Chapter 35

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Filch led them to Professor Snape's office. Snape of all people! When they told him what happened he wasn't happy. Snape picked the Daily Prophet much to Harry and Ron's horror the headlines read: FLYING FORD ANGLIA MYSTIFIES MUGGLES. The picture showed the car flying over Kings Cross station. 

" You were seen by no less than 7 Muggles " said Snape throwing the paper away. " Do you have any idea how serious this is ? You have risked the exposure of our world, not to mention the damage you inflicted on the Whomping Willow that's been on these grounds before you were born. " Filch looked like he was enjoying every moment of this. Snape's black eyes were unemotional and cold, Harry and Ron were clearly scared.

" Honestly Professor Snape I think it did more damage to us " said Ron glancing at a unconscious Annabelle who now had little bits of blood dripping off her head and onto the carpet, Harry nodded in agreement.

" Silence ! " hissed Snape, they shut their mouths and Ron's attention was now back on Snape. " I assure you, that if you where in Slytherin and your faith rested in me! the three of you of you would be on the train home tonight ! " he said to Ron and Harry. He didn't even bother trying to Annabelle. The boys gaze met the floor , unwilling to meet Snape's eyes.

" As it is " he begun, " They are not " said a familiar voice, they all turned to find themselves facing Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor House, Professor Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff house, and Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster.

" Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout " breathed Harry. " Headmaster " said Snape pointing to them. " These children have flouted degrees of Restriction for Under-aged Wizardy " said Snape.

" I'm well aware of our bi-laws Severus, having written quite a few myself " said Dumbledore. " However, as Head of Gryffindor house and Head of Hufflepuff house, it is for Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout to determine the appropriate action. "

" We'll get our stuff then " said Ron glumly.

" What are you talking about Mr. Weasly ? " asked Sprout.

" Your going to expel us aren't you ? " he asked.

" Not today Mr. Weasly, but I impress the seriousness, of what you three have done, We'll be writing to your family's tonight and the three of you will receive detention " said McGonagall. They nodded and Snape looked as Christmas has been cancelled.

" May I ask why is Ms. Hood over your shoulder Mr. Weasly ? " asked Sprout. Ron's eyes widen and put Annabelle in his arms bridal style.

" A branch struck her in the head hard " panicked Ron now looking Annabelle's blood cover forehead and now some blood started to run down her face.

" We must get her to the hospital wing quickly " said Dumbledore. They quickly wet to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey took her into immediate care.

" She has a minor concussion and will awake by tomorrow morning," Madam Pomfrey informed. Harry and Ron let out a breath and began to relax. " But she'll have to have a bandage on her head for the next few days and there will be absolute no running for her " They all left the hospital wing for Annabelle to rest and recover.

The next morning Annabelle had awoken it was about six in the morning, so it was still dark.

" Ms. Hood your awake ! " said Pomfrey startling Annabelle. " Sorry dear, but you are able to leave just take some of this medicine " said Pomfrey, Annabelle had the medicine. " Now I must warn you, you must take the next few days easy your head it bandaged and absolutely no running ! " she warned waking out. Annabelle got up and slowly made her way to the Hufflepuff common room.

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