Chapter 103

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Annabelle woke up and sat up just as Harry left the room. She saw Ron and Hermione still sound asleep. Annabelle quietly got up and followed Harry upstairs. She found him in Sirius' old room. The room was very dusty and out of place. She saw Harry examining a book. It had a picture of an elderly woman with name 'Bathilda Bagshot ' on the cover. Harry was just about to open the book when Annabelle spoke.
" Harry ". He jumped at the sound of her voice.
" Sorry Bells, I didn't know you were awake, did I awake you ? " Harry said.
" Are you alright ? " she asked ignoring his question. Before Harry could answer they heard Ron calling them.
" Harry ! Bells ! Where are you ? " He called. Neither answered, pretty soon the other two stood in the door way.
" Lovely," Hermione commented on the old room. Ron was now looking at the room next door. He then closed the door to read the name.
" Regulus Arcturus Black," Annabelle read.
" R.A.B," Ron said. Then they went downstairs to read the note in the fake Horcrux. Harry was reading the note out loud and paused when he got to the end. ".....R.A.B".
" R.A.B. is Sirius' brother ? " Ron asked.
" Yes," Hermione answered.
" Question is, did he actually destroy the real Horcrux ? " Harry asked. Before anyone could say anything, a sound came from the cabinet in the corner. Harry was the first on to stand up, they turned and looked at the cabinet. The other three stood behind Harry with their wands out. Harry walked closer till he was only a few feet away, carefully, he opened it. Something toppled out of it, making a grunt sound it was Kreacher. Harry grabbed him and pulled him up.
" You've been spying on us haven't you ? " Hart demanded.
" Kreacher has been....watching," he admitted.
" He might know where the real locket is," Annabelle suggested. Harry grabbed the fake Horcrux and held it front of Kreacher.
" Ever seen this before ? " He demanded. Kreacher began to cower away. " Kreacher ".
" It's Master Regulus locket," Kreacher replied.
" But there were two weren't there ? Where's the other one ? Harry asked.
" Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is," he replied.
" Yes, but did you ever see it ? Was it in this house ? " Hermione asked.
" Filthy Mud-Blood ! " Kreacher hissed at her. Ron went to hit Kreacher with a lot but Hermione stopped him.
" Ron," she soothed.
" Answer her," Harry demanded.
" Yes. It was here in this house. A most evil object," Kreacher said.
" How do you mean ? " Harry asked.
" Before Master Regulus died he ordered Kreacher to destroy it, but no matter how hard Kreacer tried, he could not do it," Kreacher explained.
" Well where is it now ? " Harry asked. " Did someone take it ?"
" He came in the night. He took many things including the locket," Kreacher said.
" Who did it ? Who was it Kreacher ? Harry asked.
" Mundungus," Kreacher said. " Mundungus Fletcher ".
" Find him," Harry ordered. Kreacher grunted before dispparrating.
Now in the middle of nowhere, the Hogwarts express was taking students to Hogwarts. A Death Eater apparated in front of it and put his hand up. Now inside the train two Death Eaters were walking up and down the aisles looking for Harry Potter. They entered a compartment to find a bunch of students.
" My father will here about this," a guy said standing up. They looked at him for a second before continuing walking. At one of the tables sat Ginny and Neville. As the Death Eaters got closer Neville stood up.
" Hey losers," Neville began. " He isn't here ". With that the Death Eaters left. Neville sat back down, looking at the Daily Prophet, then Ginny.
" Where do you think they are ? " Ginny asked.
" No idea," Neville admitted. " You ? "
" Not a clue," Ginny answered. Neville put his elbows on the table, making one of his hands into a fist and the other hand lap over it. Then he looked at the window as Ginny took the Daily Prophet from him.
" They better come back alive every single one of them," Ginny said.
" I hope so," Neville said looking at her. He then continued staring outside the window.
' Oh Annabelle, where are you ? ' Neville thought to himself.
" Neville," Ginny said.
" Ginny," Neville said looking at her.
" Bells asked me to give this to you," Ginny said slipping a letter to him.
" Thanks Ginny," Neville said.
Later that night after a terrible first night at Hogwarts. Everyone one in the Seventh year Gryffindor dorm was asleep except Neville. It was a bit lonely in te dorm. The only people was Dean, Cormac, and Seamus. No Doug, Harry, or Ron. Neville laid awake in his bed staring at the unopened letter. After counting to 20 for ten time he opened the letter and began to read it.
' Dear Neville Longbottom,
I hope you are doing alright, for your information I am doing alright too. I want you too know you are the most important person in the world to me that isn't family or legit 5, or Doug and Sandra. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a best friend. I find myself quite lucky, even though I thought I almost lost you as friend last year. Remember no matter how far apart we are, you are always in my heart, you are with me everywhere I go. You had always been in my heart from the very first day I met you.
