Letters 4/mini storyish ?

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Annabelle was back at the Ministry, she was running, she turned a corner juts to run into a Death Eater causing her to fall. The Death Eater snatched her arm, dragged her to the room with the arch mirror. He threw he across the room. Annabelle slid a few feet before hitting a wall. She stood up and looked around the room, it was dark and gray. Then something caught her eye.
" Mom ? Dad ? Thomas ? Lizzy ( her older sister )? " Annabelle gasped walking towards them, the closer she got they disappeared into the thin air. " Wherw did you guys go ? " She ran over to the spot and began feeling the ground.
" Annabelle ? " a voice asked. Annabelle turned around and saw Malfoy pointing his wand at her. Annabelle went to reach for her wand to find it not there.
" Looking for this ? " asked a female voice from behind. Annabelle turned and saw Bellatrix Lestrange. She let out a tiny scream before falling to the ground. Bellatrix began to slowly an evilly laugh.
" You have two minutes," Snape said coming out from nowhere.
" Run," they coursed. Annabelle jolted up and ran without even thinking. She ran into an door! she silently opened it and slipped inside the room before silently closing the door. She turned and collapsed to the ground, her hand came to her mouth before she could scream. In front of her laid Neville's body. He was all beaten up, blood everywhere, his shirt was ripped open, extremely pale, carved into his chest was the words ' Plant Boy '. She crawled to his body.
" No," she breathed. " Neville ? " No response she put her head on his chest to listen for his heart beat. There was no heart beat. Her head came off his chest, as tears fell from eyes. She began to play with his hair gently. " Y-You c-cant b-b-be d-d-d-dead ". It was clear Neville was dead but Annabelle wouldn't accept it. " Don't die Neville, open your eyes, I-I c-can't l-lose y-you ". Annabelle sniffled, she kissed his forehead before breaking down into sobs, holding his body close to her. A voice began to laugh, startling Annabelle, she looked up and found her self face to face with Bellatrix.
" AHHHHHHH ! " Annabelle screamed, her eyes snapped open, she sat up and began freaking. Then she stopped and looked around realizing it was just a bad dream, she was in her room.
" Annabelle ? " a soft voice asked. She looked up to see her mom in the door way. " Are you okay ? " Annabelle nodded, putting her head in her hands. Her mom gave her the look before breaking down into tears. Her mom engulfed her in a hug and rubbed her back.
" Ever since you came back, with your head injury and nightmares, I've been thinking," her mom began.
" What is it ? " Annabelle asked with the curiosity of seven year old.
" I'm not so sure you should go back to Hogwarts, maybe you should just stay here in Michigan and go to a high school," her mom said.
" Mom, " Annabelle began.
" I just don't want you to get injured badly again," her mom said with worry.
" I can be more careful, plus Thomas," Annabelle insisted
" Fine, but Thomas will be watching like an eagle," her mom laughed.
" He always does," Annabelle laughed.
" Good," her mom said. They both laughed.
" I thinking I'm going to make my self hot chocolate," Annabelle said getting up.
" Alright, don't burn yourself, and don't wake up the boys, night," her mom said getting up and going to bed. Annabelle walked into the kitchen and turned on hot water. As she wait for he water to boil, Jóse came up from the stairs.
" Bells ? Are you okay ? " Jóse asked with concern.
" Yeah just another nightmare," Annabelle said shrugging it off.
" You sure," he asked walking over to her.
" Positive," she answered as she pulled out to mugs and put hot coco stuff in hit. The water was boiling. She turned it off and poured the hot water into the two mugs.
" Thanks," Jóse laughed as they took their mugs and went into the backyard.
" What time is it anyways ? " Annabelle asked with the same curiosity from earlier.
" Like 3:30," Jóse answered. The two talked about a lot of stuff sometimes it was really funny. Then suddenly it was quiet. Jóse looked at Annabelle in eyes, and she did the same. Without realizing it they began to lean in, they closed their eyes, then their lips touched. A few seconds later they pulled apart wide eyed.
" I'm so sorry," Annabelle said in a rush.
