Chapter 93

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The incident with Katie was fresh in their minds. It now Friday and Slughorn's dinner party was that night. Annabelle wasn't going to go that night, her roommates were already out doing other stuff. Annabelle got into another argument with Jose. They were yelling at each other till Annabelle walked away not wanting to fight anymore. She called him a smart butt, then he crossed the line calling her a lost cause. Annabelle was sitting in the dorm, on the window sill, staring out the window, crying. At the very last minute she decided to get ready and go to the dinner party. Along they way she bumped into Ginny who was in the same state of her. They both silently walked to the dinner party in the dungeons. When they reached the door, both of them silently hoped no one would notice their red puffy eyes. They walked in on a strange sentence said from Hermione. "-Robby Kenwick did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches ". When Annabelle closed the door, they noticed the two girls were there.

" Ah Ms. Weasly. Ms. Hood I was beginning to worry," Slughorn said when they walked in. Everyone's eyes were on them, it was clear to Hermione, Harry, and Neville to see  their red eyes.

" Sorry, I'm not normally late, " Ginny replied.

" I am usually late," Annabelle replied making everyone laugh.

" Look at their eyes, they haven crying, they've been fighting, Dean and Ginny. Same goes for Bells and Jose," Hermione whispered to Harry and Neville.

" No worries, just in time for dessert, " said Slughorn. When both girls reached the table, Harry and Neville stood up, awkwardly sat down.  Annabelle sat down in between Hermione and some random person. She was silent most of time, except when she had to answering a question making others laugh. At the corner of her eye she could see the concerned look on Neville's face, she didn't make eye contact with him once. An hour or so later, the dinner party was over. Slughorn greeted everyone with a goodnight as they left out the door. Ginny was the first one to leave followed by Annabelle. When he closed the door and turned he saw harry still standing there. 

" Potter ? ' Slugorn said.

" Oh sorry sir, i was just admiring your hour glass," harry lied.

" Oh yes. Such an intriguing object. The sand runs in a quality of a conversation. It is stimulating the sand runs slowly and if it is not-" Slughorn began.

" Well i guess, I'll be going," Harry said.

" Nonsense; you have nothing to fear. As for some of classmates, well lets just say they're unlikely to make the shelf," Slughorn said with enthusiasm.

" The shelf sir ? " he questioned.

" Anyone who is inspires to be anyone. Hopes  to end up here," Slughorn said pointing towards a shelf full of pictures. " But then again you are already someone aren't you ? " 

" Did Voldemort ever make the shelf ? '  Harry asked. Once the words were out of his mouth, Slughornwas frozen tow where he was standing. ' You knew him didn't you sir....Tom Riddle ? " Harry asked. " You were his teacher ". 

" Mr. Riddle had a number of teachers while he at Hogwarts," Slughorn silently replied.

" What was he like ? " Harry asked. " I'm sorry sir, forgive me. I was just thinking that he was different. Before he killed my parents ".

" Of course, i-its natural you should want to know more, but I'm afraid i must disappoint you. When i first met young Mr. Riddle he was in choir, a brilliant boy, and committed to be coming a first rate wizard. Not a like others I've known, but alike you in fact. But a monster existed, it was deep within ".


The next morning was the first Quidditch game of the season. It was also Ron's first time as Keeper. Ron came in the Great Hall dressed in his Quidditch gear, he looked like he was going to be sick. He sat down next to Hermione and looked at his food as if it was poison.

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