Chapter 79

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Over the next couple of days, Umbridge was keeping a close watch over everybody, even when they were in class. She came into question Snape during Potions.
" You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post is that correct ? " Umbridge asked in a ' sweet ' voice.
" Yes," Snape answered, clearly annoyed. Snape was standing still as a statue.
" But you were unsuccessful ?" Umbridge asked. Snape was quiet for a minute.
"....Obviously," he replied. Ron began to snicker as Umbridge walked out. After she was gone, Snape hit Ron upside the head with the Daily Prophet, everyone at Ron's table snickered. When they were in Divintation, Professor Trelawny was explaining the crystal ball when Umbridge walked in. Umbridge was asking Trelawny to predict something for her.
" Just one teansy little prophecy ?" Umbridge asked. Trelawny didn't answer.
" Pity," Umbridge said, she marked something down on her clipboard, before she began to walk out.
" No wait ! No! I think I do see down thing. Yes ! I do. Something dark. You, are in grave danger," Trelawny breathed.
" Lovely," Umbridge said smiling, she then turned and walked out of the room, leaving Trelawny with her mouth handing open.
Umbridge was really starting to annoy everyone, even starting to scare a few people. After a few hours they were crowed around the court yard. Trelawny was standing in the middle looking sad. Umbridge was standing a few feet away as Filch carried her bags.
" Sixteen years. Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home !" Trelawny said, her voice was shaking. " You can't do this ! "
" Actually I can," Umbride said holding up a piece of paper. Trelawny began to sob. McGonall came through the crowd and ran towards Trelawny, she gave her a comforting hug.
" Something you would like to say dear ? " Umbridge asked
" Oh there are several things I would like to say," McGonall said. There was a bang, the doors opened Dumbledore came into the Courtyard and walked over to them.
" Professor McGonall might I ask you to escort Sybill back inside," Dumbledore said. Professor McGonall nodded and began to help Trelawny back inside but not before Trelawny thanked him first.
" Dumbledore, might I remind you that under the terms of educational degree number twenty three as enacted by the Minister-," Umbridge began.
" You have the right to dismiss me teachers. You do not however have the power to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the Headmaster," Dumbledore said.
" For now," Umbridge replied. Dumbledore began to walk away.
" Don't you all have studying to do !? " Dumbledore barked at them.
" Professor ! " Harry called after him.
It was after dinner in the Great Hall. Harry, Annabelle, Hermione, and Ron were the only ones in the Gryffindore common room.
" That foul evil gargoyle ! " Hermione ranted. " We're not learning how to defend ourselves, we're not learning our to pass our OWLs, she's taking over the entire school ". Harry turned up the radio.
" Furthermore, we have convincing evidence that theses disappearances at the work of notorious mass murder Sirius Black," Fudge said over the radio. Harry lowered the vine on the radio, the fire was cracking in the fireplace, then they heard a cough, they turned to see Sirius's face in the fire.
" Harry," Sirius said.
" Sirius ! What are you doing here ? " Harry asked kneeling down in front of the fire.
" Answering your letter," Sirius said. " You said you were worried about Umbridge. What is she doing ? Training you to kill Half-breeds ?" Sirius asked referring to the centaurs.
" Sirius she's not letting us use magic at all," Harry said
" I'm my surprised, latest intelligence is that Fudge, doesn't want to trained in combat," Sirius said
" Combat ? What does he think that we're forming some kind of Wizard army ? " Ron asked
" That's exactly why he thinks. That Dumbledore was assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute. The others wouldn't want me telling you this, Harry. But things aren't going as well with the Order Fudge is blocking the meetings at every turn. These.......disappearances aren't exactly how it stand before. Voldemort is on the move," Sirius warned.
" What can we do ? " Harry asked. Foot steps could be heard from the staircase.
" Someone's coming. I'm sorry. I can't be more of a help. But for now at least it looks like you are on your own," Sirius said. His face vanished from the fire as it began to rain.
" He really is out there isn't he ? " Hermione asked. " We've got to be able to defend ourselves. And if Umbridge refuses to teach us. The we need someone who will," Hermione turned and looked at Harry.
Authors note: Hey everyone !! Swim season is over :( and :). We got second in Divisions. First was Lakeview. But it was a good meet and we all did well. Everyone on the team dropped a lot of time. I qualified for top six the 200 and got a medal ! The 500 I was in the top twelve. I dropped five seconds on my 200 the first the next I gained three. So from 2:33.87 ( first day ) to 2:36.80 ( second day ). And I dropped eleven seconds on my 500 the first day. 7:10.46 On the second day I dropped two seconds. 7:08.31 The relays were good ! But after divisions I had a body war. My head was pounding really hard Saturday night and it hasn't stopped till this afternoon and now I have a sore throat. All in all I stayed home sick from school today. And most of the swim team is in the same position of me. Its really weird there must've been something in the water or something. So how has everybody's weekend and days been ??

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