Lo-miss you loads,
Annabelle Hood '.
Neville held the letter close to him. She was in his heart too.
Another night in Sirius' old home. Hermione slept on the couch again as Ron slept on the floor next to her, hands barely touching. Annabelle shared the second couch with Harry.
" Bells out of curiosity, why did you snap at Neville like that, on the train ? " Harry asked quietly.
" I took my anger out on him, which I never I do. I felt terrible about what I did," Annabelle answered.
" I could tell," Harry said. " Do you think we're going to succeed ? "
"Yeah," Annabelle said. " Do you ? "
" It might take awhile but I do hope so," Harry answered.
" George told me about him catching you and Ginny in the kitchen snogging ," Annabelle said randomly. Even in the dark you could see Harry turn red.
" How about you and Neville in the greenhouse," Neville said. Annabelle turned red and put her face in the pillow. Harry laughed.
" Who introduced you to Neville ? " Harry asked.
" Mione, who introduced you too Ginny ? " Annabelle replied.
"Ron," Harry answered. Soon the two fell asleep.
• Annabelle's dream/memory •
It was back at the Yule Ball. Neville just asked Annabelle to dance they were on the dance floor dancing the night away. As Neville spun her again, she is transported back into the hospital wing. Same thing as last time. But this time she could see Neville's face he was sitting down, tears were rolling down his cheeks and falling into her, as he held her hand. Annabelle went to go left her arm up up to wipe away the tears but they wouldn't move.
" I want to be able to dance with you like that again," he said.
• End of dream •
Annabelle sat up and thought about what just happened in the dream, connecting the dots. She turned her head saw Hermione was looking at her.
" Neville was the one is the hospital wing that night wasn't he ? " Annabelle asked. Hermione simply nodded her head.
Harry was laying on a couch with the Golden Snitch. Annabelle was at the writing on a piece of paper, using the nightstand as a table. Hermione was teaching Ron how to play piano. Ron was struggling with the keys, Hermione helped him. Soon they playing a lovely tune. Annabelle looked up at Harry.
" They have flesh memories," Annabelle said referring to the Snitch. " When the Minister first gave it to you, I thought it might open at your touch. That Dumbledore have hidden something inside ". Before Harry could reply there was banging from the kitchen followed by grunts and voices. They got up and hurried towards the kitchen. They saw Mundungus struggling to get free, Kreacher was on his head and another was on his leg. It was Dobby !
" Harry Potter," Dobby said smiling. " How long it's been ? " Harry smiled.
" Get off me ! " Mundungus growled. Dobby let go of his leg and jumped on the table. Mundungus managed to get Kreacher off his head and ended up falling. Kreacher growled.
" As requested Kreacher returned with the thief," he growled closing the door.
" Expelliarmus ! " Hermione shouted. His wand soared through the air, landing into Hermione's hand.
" What you playin at ? " Mundungus growled. For one reason Annabelle's thoughts went to Justin for a second. " Setting a pair of house elves on me ! "
" Dobby was only trying to help," Dobby explained. " Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley, which Dobby thought was curious. And then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name ". Kreacher began talking but Dobby pushed him out of the way. " And then Dobby saw Kreacher talking with the thief ".
" I'm not a thief ! " Mundungus interjected. " You foul little......git. I'm a buyer and a prayer ".
" Your a thief Dung. Everyone knows it," Ron said.
" Master Weasly, so good to see you again," Dobby said as he and Ron shook hands.
" Listen I panicked alright ! Can't help it Mad-Eye got off his broom," Mundungus said sitting down and looked nervous as they cornered him.
" You-" Kreacher growled.
" Tell the truth," Harry demanded. " When you turned the place over-don't deny it. You found a locket am I right ? "
" Why ? Was it valuable ? " Mundungus asked.
" Who bought it ? " Annabelle asked.
" He's worried he didn't get enough for it," Ron said.
" There I was throbbing me ways in Diagon Alley when some Ministry aid comes up and asks to see me license. Says she only took a fancy in that locket," Mundungus explained.
" Who was she ? " Hermione asked. " The witch do you know ? "
" No," he stopped talking. He stood up and walked towards the table were the Daily Prophet laid, picked it up and pointed at the lady on the bottom picture. " Well the she is. Look, big bow and all ". They all looked, it was Umbridge.
Authors note: Hey everyone sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy the chapter ! I've been super busy lately. And I updated a new chapter for my other story, New Girl. I hope you enjoyed the chapter !! Love you all !!
- Pickles

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