Chapter 32

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Annabelle had an amazing summer, even breaking her arm couldn't even make it worse. Well, it's that time again and now she and Thomas were back at Weasly's house. She and Ginny got closer. Ron and Annabelle still make fun of each other like there's no tomorrow.


Annabelle and Thomas just entered the house after Mr. Weasly picked them up and Ron was the first to greet them.

" Hey Thomas " exclaimed Ron.

" Hey Ron " replied Thomas with the same amount of enthusiasm and bro hugged. Then Ron turned to Annabelle.

" Your still blonde " greeted Ron.

" Your still ginger " Annabelle greeted back. The Weasly twins started laughing then Ginny, and then everyone else.

Flashback over

Anyways now everyone was sleeping, Annabelle was sharing Ginny's room with Ginny. She was in a light sleep when she felt someone shake her. She woke up to see Fred, George, and Ron were standing over her, so she sat up to show that they had her attention.

" What are you doing ? " asked/ whispered Annabelle rubbing her eyes.

" We're gonna go get Harry, come on ! " said Ron, just to be shushed by Fred.

" How are we gonna do that ? " whispered/ asked Annabelle

" Just get dressed, we'll show you " whispered George and then the boys left. Annabelle looked at the the sleeping form of Ginny. " phew " thought Annabelle that they didn't wake Ginny up accidentally She quickly got dressed and went to join the boys. When she found the boys, without warning George grabbed her hand and pulled her outside. Mr. Weasly's car was outside, it was a Blue Ford Anglia.

" Get in ! " urged Fred, as he pushed Annabelle into the car.

" What are we doing ? " asked Annabelle.

" You'll see " said Ron as he slipped in the passenger seat in the front. Fred took drivers seat, and George sat next to Annabelle in the back. Fred started the engine, clicked a button and the car turned invisible ! Fred then pulled a lever and they were in the air, they were flying !

" Since when can this car fly ? " asked Annabelle.

" Dad " answered all three of them. Annabelle understood, Mr.Weasly was always taking apart muggle items and putting some charm on them before putting it back together.

" So where are we going ? " asked Annabelle,

" To Harry's of course " coursed the twins.

" Does he know we're coming ? " questioned Annabelle.

" Nope " replied Ron. Annabelle smiled. This was going to be a very interesting night


Earlier that day, Harry's Uncle Vernon put bars on his window to prevent him from going back to Hogwarts. A house-elf named Dobby had gotten him in trouble by making Aunt Petunia's cake fall on top of Vernon's boss's wife. Harry was sure he was never going to be able to see his friends again. That night it was an ordinary night until he heard a motor running, ' who could be driving this late at night ' Harry asked himself. He got out of bed, out in his rounded glasses and looked out the window, at first he saw something that looked like a shooting star, as it was getting closer it turned out to be a pair of head lights ! The car was directly next to his window, Harry peered through the bars and recognized the smiling faces of Annabelle, George, Fred, and Ron.

" Hiya Harry," said Ron.

" Ron! " Harry breathed " Fred, George, Bells? What are you all doing here? "

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