and family killed....." she walks to me ever so slowly. "Maybe Lee would still be alive, so would Luke, Jane, Kenney, Violet, Louis, Tenn, Mitch, Brody-" she grabbed a bloodied cleaver from her back pocket. "-maybe things would've been better without us." She launches herself at me. Powerless to fight against a clearly older and stronger opponent, I let her take me. Her tight grasp around my neck before she slams me onto the ground. I stare up at the sky, unable to move. Crystal clear blue skies that I love. She jumped from the treehouse down next to me. I saw some sort of power in her I didn't see in myself. Picking up my inablied body, she carried me into my house- our house. She sets me down on the white couch before disappearing into the kitchen.

"We've gotten alot of people killed," she begans as she sharpens her cleaver. "Alot of people died to get me- us- no me, this far." The scraps of the metal against the rock striked fear into my chest. "They didn't deserve to die. Not by the hands and teeth of walkers or by the chambers of guns. They gave us their lives. I came back to prevent that. Maybe if we weren't around....things would be different." She held the sharp edge of the cleaver to my throat.

"I'm sorry our lives ended up this way. I couldn't live with myself knowing I'm the reason everyone died." Before I could respond, I felt a sharp, stinging pain in my neck. Blood pooled into my lungs, unable to breathe. "You'll be lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry Clementine," she sung before her body collasped onto the ground. The room filled with darkness again, surrounding me in an empty void. Tireness came over me and drowned me as my eyes closed forever. Into the sea of darkness I go.

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