Chapter 27

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The next day Annabelle left her dorm earlier than usual to avoid her house classmates. She was sitting at breakfast at the Hufflepuff table barely touching her food. But then a body was sitting next to her and in front of her. Annabelle didn't look up because she didn't want to see the disappointed looks on her friend's face.

" We heard what happened " softly spoke Sandra.

" We not mad, but why were you out so late to cause us to lose fifty points," asked Annabelle 2. Annabelle sighed, she looked like she was about to cry. But she did explain what happened that night leaving out the parts about Norbet and Nicholas Flammel drama.

" That's ok Annabelle, and by the way why did Ron look like he was about to pee his pants yesterday before you went to the library ? " questioned Sandra this cause Annabelle 1 to laugh, so Annabelle 1 explained the incident.

" Ha! But as much as I want to say Ron's wrong, but I agree with him " laughed Annabelle 2. Annabelle 1 glared at her friend who just put her hands up in defense laughing. That night Annabelle and the rest of the people that got in trouble for being out after hours were in Great Hall. They had detention so they had to follow Filch outside.

" Pity they let the old punishments go, there was a time, in detention, we'd find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. Oh, how I miss the screaming " creepily spoke Filch. This caused Annabelle to stop walking and her eyes to go wide in fear. Ron was behind her and noticed her stop so he grabbed her hand and dragged her along with the others.

" Don't worry Bells, things like that haven't happened for over fifty years" said Ron trying to reassure himself more than Annabelle. They stopped walking once they reached Hagrid's hut.

" You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do in the dark forest," explained Filch. Hagrid came out of his hut carrying supplies while slightly crying.

" Oh good god man, you not still on about that bloody dragon are you ? " asked Filch.

" Norberts gone, Dumbledore sent him off to Romania, to live in a colony " sobbed Hagrid.

" Well that's good isn't it, he'll be with his own kind," said Hermione.

" Yeah but, what if he doesn't like Romania? What if the others dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby after all " said Hagrid.

" Oh for god's sake get it together man. Your goin into the Dark Forest after all " said Filch.

" The Forrest! I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there ! " exclaimed Malfoy.

" What Draco, scared to go into the Forrest ? " asked Harry, the others snickered.

" Students aren't allowed! And there are - " he was cut off by a howl. " Werewolves ".

" There's more than werewolves in those trees lad. Can be sure of that nighty night " said Filch while walking off.

" Right let's go then " said Hagrid heading towards the forest. Hagrid then stopped in front of a puddle, the liquid was silver and thick. Hagrid dipped his fingers in it then brought his fingers towards his face to get a better look.

" Hagrid, what is that ? " asked Harry.

" What we're here for, see that," said Hagrid while gesturing to his fingers. " That's unicorn blood that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. " all their mouths dropped open. Hagrid continued " Now, this ones been hurt badly by somethin " Annabelle's stomach dropped and her eyes started to water, so she stopped walking again. This time Malfoy was behind her.

" Come on Hood- wait are you crying ? " sneered Malfoy.

" The p-poor u-unicorns " stuttered Annabelle with tears escaping her eyes. Draco stopped as his eyes widened, he didn't know what to do, he has never seen Annabelle cry and didn't know she was so soft with animals. The others were in front and didn't know Annabelle and Draco had stopped walking yet nor that Annabelle was crying, but they weren't that far behind still in-ear hearing range. More tears escape Annabelle's eyes. So Draco did the only thing that came to his mind something that shocked him and Annabelle. He hugged her, for as much as she disliked Draco she accepted the hug since she was crying.

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