The Wedding

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The wedding was held in England. Annabelle was in the dressing room with Hermione and Sandra. They were bridesmaids. It was almost time to step out and go down the aisle. Annabelle stood in a beautiful wedding dress, the other two was in beautiful bridesmaids dresses.
" Sandra, I'm nervous i don't i can do this, " Annabelle said it loud. " I love Neville so much ! I'm so nervous to walk down the aisle, what if I'm not the person he thought I would be ".

" Bells ! You both look beautiful, don't be nervous you both will be fine. I'm gonna down and you better not chicken out or I'll drag you down myself," said Hermione giving a mini pep talk.
" Besides, Neville loves you just as much, you two were made for each other even though neither of you saw it at first ," Sandra added.
" Thanks," Annabelle said smiling.
Annabelle was currently standing outside the doors with her dad. She was about to marry the love of her life.
" Honey, you look beautiful," her dad commented smiling proudly.
" Thanks dad," Annabelle breathed smiling at him. Her smile them fell.
" What's wrong ? " Her dad asked.
" I'm nervous," Annabelle admitted.
" Bells, there's no need to be nervous. Your going to marry this fool," her dad began. Annabelle laughed. " I like this fool your marrying. I knew he would good for you since the very first letter he sent you asking if you got home safe ". The music began playing. " That's are cue, now go out there and marry that boy ". Annabelle smiled, they hooked arms as the doors opened. The two of them began waking down the aisle. Annabelle smiled at everyone she passed or looked at at. From the Weaslys to to family. They had Teddy Lupin as the ring bearer. They Annabelle's sister's daughter as the flower girl. She looked over at the the front. The grooms were Thomas, Carter, Dean, Harry, and Ron. The best man was Seamus. The bridesmaids were Annabelle 2, Luna, Madelyn, Ginny, and Hermione. The maid of honour was Sandra. Lastly she looked at the groom. They stared at each other in awe. Neville Longbottom. The boy who lost his toad. She didn't know him but still helped look for it. Later finding it in Sandra and Doug's compartment. If she didn't go help, would she have ever met Neville ? She was so happy to be marrying him and Neville was so happy to be marrying her. Neville- the man who protects her from nightmares. He had her back and she had his. The man that spoke to her while she was in coma. Her best friend, boyfriend-about to be husband. Finally she stood facing Neville. The priest had them do their vows.
" You may now kiss the bride," the priest confirmed. Neville happily kissed Annabelle and she happily kissed back.
" It's about time ! " Ron shouted as they stopped kissing. Hermione threw her flowers at him.
At the reception, it was beginning of dinner. Seamus tapped the glass with his spoon standing up.
" Oh boy," Sandra whispered into Annabelle's ear. Annabelle laughed. Everyone went silent and looked at him.
" I remember the first day I met Neville, it was on the train, I also met Annabelle on the train, giving her the nickname of Anniebelli," Seamus began. Everyone laughed. " Well, Neville was at first a shy boy, I clearly created a monster ". More people laughed. " I remember the time that Neville accidentally melted many cauldrons ". Some people cringed while others laughed. " Once he was completely covered in boils. And this other time he broke his arm. By the end of third year I was tempted to wrap him in bubble wrap.....this time in first year, Annabelle got knocked out for ten days by a mountain troll ". Hermione and Annabelle almost spit out there water as Harry, Ron, and Thomas and looked at each other smiling.
" Are you okay ? " Neville asked.
" I'm fine," Annabelle answered as Ron was asking Hermione the same thing. Seamus continued his speech glaring at them.
" Neville had no idea what to do. He would go to the Hufflepuff room, cause they worked on Charms homework together just to come back remembering she was still in the hospital wing. I also remember Annabelle standing in the doorway, in the middle of night. It got annoying. It happened at least once a year for three years. She would crawl into bed with Doug, just to be pushed off before crawling into bed with Neville. He groaned and tried to push her away, but sadly she was stronger than him. Point is Annabelle is Neville's princes and he's her knight and shiny armor or her prince. Thank you to everyone who came out tonight to support these too ". He sat down smiling as everyone clapped. Sandra stood up ready to give her speech, she looked at Seamus.
My speech is about to make yours look like dog poop," Sandra confirmed. Everyone laughed as Seamus glared at her.
" I would like to see you try hoodie stealer," Seamus sassed. Sandra rolled her eyes as people laughed.
" Anyways, I remember the day I met Neville, it was in the hospital wing, I think. It was first year. But honestly I don't remember meeting Annabelle. We were probably babies, when our parents told us to make friends putting is in a play pen," Sandra began. Everyone laughed. " Neville and Annabelle had quite the funny friendship. They would be nice as possible, have stupid fights, or yell at each other to get out of the shower. And that happened often believe me . More people laughed." But they were mostly nice to each other, shared a lot of memories together. Sometimes on a Saturday we would go to Hogsmeade we would ended waiting in the his dorm. We were sitting and talking to Seamus as we waited for Seamus to get out of the shower. At some point she would get up walked into the bathroom to talk to him. It usually ended with them yelling at each other. Mostly get out of the bathroom and shower faster. Sometimes we would wait in our dorm and Annabelle would be the one showering. It would end in the same argument ". Everyone laughed, some cringed as they laughed.
