Chapter 95

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After Christmas, they were back at Hogwarts, Annabelle was finding Jóse and Hermione was lecturing Harry for running out of the Burrow and trying to catch Bellatrix Lestrange.
" You could have been killed, you have to realize who you are," Hermione said.
"I know who I am," Harry said. A few feet away from them, Ron was sitting with Lavender, she as hugging him from behind and she just gave him something she made. She was giggling as usual.
" Of course I'll wear it," Ron said as she put the scarf around his neck. She squealed in delight and higher his arm.
" That's my Won Won ! " she squealed.
" Excuse me I have to go and vomit," Hermione said before walking away. Harry smirked and continued waking till he reached Dumbledore's office. He showed Harry a tiny vial and walked over to the Pensieve, Harry followed. Dumbledore poured it in and Harry dunked his hand into the liquid. The memory was bizarre. He emerged from the Pensieve clearly confused and shocked at what he just saw.
" Confused ? " Dumbledore asked. " I'd be surprised, if you weren't ".
" I don't understand. What happened ? " Harry asked.
" This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected. It is also a lie. You see this memory has been tampered with by the same Persian whose memory it is, our own friend Professor Slughorn," Dumbledore said.
" But why would he tamper with his own memory ? " Harry asked.
" I suspect he's ashamed of it," Dumbledore replied.
" Why ? " he asked.
" Why indeed I ask you to get to know Professor Slughorn and you have done so. I want up to persuade him to divulge his true memory. Anyway you can, " Dumbledore told him.
" I don't know him that well sir, Harry said.
" The memory is everything. Without it we are blind. Without it we leave the fate of our chance. You have no choice. You must no fail," Dumbledore said urgently. He nodded and after Dumbledore sent him away he decided he would try tomorrow.
The next day Annabelle was having tea down by the lake with Jóse. She was explaining what happened the day she fell out of a tree.
" And bam ! " She got cut short when she accidentally knocked over the tea in their cups and the pot of tea with her hand.
" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to," Annabelle panicked picking up the tea pot.
" Your such a lost cause," Jóse said lickin up the two cups before walking away.
" Wait ! I said I didn't mean to, " Annabelle ran up to him, and gently touched his shoulder. The the most unexpected thing happened. Jóse turned around fast and his hand came in contact with Annabelle's cheek. She could feel her cheek beginning to stung badly, she placed her hand over her injured cheek.
" We're over I'm breaking up with you, " Annabelle said grabbing her stuff.
" You can't walk away from me ! I'm your boyfriend," Jóse snapped running in front of her and grabbing her shoulders harshly. She jerked her shoulders out o his grip.
" Get away from me, and you not my boyfriend I thought I said we're over," Annabelle said walking around him.
" Don't you dare walk away from me ! " Jóse threatened.
" Watch me," Annabelle snapped before sprinting to the castle. When she entered Malfoy ran up to we and began walking with her.
" Did I just witness-" Malfoy began
" Yes," Annabelle said holding her cheek.
" Let me see," Draco ordered. They stopped walking and she removed her hand from her cheek. He gasped.
" You can see his hand print, tell me you broke with him ".
" I did," Annabelle said
" Good," Malfoy said before walking away. Annabelle then sprinted to the Gryffindor common room, she said the password, when she walked in she was greeted by Colin.
" Bells ! how-what happened to your cheek ? " he asked concerted at the hand printed on her cheek.
" I'll tell you later, can you stand on the stairs, I need to speak to Neville it's urgent," Annabelle asked. He nodded and stood on the steps. Annabelle set her stuff down and sprinted up the the stairs. She stopped at the closed the door to the dorm.
" Neville ! " Annabelle said urgently knocking on the door. No answer.
" Neville, please answer the door " she asked knocking on the door again.
" Go away," Neville said through the door, he clearly was still upset with her.
" Please, it's important ! " Annabelle pleaded.
" Maybe later," he said.
" But-" Annabelle said.
" I said go away ! " Neville snapped.
" Ok bye," Annabelle said quietly before walking back down the stairs.
" So ? " Colin asked as she picked up her back.
" Jóse hit me," Annabelle answered looking at the ground.
What !? " Colin exclaimed
" Don't worry I broke up with him," Annabelle said looking at the boy. He hugged her before she left the common room. Annabelle went to her dorm, sat on her bed an cried into her pillow.
" I messed up so bad Alexis, I don't know what to do," Annabelle cried to her owl. Who just looked at we with sad eyes. Annabelle wasn't seen for the rest of the day, she didn't even show up to dinner or lunch. After dinner in the Great Hall, Harry made his way to Slughorn's classroom in the dungeons. He decided to question him how Tom Riddle questioned him. Harry knocked three times before Slughorn answered the door clearly surprised.
" Shah well isn't it the Prince of Potions himself. What do I owe this pleasure," Slughorn said as Harry entered the empty classroom.
" Well sir, I wanted to ask something," Harry said.
