Chapter 64

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The next day Annabelle was getting ready for tea down by the lake.

" Bells you look fine," said Hannah fixing her hair as Annabelle lightly put on make-up. Annabelle was wearing a dark purple short sleeved shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, black flats, side braid, light make up, her necklace and her charm bracelet.

" Are you sure ? " asked Annabelle.

" Yes, I'm sure, Bells you look fine, you're gong to have tea down the lake, just be yourself, " laughed Hannah

" Thanks Hannah, by the way have you seen-,"

" Its by the door, " said Hannah cutting off Annabelle.

" Thanks again Hannah," laughed Hannah

" Bells if you don't leave now your going to be late," said Sandra coming in.

" I better get going then," said Annabelle grabbing her guitar They followed her out the door, when they got to the common room Annabelle found Thomas sitting there and waiting.

" Tom ? " questioned Annabelle

" Look Bells I'm sorry about what i said, i was being too over protective of you, your my sister i just don't want anyone to hurt you, " said Thomas

" Awe Tom. its okay I forgive you, don't worry if I do ever get hurt I know you would help along with everyone else, " said Annabelle

" Besides you and Neville are like best friends, that would be cruel if I didnt let you two still be friends, " laughed Thomas. " Now you go have tea, and tell me what happens after, " The two hugged it out like the brother and sister they are.


" Hey ! Sorry I'm late," said Annabelle putting her guitar down, and sitting down next to Noah.

" Its okay, it was only by like two minutes, besides I've heard stories that your always the one to be late, " laughed Noah handing her a cup of tea.

" Thank you., and was it Jose," laughed Annabelle taking a sip of tea. Noah nodded.

" So i was told that your in a band, ' said Noah, Annabelle nodded. " Can you tell me about it ? "

" Okay so there's the drummer Jose Jalapeno, hes a Ravenclaw, I met in first year during our first potions lesson, and hes from America like me but hes from Florida and not Michigan-"

" Now that explains why you sound different " said Noah cutting Annabelle off making her laugh.

" Yep I'm from America, hmm Oh. So next person is Madelyn Wilson, shes on the keyboard or piano, sings a bit, shes also in Ravenclaw, I met her at my first flying class in first year, she also is from America except shes from North Carolina. She is dating Peter Malseyk. Now Peter is our singer, hes in Hufflepuff with me, I met him at our first band practice(same house but didn't meet till second year like wow ), hes from England, by the way were all in the same year. Next is Carter Hamilton, hes our bassist, hes Ravenclaw, I met him also at our first band practice, came up with the band's name, and hes from Ireland. Last but not least is me, Annabelle Hood, Hufflepuff, Michigan, guitarist and I sing a bit," explained Annabelle. Then drank more tea.

" Whats the band's name ? " asked Noah

" Ravenpuffs," said Annabelle going red in embarrassment

" Ravenpuffs ? " laughed Noah

" Yeah, Carter said he panicked but I don't believe him," said Annabelle

" Could you play me a song ? " asked Noah

" Of course, hmm do you mind the Beatles ? " she asked getting her guitar out.

" Not at all, "he answered. Annabelle played him Here comes the sun. [ Okay again I'm too lazy to find a cover but enjoy the song ! ]. After Noah clapped for her.

" That was amazing ! " exclaimed Noah

" Thanks," said Annabelle blushing. " By the way whats your last name ? "

" Harris," replied Noah

" Noah Harris...I like it, " confirmed Annabelle

" Thanks," blushed Noah. " So your muggle-born right ? " Annabelle nodded. " Tell me what it was like before you came to Hogwarts,"

" Well, it was a bit lonely and different explain," said Annabelle

" Explain,' said Noah

" Well, my only friends were Thomas, Sandra, and Doug during school. The other kids always called us outcasts. They threw things at us, called us names, but we stuck up each other. Started when I was five, that's also when I started to look out for my friends, " explained Annabelle

" That's terrible ! " gasped Noah

" Eh, its all good now. I mean I have a lot of friends and they are all amazing people. There time at school I prayed for summer to come, now I get kinda sad and happy when summer comes. Sad because i wont see many of my friends, happy because i can home and see my family," said Annabelle shrugging.

" Did you get into any fights ? " asked Noah

" Yes ! Do you see this scar ? " laughed Annabelle pointing to a mark on her leg.

" What happened ? " worryingly asked Noah

" Well the four of us were on the Jungle gym playing a game when Brooke Kenny and her posse came up to us and started throwing things at us and calling us names. And well we fought back. Doug had a black eye, Thomas had a busted lip, Sandra had a broken, nose and I had to get stitches. We all were bleeding in spots, had bruises, clothes ripped and some hair ripped out. They also went home injured. " explained Annabelle

" What happened causing you to get stitches ? " asked Noah

" Well Ashley Taylor one of the poses took a stick and dug it into my leg and drugged it down my leg causing blood just to pour out, " explained Annabelle.

" Those school years sounds tough, does anyone besides you four, the school, and your parents know about this ? " asked Noah

" Only a few, but its all good now," said Annabelle shrugging off the concerned look Noah was giving her. For the rest of the time they sat and talked. Noah told her more about himself. Sometimes Annabelle played a sing. When they talked it was sometimes complete nonsense making them laugh.


Noah walked Annabelle back to her the Hufflepuff.

" Thanks for tea today, I had a great time, " gratefully said Annabelle

" No problem, it was my pleasure to take a beautiful girl like you out for some tea down by the lake, and I had a great time too, " said Noah smoothly causing Annabelle to blush. " Shall I see you later ? " he asked as they stopped at the door.

" Definitely just maybe not tomorrow that much, I'm meeting up with Luna,Madelyn, Annie, and Sandra ( Legit 5 meeting ) then meeting up with Neville at the library to study and do homework," rambled Annabelle.

" Its fine," laughed Noah. " See yuo later, " Noah kissed her cheek and left. Annabelle walked in the common and there sat Legit 5, Ginny, Vanessa, Luna, Hannah, Susan Bones, and Cho.

"Tell us," said Sandra making her laugh. Annabelle then sat and told them what happened.


Authors note: So saturday i saw if i stay and it was amazing !!!!!!! Who else has seen and what you think ?? Also who watched the vmas and emmys i didnt see the emmys bu i saw the vmas and jim carry cracks me up just falling and Beyonces performance was just AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Pickles

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