" Actually she did that to everyone," Hermione corrected.
" True," Sandra laughed.
" Anyways, I think I know when she started falling for Neville. It was during Fourth Year. She had just came back from the Yule Ball, she was in some sort of a daze. We asked what happened and she dancing in this dreamy voice. Now that never happens, we asked who it was with and she Neville. Ever since then, she had this look in her eye each time his name was mentioned or she was talking to him. Thank you everyone for coming out tonight," Sandra finished. Everyone clapped for her. Next Annabelle stood up for her speech.
" How do I describe Neville Longbottom ? " Annabelle asked." I would say he's brave, loving, and forgetful ". Everyone laughed including Neville. " He asked me once, when's your brother's birthday ? Mind you, were twins ". Everyone began laughing more. " I looked at him strangely and asked. When's my birthday ? He answered with June 5th. So then I asked when my brother's birthday ? He turned pink. " Neville turned pink again everyone laughed." But that's what make Neville, Neville. I wouldn't have him any other way. And Sandra's right about the Yule Ball I was in some sort of daze after it. That was the first time I actually looked into his eyes and was like wow they are really pretty. I remember earlier that year, I slowed dance with him in the rain, but that nothing like the Yule Ball. But I think I started to fall for him in fifth year when pink toad face forced us to be apart. At that moment I realized how much he actually means to me. Toad face said no seeing each other. Thankfully .we found loop holes. I always liked it when he would grab my hand to examine or just because. I want to say thank you to Trevor to the toad because without him, who knows what would have happened. Would of Hermione came into the compartment that day compartment asking about a loss toad ? I guess Ron's fantasy turned into reality. Thank you to everyone that has come out. Thank you to everyone that helped put together this wedding. Mostly I love you Neville. By the way I did end up figuring out who spoke to me in the coma. It was Neville. Seamus is right I'm his princess and he was my prince. I was sleeping beauty and he was prince phillip. Waking me up from a long slumber with a kiss ".Everyone clapped as Annabelle sat down. Now Neville stood.
" I'm going to copy off Annabelle a bit," Neville began. They all smiled at him.
" How do I described Annabelle Hood ? " Everyone laughed. " I would say she's kind, loving, and very random ".
" We all know that," Harry sassed. Everyone laughed more.
" When I first met Annabelle, at first she was kinda intimidating. I thought she would make fun of me. But she proved me wrong except she did make fun of me but playfully. "
" She does that to everyone," Seamus commented". People nodded in agreement. " I did the same to her. Like Sandra said it was a a funny friendship. I remember the first time she came into the bathroom, it scared the living daylights out of me. I'm trying to shower and she's all yo Neville ! Get your ass out of the shower and lets go ! Sorry for my language, someone is a bad influence ". Neville looked at Annabelle, she just gave him a smile. Everyone cracked up. " I wouldn't have Annabelle any other way. Bad mouth and all. If someone told me in first year that I would be marrying Annabelle Hood. I would have laughed in their faces and old them that that would be unlikely. If someone told me yesterday that I was marring Annabelle Hood, I would laugh in their face and say well of course the weddings tomorrow ".
" Awe ! " The people went. " Annabelle reminds me of a candle, a candle that never burned out. She was always the one to stick up for me when we were hanging out. Like a candle, Annabelle also had this warm feeling around her. The firs time she came into the compartment I could feel the warmth of her heart ". Everyone awed. " Each time I saw her, I would feel the same warmth, even on her worst days. The candle inside her was low, but it was still lit. The candle is lit with love, friendship, and hope ". Annabelle was smiling at Neville, with love. " I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with this amazing person. I am excited to start a family with her. " Neville turned to Annabelle. " Annabelle I love you with all my heart. I always heard about people falling in love and marrying their best friends. I never thought it would happened to us, but odds are it did. " He turned back to the crowd. " I want to say thank you to everyone that had helped out and came to tonight ". Neville sat down and kissed Annabelle. Everyone clapped.
" I think we all can agree, that Neville's speech made all our speeches look like dog poop," Sandra commented. A warm laugh filled the air from the crowd.
Everyone was now waiting for the floor to clear so they could go dance. Harry stood up with the microphone tapping the glass with his spoon. Everyone went silent and looked at him.
" I would like to say something," Harry began.
" No," Annabelle said playfully.
" I will fight you," Harry laughed. Annabelle laughed then gestured to say things.
" Alright this is when I realized these two were perfect for each other or made for each other. I realized it in 4th year and 6th year-"
" Two times ? " Thomas asked.
