Chapter 69

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Once word about the Yule Ball, everyone was on edge. Boys were nervously working up courage to ask girls, and girls were hoping that they were going to be asked. Annabelle was walking alone when something hit her in the back of the head and landed in front of her. Annabelle looked around and didn't see anyone near her, then she looked down and picked up a piece of paper. Annabelle slowly opened up the crumbled piece of paper.

' Bells go to the Green house ~ Noah ' Annabelle smiled and then looked behind her ad didn't see him, she then confusingly went to the Greenhouse. When she a few feet away she saw pink flower petals by her feet leading into the Greenhouse. Annabelle smiled and slowly followed into the Greenhouse to find Noah in a corner pacing back and forth nervously when something in his hands behind his back.Noah stopped pacing when he saw Annabelle standing there. Noah put a hand into front of him, in the hand was a really pretty pink flower.

" Annabelle, would like to go tot the ball with me ? " asked Noah nervously.

" I would love too," answered Annabelle smiling. Noah picked Annabelle and spun her happily before setting her back on the ground and putting the flower in her hair.

" Thank you ! I will see you later beautiful," said Noah kissing her cheek and leaving. Annabelle began jumping up and down and going in circles in happiness, she was just so speechless and happy. Noah also was jumping up and done as he walked in happiness.


The next day Annabelle, was with Hermione, Harry, and Ron were outside studying. Viktor Krum passed them with his fan-girls including, Annabelle 2 and Luna following closely behind him. Viktor glanced at Hermione and smiled, Hermione's cheeks flushed bright pink and became more interested in her book. Annabelle nudge her friend and giggled. Hermione looked at Annabelle and playfully rolled her eyes before going back to her book. Eventually Annabelle got up and walked to the castle. When she went inside she saw Neville walking towards. He was shaking, his hands were sweating.

" Hey Nev, are you okay ? " asked Annabelle concerned.

" Hey B-Bells, c-can I ask you s-something ? " stuttered Neville

" Go for it," replied Annabelle

" W-Would y-you like to g-go to the b-ball with me," Neville asked nervously.

" Oh Neville, I would love to but someone already asked me and i said yes, I'm sorry," answered Annabelle.

" Its ok, I'll see later," said Neville feeling a bit embarrassed and started walking over to Seamus.

' Neville wait ! " called Annabelle running up to him.

" Yes ? " he asked.

" I'll save you a dance or two I promise," said Annabelle

" Sounds cool," said Neville smiling at her.


Later that night Annabelle was setting up for the dance lesson in a classroom they're letting her use. Doors flew open and Malfoy came running in.

" What are you doing here ?! " demanded Annabelle

" For your information I'm also helping to teach dance. I'm your assistant and I'm also serving detention," answered Mafloy

" Fine ! Just don't get in my way ! " snapped Annabelle as most the class just came in.

" i'll try,' said Malfoy looking at Annabelle's outfit. A pair of black yoga pants, pulled back t-shirt and hair in a pony tail, and no socks. " Ecspecailly if you look like that,"

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