Letters 2

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Info before I do the letters:

That summer Annabelle went to a music/dance camp for a week. Then the rest of the summer she was with Doug, Sandra, and Thomas. They also found out about the escape of Sirius Black ( did I spell Sirius wrong ? ). And a few things about Annabelle. For one her hair got a bit darker, it's more like a dirty blonde now. It's basically a brunette and blonde mix. And she got a bit taller, but not that much. Anyways only to the first letter. 

Dear Wendy ( Annabelle ),

How was camp? I hope you had fun at the camp. Anyways me and Dean are in an argument and need your opinion. Is an Avocado a fruit or vegetable? I say vegetable, he says fruit. And tell Sandra to give my hoodie back! She stole it again! Anyway, stay safe! Miss you,

-Peter Pan ( Seamus ).

Dear Annibelli,

I hope that camp helps you accomplish things in life, anyways we invented new pranks and we need someone to test them, and you are our victim, and Egypt is a blast! Miss you

- Fred and George

Dear, Banana Pickle ( Annabelle )

I'm glad to hear you went to the camp! Our band is making progress! Can't wait till we go back so we continue the practice. Anyways I think I left a drumstick at school. Miss you

- West potato ( Jóse )

Dear Bells,

I hope your dance moves improved from the last time I saw you! ( Dumbledores office ) Anyways as usual it's terrible here at the Durselys, my Aunt Marge is coming and I'm dreading it. Miss you

- Harry

Dear Annabelle,

Break a leg, just kidding. Anyway, Egypt is amazing! Even Scrabbers is enjoying himself! Well me, Hermione, Harry, Fred, and George have come up with a ship name for you its Nevabelle or Nannabelle ( please comment on which one you like most ). Miss you

- Ronald

Dear Bells,

I hope the camp went well and I read a fantastic book! It's called The Fault In Our Stars! I will lend it to you when we get back! Miss you

- Mione

Dear Bells,

I hope you had fun at the camp, what did you do there? Anyways I love Egypt! It's amazing. There is so much to tell you! Miss you

- Ginny

Dear Bells,

You can't ban me from the skateboard! ( Annabelle 2 fell and broke her wrist again ) And me and Sandra are messing with Seamus, it was Sandra's idea. Well, Seamus thinks Sandra has his hoodie but instead I have it! And Oliver visited me! he's so sweet ! Miss you

- Annie ( Annabelle 2)

Dear Bells,

I'm so glad you went to the camp, I also got more help with the piano. This means we can start doing more complicated but cool songs! Miss you

- Maddie

Dear Bells,

I hope you continue the camp next year since you like it so much, and I hope it takes you somewhere far and PLEASE TELL SANDRA TO GIVE SEAMUS HIS HOODIE BACK! He keeps ranting about it again. Miss you

- Dean

Dear H ( Hood ),

I hope the camp went well, I'm still surprised you're still writing to me and I'm still writing to you, anyway dance your heart out. Miss you and your sassy comebacks

- M ( Malfoy )

Dear Bells,

I'm glad you found something to express your feeling easier, anyways I think of redying my hair what color should I do? Miss you

-Lu ( Luna )

Dear Bells,

I hope you're safe. I'm glad you had a good time at the camp. When we go back to school can you show me a song? Well if you want to! You don't have it! it's up to you! Ooo Seamus had asked me to ask you if you could ask Sandra to give him his hoodie back Please! Anyways my Gran wants to meet you and Trevor misses you. Miss you a lot

- Nev

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