" It's okay," Joe breathed.
" I think going to go to bed," Annabelle said awkwardly and walked back into the house with Jóse following.
" Same night," he said going downstairs. Annabelle went back into her bed, right before she fell asleep a few things went through her head.
" What just happened ? But I thought liked Neville ? And that was my first kiss !! Also Thomas is going to kill him if he ever finds out '. Now onto the letters.
Dear Wendy ( Annabelle ),
How's your head ? Please be more careful ! Did you hear about Dean and Ginny ? Well, I think I'm ready to make it up with Sandra, it was a stupid fight. I miss talking to her. I actually don't even care if she takes my hoodies. Miss you
- Peter Pan ( Seamus )
Dear Anniebelli,
Hope your head is okay !! Hope you enjoyed our fireworks ! When you both get picked up, you should come see out joke shop !! It's amazing !! Miss you
- Fred and George
Dear Banana Pickle ( Annabelle ),
Hope your head gets better ! Can't wait to come and visit you and Thomas ! I have an important question for you. Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange ? And are we still going to be a band ? Miss you
- West Potato ( Jóse )
Dear Bells,
Are you having nightmares too ? One day they will end, I don't know when but they will. And I'm not exactly at the Durselys now, I've been avoiding them. Miss you
- Harry
Dear Annabelle,
Hope your okay ! Be careful ! Can't wait till we come get you guys ! We are going to go to Fred and George's joke shop, thy are doing really well. Miss you
- Ronald
Dear Bells,
Hope you are okay. Now what happened with Jóse ? But Neville, you must be confused and I know I not really supposed to know that you are beginning to like Neville but I accidentally forced it out of Madelyn. I promise I won't tell anyone Miss you
- Mione
Dear Bells,
Hope your head is okay ! Also like Mione I forced it out Madelyn, is it tue ? And you and Jóse kissed !! You must be really confused now. And it's true ! Me and Dean are dating ! He's the sweetest !! Can't wait till you guys come !! We're going to go visit Fred and George at their joke shop. Miss you
- Ginny
Dear Bells ( Annabelle 1),
How's the head ? You would never believe it but Oliver came and visited me !! He's the sweetest ! Now give me details on kiss ? But Neville ? You poor girl are for sure confused. Also it was a lot of fun when the group came and visited me and Luna in California ! Miss you
- Annie ( Annabelle 2 )
Dear Bells,
Hope your head is okay ! And you must be in a lot of confusion between liking Neville but you shared a kiss with Jóse. And I'm pretty sure the band is going to continued, Jóse asked me the same question. Well California was so much fun ! Surfing was defiantly my favourite part. Miss you
- Maddie
Dear Ac ( Annabelle ),
Hope your head is okay ! And it's true, me and Ginny are dating !! She's so cute. I finally worked up the courage and asked her. And did Seamus tell you that he was going to make it up with Sandra ! Finally ! After two years ! Miss you
- DT ( Dean )
Annabelle got a letter from a very unexpecting person. She almost did a spit take and choked on her water she was drinking. The letter was from Malfoy.
Dear Hood,
I need to talk to you
Dear Bells,
Hope your head is okay !! And your probably really confused with the kiss, but liking Neville thing. I hope you make a good choice. And thanks for coming to visit me and Annie in California ! It was a blast ! Miss you
- LuLu ( Luna )
Dear Bells,
Hope your head is better ! Did you hear about Dean and Ginny ? And thank god Seamus is finally going to make it up with Sandra. He told me When they go back to Hogwarts he'll take her to the lake and have to tea to apologise. Well ! The plant I have is doing really good ! Can't wait to show you the progress ! And California sounds like you had a lot of fun ! Gran still wants to meet you. Miss you loads
- Nev
Authors note: Hey !! So what's up with Jóse and Annabelle now ?? Is it going to be Nevabelle ( Neville and Annabelle ) or Jelle ( Jóse and Annabelle ) Will Annabelle know what her heart wants ? Is Jóse and Annabelle going to date this year ? I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and was safe Black Friday shopping. Love you all
- Pickles

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