" Yes, now shhhh," Harry sassed they laughed. " Well it Christmas in 4th year, people were gone. It was a late night. I was half asleep in the dorm when I heard someone enter the dorm, I looked and saw Annabelle. She looked distress and looked like she was crying. I also thought how did she even get in here ? At this time ?
" She's Annabelle," Sandra pointed out.
" Anyways she whispers. " Doug, Ron, Dean, Harry are you awake ? " Doug was asleep so he didn't answer and I answered. " Yeah I'm awake " Her face lit up. ' Hey Harry would you mind if stay here for the night I had another nightmare and can't sleep ". I was half asleep so I said no. I watched her walk over to Neville's empty bed and crawled into, she slept peacefully. She continued this till Neville and the others came back," Harry explained. Even when they did come back she still managed to crawl into bed with him, even when he was asleep.
" Harry, you promised you wouldn't mention this," Annabelle said blushing red.
" Sorry it had to be done," Harry said.
" Is that true ? " Neville asked looking at her.
" Possibly," she answered.
" Bells that's adorable," Annie commented.
" Thanks," she said blushing more. Neville smiled and kissed her cheek.
" Anyways in sixth year when Annabelle was practically dying. It was late I was leaving Dumbledore's and I saw Neville in the hospital wing. He looked distress. He sat in this chair and held her hand rubbing it, whispering things to her. I walked over to him. " How is she ? " I asked him. He replied " Not so good, Madame Pomfrey isn't so sure she's going to make it, I really do hope she makes it ". At that moment I realized even if they get in a big fight they need each other. When those two had that big fightish when Neville wouldn't talk to Annabelle. It hurt them both I can see the hurt in both there eyes. It hurt Annabelle to not have him talking to her but it also hurt Neville not talking to her. That's all I have to say," Harry explained.
" Each night ? " Annabelle asked Neville. He shook his head. Annabelle smiled and kissed him. Everyone broke off into their own convos.
" I remember those nights," Dean said. " I remember hearing Annabelle come into the dorm crying then a half hour later she was sound asleep. I would look over at her and see her in the bed, curled up cuddling this t-shirt ". Neville and Annabelle both looked at each other and smiled.
" That wasn't the first time," Ron said.
" What do you mean ? " Annabelle asked.
" You did in first year, second year, and third during Christmas break a few times but it was just you randomly fell asleep," Harry said.
" Oh yeah, she was always making us play twister or some card game," Seamus explained.
" You loved it ! " Annabelle playfully hissed, they all laughed.
" Why did you go to my bed ? " Neville asked.
" It was just one I always end up falling asleep or sitting on, and it comforted me when you weren't there for nightmares," Annabelle explained. Neville smiled and kissed cheek again.
" I will always be here in your heart," he whispered in ear, she smiled at him.
" Don't forget when 1st year Neville visited Annabelle a lot in the hospital wing," Sandra stated.
" The troll incident ? " Ron asked.
" Yes, " answered Harry and Hermione.
" Those 3-5 days she was out was worse than the ten days," Dean said.
" Some how some way she always ended up in the hospital each year," Madelyn stated.
" Not 4th year," Annabelle said standing up.
" Yeah you went for that one night," Luna said.
" Oh yeah," Annabelle sighed.
" Accident prone," Harry and Ginny stated, Annabelle laughed.
" Let's dance, " she said to Neville as they finished.
" Let's," he agreed standing up.
Authors note: Hey everyone !! So the past few days has been crazy. The floors were getting redone, and then Thursday I left for Chicago, I'm now back. But Chicago was a lot of fun !! I went to this thing called impact. I met a lot of people from all over, they were all amazing. My church decided to have a nerf gun war instead of go to worship. It was fun ! I got a couple rug burns on my knees but it was worth it. Anyways this guy he made a truce with me, and then a few seconds later he shot me ! I don't trust him, he's a traitor. We had a little pink ball, like the ones from Walmart. And we'll there was a lot of catch, but also throwing the ball and hitting each other. We ended up shooting each other in the car on he way home with our nerd bullets and somewhat arguing over the ball. Anyways there were these people there called happy fun time. And they were hilarious !! A lot of funny people were there speaking. Anyways there also was this guy, I think he's homosexual. He developed a crush on me. I didn't like him back, I'm not against anything I wot developed feelings like that for someone I just met, and in four days. I need to at least know you so I know if I would date you or not. I don mind being friends with people after a short time but developing feelings for someone after a short time is another thing. All in all I had a terrific time !! Also on the way home, me and my brother ( btw, we're twins ) shot the nerf bullets at the window behind each other. A couple times are bullets bounced off and hit other people including the traitor. One bullet feel between him and the seat, I got it. Another time it landed in between is pant sleeves, I still got it. He was all " Kim ! What are you reaching for
! " I have my priorities and that bullet was one of them.

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