Chapter 10

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" First years over here, " chanted a deep voice over. Annabelle looked up a saw a super tall man with dark brunette hair and facial hair.

" That's Hagrid " Harry whispered into Annabelle's ear.

" He's so tall, " Annabelle said surprise.

" Hey Harry doing ok," said Hagrid once they were near him.

" Hey Hagrid, " replied Harry.

"Woah," Ron breathed.

" Four to a boat " Hagrid repeated over and over. So Annabelle, Thomas, Harry, and Ron all sat in the same boat. the boats then jolted forward causing Annabelle to gasp, the boys to snicker at her then she whacked each of them in the back of the head. now Annabelle's and Neville's boats were close to each other.

" I can't find Trevor again " sadly whispered Neville

" Awe we will find promise " whispered back Annabelle. she gave him and small smile which he returned.

" Watch your heads " shouted Hagrid they all bent their heads to avoid it getting hit. Then Hagrid rose a gigantic fist and knocked on the door. When the door opened there stood a very stern-looking lady.

" The first year's ma'am " spoke Hagrid

" Thank you Hagrid " replied the lady then she led then to a hall and stood on a step and faced the crowd.

" Welcome to Hogwarts " she paused and scanned the room of first years. "Now in a few moments, you will pass through those doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your classmates will earn you as many points as possible. Any rule breaking you will lose house points. At the end the house with most points will win the house cup a great award." she was talking when

" TREVOR " shouted Neville happily causing Annabelle to jump again, while everyone else snickered. The Professor stared sternly at him.

" Sorry" quickly apologized Neville once he looked up then walked back to where he was standing which was next to Annabelle.

" Sorry for making you jump again " quietly apologized Neville to Annabelle. " it's ok she whispered back with a warm smile.

" The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily, I suggest you smarten yourselves up as much as you can while waiting." she continued glancing her eyes at the smudge on Ron's nose and Neville's cloak.

"I shall return when we are ready for you, please wait here" and with a swoosh of her cloak, she was inside the doors.

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