" Ask away dear boy, ask away," Slughorn said.
" Well sir, see the other day I was in library in the restricted section. And I came across something very odd. A rare piece of magic," Harry said.
" Yes ? What was this rare piece if magic ? " Slughorn asked.
" Well I don't know. I can't remember the name exactly. But it got me there some kind of magic you're not allowed to teach us ? " Harry asked.
" I'm Potions Master, I'm sure questions should be answered by Professor Snape," Slughorn said.
" Yes, well, we dot exactly see eye to eye so...what I mean to say is, he's not like you. He might misunderstand, " Harry explained.
" Yes. There can be no light without a dark, so it is with magic I strive you to use light. I suggest you do the same," Slughorn told him, he began to walk away.
" Is that what you told Tom Riddle when he came asking questions ? " Harry asked. Slughorn looked back at him alarmed and angry.
" Dumbledore put you up to this didn't he ? didn't he !? " he yelled before storming away. Harry walked to his dorm to find Ron sitting in the middle of the room staring at the moon, smiling like a idiot.
" It's beautiful isn't it ? " The moon ? " Ron asked smiling.
" Divine," Harry said looking all the wrappers on the bed and floor. Ron was holding a empty box of chocolate to his chest.
" Have a little late night snack didn't we ? " Harry asked.
" It was on your bed, the box. Just thought I'd try one," Ron said standing up.
" Or twenty," Harry said looking at the wrappers.
" I can't stop thinking about her Harry,' Ron said dreamily.
" I thought she was starting to annoy you," Harry said sitting in his bed. Ron ran and sat next to Harry on the bed.
" She could never annoy me ! " Ron protested. " I think I love her ".
"......brilliant," Harry said getting up.
" Do you think she knows I exist ? " Ron asked.
" Well, I very well hope so she's been snogging you for three months, " Harry said.
" Snogging ? Who're you talking about ? " Ron asked.
" Who're yo talking about ? " he asked.
" Romilda of course. Romilda Vain," Ron said.
" Okay very funny," Harry said. Ron tree the empty box of chocolate at him. " Ow ! What as that for !? "
" It's no joke ! I'm in love with her !" Ron stated
" Alright fine you're in live with her," Harry said.
" Have you ever actually met her ? "
" No. Can you introduce me ? " Ron asked smiling. Harry looked at the note on the box. Love Potion.
" Come on Ron, I'm going to introduce you to Romilda Vain," Harry said. Ron's face lit up as he followed Harry out of the room. Harry was taking him to Slughorn along the way they bumped into Annabelle. She finally decided she was hungry and wanted food.
" Bells are you okay ? " Harry asked looking at her. She wasn't in the best state of condition. Her hair was all messy, her eyes were red and blotchy, and the hand print was turning into a bruise.
" Yeah rough day," Annabelle lied. She joined Harry and Ron as they walked to Slughorn's office in the dungeons. Harry knocked on his door, thankfully he let them in. Harry apologised to him.
" Oh it's alright water under the bridge you know ? " Slughorn said.
" I expect your tired of it after all these years, all those questions," Harry said. " About Voldemort ".
" Don't say his name ! " Slughorn snapped. There was a thump, they turned to se Ron missing. Annabelle got up and found him behind a couch, she helped him up and sat him down on the couch he fell over. Slughorn gave him the potion.
" What's this ? " Ron asked.
" Tonic for the nerves," Slughorn lied. Ron shrugged and drank the whole potion. The goofy smile wiped off his face, now extremely confused.
" What happened to me ? " Ron asked.
" Love Potion," Harry replied.
" Bloody strong one at that," Slughorn said.
" I feel really bad," Ron said looking ill.
" You need a pick-me-up my boy," Slughorn said. Slughorn poured each of them drinks out of a black bottle. He handed each of them a glass. Just as Slughorn and Harry clinked glasses, Annabelle drank more than half the glass and Ron took a sip before falling to the floor.
" Bells ? Ron ? " Harry asked. He put his glass down and kneeled down next to the two. Ron and Annabelle lied on the floor in their backs, shaking violently and twitching. Foam formed in their mouths. Harry was now looking through Slughorn's draws trying to find something that would help the two. He searched until he found two little bottles of liquid. He ran over to the two and poured the liquid down their throats. Ron and Annabelle stopped violently shaking and twitching but now they weren't breathing and lied completely still.
" Come on ! Ron ! Bells ! Breathe ! " Harry urged. Rom suddenly coughing up the remainder of the drink. When he calmed down he looked directly at Harry.
" These girls, they're going to kill me," he said. Annabelle on the other hand, turned over and coughed up some over the drink before lying on her back again. Annabelle was still again, her eyes didn't open, you hardly tell she was breathing or alive. She layers still as a statute.
Authors note: Hey everyone ! I'm am off of school for two weeks now for Christmas !! I have a lot of papers to write though :/ anyways hope your enjoying the story ! I hope you enjoyed the chapter too. Tell me what you think. Love you all
- Pickles

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