Chapter 37

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After they left Hagrid's hut, they made their way back to the castle, they had barely set foot in the school entrance when a voice rang out. 

" There you are Potter, Weasly, Hood " Professor McGonall was walking towards them looking stern. " You three will serve your detention this evening." 

" Detention ? " asked Annabelle confused. 

" Yes detention, for the car incident, didn't Ron and Harry tell you ? " said McGonall. " 

" Nope," said Annabelle popping the ' P' then glared at Ron and Harry. 

" What're we doing Professor ? " asked Ron, nervously suppressing a burp.

 " You will be polishing the silver in the trophy room with Mr. Filch " said Professor McGonall. " And no magic Weasly "

" And you Potter will be helping Professor Lockhart answer his fan mail. And you Hood will be helping Professor Snape organize his potions " explained McGonall.  Annabelle and Harry looked at each other. " Please, Professor can we polish the silver? " asked Harry. 

" No Potter, Professor Lockhart asked specifically for you and Professor Snape said he needed help so I let him take you, Hood," explained McGonall. Harry, Ron, and Annabelle slouched into the Great Hall. Hermione followed behind them with a you-brought-this-on-yourself look on her face.

" Filch will have me there all night! " Ron complained. " No magic! there must be over a hundred cups in that room! I'm horrid at Muggle cleaning "

" Good luck ! " called out Annabelle as they headed off to their locations. Annabelle had to go to the dungeons, it was cold and damp. Annabelle approached the door to the potions classroom and gave it a knock, Snape opened it, he moved aside to let Annabelle in, Snape closed the door.

" There are ingredients that need sorting and put on the shelves " he instructed, pointing to the open boxes on the side of the room. Annabelle nodded and began working quietly, Snape took a seat at his desk and began grading papers, not saying a word, not being cruel so it was ok. Annabelle had been working for fifteen minutes when there was another knock at the door.

" Enter " Snape drawled, Annabelle looked up in shock, who would want to be here. The door opened and in walked Malfoy. 

' WHY !? ' Annabelle questioned herself, then went back to work.

 " Malfoy your late " Snape snarled. 

Malfoy shrugged " I came as quick as I could "

" Not quick enough " Snape pointed out, "Your lucky I stepped in boy, otherwise you would be doing pointless things like polishing silver. The least you could do is show up on time."

" It's not even my fault, I got detention, Professor " Malfoy whined. " I'm telling you Flitwick has it in for me! " Annabelle was in the middle of working when she accidentally banged her head on a shelf. " Ow! " Exclaimed Annabelle rubbing the back of her head. Malfoy whipped around seeing Annabelle for the first time, his eyes widened." Professor, what is she doing here ? " asked Malfoy. 

" Draco, Hood is serving her detention under me as well, both of you will be boxing, sorting, and stacking ingredients " spoke Snape. Malfoy trudged his way over, clearly not happy. 

" What are we doing ? asked Malfoy, " Take an ingredient, put it on the right box, then stick it on the shelf " explained Annabelle, Malfoy threw a bicorn horn into a vial.

" So how's Weasly ? " he asked, Annabelle glared at him before speaking. 

" He's fine and it wasn't his fault, his wand is messed up " explained Annabelle. 

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