Chapter 96

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Harry's quick thinking saved Ron's life's, it had a different effect on Annabelle. She had a lot of the poison not all of it came out and right now she is fighting for her life. Annabelle was getting pale, she was beginning to get cold, her pulse was slowing down. The bruise on her cheek was worse and more visible. Both of them were now in the Hospital Wing. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Thomas, Doug, Legit 5, the band except Jóse, Seamus, Dean, and Neville. Ginny and Hermione were sitting on the either ends of Ron's bed. Thomas and Neville were sitting on either ends of Annabelle's bed. Hermione held Ron's hand and Neville held Annabelle's hand when Dumbledore, Snape, Slughorn, McGonall, and Sprout walked in.
" Quick thinking on your part Harry using a beazor. You must be very proud of your student Horace," Dumbledore said.
" Oh yes, very proud, " Slughorn said. Harry noticed Slughorn holding the bottle of liquid that poisoned Ron and Annabelle.
" I think we can agree Potters actions were heroic, the question is.....why were they necessary," McGonall questioned.
" Why indeed, " Dumbledore said. Slughorn held up the bottle of the liquid, Dumbledore took it from him.
" This appears to be a gift Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle ? " Dumbledore asked. Slughorn shook his head. Dumbledore sniffed the liquid. " By the way possesses of remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry, but not polluted with poison ".
" Actually I intended to give it as a gift myself," Slughorn said.
" To whom I might ask ? " Dumbledore said.
".....To you Headmaster," Slughorn said reluctantly. The doors of the Hospital Wing opened and Lavender came rushing in.
" Where is he ? Where's my Won Won !? Has he been asking for me ? " she asked in a panic. Lavender looked at Hermione. " What is she doing here ? "
" I might ask you the same question," Hermione said standing up.
" I happened to be his girlfriend," she hissed.
" I am happened to be his.....friend," Hermione said back.
" Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want me to break up with now that he suddenly all interesting," Lavender said.
" He's been poisoned you daft dimbo ! " Hermione said. " And for the record I always found him interesting ! " Ron moved slightly and took in a breath of air, he was waking up.
" Ah see, he senses my presence," Lavender said leaning closer to him. " Don't worry Won Won. I'm here. I'm here ".
" He-mio-ne," he said. " Her-mione. Hermione," Ron breathed. Lavender ran out of the room crying. Hermione sat back down and grabbed his hand again, she was shocked but happy.
" Oh to be young, and feel loves keen sting," Dumbledore said.
" If Ron is waking up ? Why isn't Annabelle ? " Thomas asked.
" She never opened her eyes, " Harry answered.
" Shouldn't her boyfriend have come by now ? " Neville asked harshly.
" Why is there a giant bruise on her cheek ? " Doug asked.
" She didn't tell you Neville ? " Annabelle 2 gasped.
" She had something to tell me, but told her later and shooed her away," Neville said confused.
" So you don't know ? " Madelyn asked. Most of the room shook their heads, even the teachers.
" They broke up, Bells ended it," Luna said.
" Why ? " Seamus asked.
" H-he hit her," Sandra said with difficulty.
" He what !? " Thomas exclaimed just to be shushed. Neville was speechless he turned his attention back to Annabelle. He gently rubbed his thumb over her swollen cheek. Nothing, she didn't move.
" Why isn't she waking up ? " panicked Neville.
" She consumed more poison then Ron, not all of it came out," Harry explained.
" She might not wake up," Madame Pomfrey said. The room went silent.
" Well come away everybody, Mr. Weasly and Ms. Hood is well tended," Dumbledore said.
" It's about time, don't you think ? " Ginny said to Harry before leaving the room.
" Shut up," Hermione said trying to hide a smile. Eventually everyone left them alone. Only person left was Neville. He was still on Annabelle's bed holding her hand.
" Please don't die Bells," he said softly. Later that night Malfoy snuck into the Hospital Wing to find Annabelle in one of the beds. He walked over to her and put his hand on her forehead before jerking it away.
" Jeez, Hood your freezing," Malfoy breathed. No response. " You need to wake up. Sooner or later, fight this battle ". He kissed her freezing forehead and ran out of the Hospital Wing. After he left Thomas and Neville came in to check on her.
The next day Ron was let out of the Hospital Wing before they went down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Annabelle however, hasn't woken up and she was worse. Paler, pulse is slower, she's super cold. Harry told them that after he left the Hospital Wing the day before, he saw Malfoy walking suspiciously down the hall. As they walked into the Great Hall, Harry told them that he followed Malfoy until he disappeared into the Room of Requirements.
" Why would he be going to the Room of Requirement ? " Hermione asked. Harry shrugged his shoulders but clearly was not letting go of the topic.
" Any ideas Ron ? " Harry asked. Ron didn't seem to hear him, he was staring intensely behind Hermione and Harry. They all turned and saw Lavender staring intensely at Ron and Hermione, almost glaring at them, and clearly tensed. It started to snow above their heads.
" Stop it Ron, you're making it snow," Hermione said. Ron was tensed, but his face relaxed it stopped snowing.
" Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again," Ron said. Harry looked away not wanting to explain.
" Well um..She came to visit you int the hospital.....and you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation," Hermione explained slowly.
" Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be short of her it just shed seems a bit angry now," Ron said. They turned and looked at her. Lavender clutched her spoon so hard that is seemed like it was going to bend. She continued to glare at Hermione and Ron.
" Yes, she does doesn't she, " Hermione said. " Your saying, you don't remember anything from that night ? " Hermione awkwardly asked. " Anything at all ? "
" There is something..." Ron said thinking hard. ".....But it can't be, I was completely boggled wasn't I,"
" Boggled," Hermione whispered to herself looking around the Great Hall, her eyes landed on Katie Bell. Her arm was in bandages she looked like she just came from the Hospital Wing. Hermione nudged Harry.
" Harry, it's Katie," Hermione said. Harry got up, grabbed his book and walked over to Katie.
" Katie, how are you ? " Harry asked.
" Harry, I know why you're here. But I who cursed me, " Katie answered.
" Right," Harry said. He saw Katie looking over his shoulder, he turned and saw Malfoy looking directly at them. He looked scared, frightened like a little child. Malfoy quickly walked out of the Great Hall. Harry followed shortly.
" Harry ? " Hermione called after him, but he ignored her and broke into a run. He ended up following Malfoy to the boys lavatory. When he entered he saw Draco crying at a sink. * there is a video *. Harry walked out of the boys lavatory in a hurry, he could not believe what he had just done. He has no idea that the spell would harm Malfoy in the way that it did. Clutching ' The Half-Blood Prince ' textbook, he might've ripped it. He walked into the Gryffindor common room in a daze.
"Harry ? " Ginny asked. Harry seemed to have calmed down a bit and told them what happened. Ginny looked at the book in Harry's hands.
" You have to get rid of that book. Today," Ginny said. Harry nodded.
Later that day Harry and Ginny went to go hide the book. Ron and Hermione were in the common room when Neville walked in wearing a sad expression on his face as he sat down on a chair.
" What's wrong mate ? You seem down," Ron asked.
" Bells," Neville stated.
" Did you get in an argument ? Where even is she ? I haven't seen her for a while," Ron questioned.
" You didn't see anyone else in hospital when you woke up ? " Hermione asked. Ron shook his head.
" No one told you ? " Neville asked.
" NoMoron answered
" Do you want the good or bad news first ? " Hermione asked.
" Good," Ron answered
" Bells and Jóse broke it off, Bells ended it," Hermione began.
" Finally ! But why ? " Ron asked
" He hit her," Neville said sniffling.
" He what !? " Ron demanded
" More bad news is that, Annabelle was poisoned like you were but she more than half the glass and-" Neville trailed off.
" And ? " Ron said.
" She's in really bad condition. Pulse slowing down, she's getting super pale like sick pale, and she's super cold," Neville ranted.
" What did Madame Pomfrey say ? ' Ron asked
" She might not wake up," Neville said softly.
" Did you go visit her today ? " Hermione asked. Neville nodded. " Any news ? " Neville nodded
" Good or bad ? " she questioned
" Bad," he said.
" What is it ? " Ron asked.
" From I heard, if her pulse gets any slower or she get even colder, and even more pale she'll be on the very edge of living and dead-" Neville said as a tear ran down his face.
" What else ? Spit it out," Hermione said.
" There's a 25% she might live," Neville said
" That's good," Ron said slowly.
" Ron ! " Hermione snapped
" Then there's the 75% she won't live," Neville said getting up.
" There's still hope, there's still a 25 % chance she'll live," Ron said.
" Thanks mate," Neville said forcing a smile. All three of ten left the common room. Neville went back to the hospital wing and Hermione and Ron caught up with Harry. He no longer had the book.
" So did you and Ginny do it then ? " Ron asked.
" What ? " Harry asked.
" You know hide the book," Hermione added.
" Oh yeah, we hid the book," Harry told them. Now over in the Hospital Wing Thomas and Neville were sitting next to Annabelle, Neville held her hand.
" Come on Annabelle, wake up, I know you can, your going to live with 25 % chance," Thomas pleaded.
" Bells, please wake up," Neville said softly.
" You know what Neville ? " Thomas asked.
" What ? " he asked nervously.
" If she would to have love any boy in this world, I'm glad it's you," Thomas
" Tom don't be silly, she doesn't like that, besides we're just best friends how would you know that ? " Neville said disbelief.
" I'm her brother, I can tell, you both are very oblivious, and shy and scared to admit it," Thomas explained.
" How so ? " Neville asked.
" I'll tell you later, " Thomas said getting up and began to walk away. He stopped and turned back around.
" You mean a lot to her ". Then he left for dinner. Neville smiled but he couldn't but notice that Annabelle was now extremely cold. He gently rubbed his thumb over her cheek.
" Your so cold," he shivered. He leaned down and kissed her now slightly swollen cheek. Before he knew it, the tears were coming down his face, falling into Annabelle.
" Wake up Bells. Please just wake up. I can't lose you ".

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