Chapter 89

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Annabelle was in the backyard, sitting on a tree stump, strumming her guitar with her hair gently blowing in the light breeze. She was stuck in the kiss but also liking Neville.
" Why is all this so confusing, complicating, and consuming," Annabelle sang before stopping and screaming in frustration. ( It's the song Don't wanna be torn by Miley Cyrus )
" You sound stressed," a familiar British voice said. Annabelle jumped! turned around and saw Ron, she put her guitar down.
" RON ! " she exclaimed hugging him.
" Annabelle ! " Ron laughed hugging back.
" Is my brother back ? " she asked releasing.
" Yes, actually we arrived at the same time, now go get your stuff," Ron laughed. Annabelle went inside and packed up all her things. They began to leave, she was the last one out the door.
" Bye Bells, be careful, love you," her mom said.
" I will love you two, bye, " Annabelle said hugging her mom before leaving.
Later the Hood twins were now at the Weaslys with Hermione.
" Mum ! " Ginny called front he bottom of the stairs.
" Ginny, what is it ? " Mrs. Weasly asked from the top of the stairs.
" I was only wondering, when did Harry get here ? " Ginny replied
" Harry ? Harry who ? " Mrs. Weasly asked
" Harry Potter of course," Ginny said
" I believe I would know of Harry Potter was in my home wouldn't I ? " Mrs, Weasly questioned.
" His trunk and owl is in the kitchen," Ginny answered.
" No dear, I seriously doubt that," Mrs. Weasly said. Hedwig at the moment made screech noise.
" Harry ? Did someone say Harry ? " Ron asked coming out of his room followed by Thomas and Annabelle.
" Me nosy, is he up they with you ? " Ginny asked.
" Of course not, I think I would know if my best friend was in my room," Ron sassed. Hedwig screeched again.
" Was that an owl ? Hermione asked coming out of the bathroom.
" Yes, Harry apparently, he's wandering about this house," Ginny said.
" Really ? " Annabelle asked
" Really," Harry said suddenly. Ginny jogged into the living room whee Harry was. Ginny hugged Harry. Everyone else came down and hugged him.
" What a pleasant surprise ! Why didn't you let us know you were coming ? " Mrs. Weasly asked clearly surprised.
" I didn't. Dumbledore," Harry said
" Ooh that man. But what would we do without him ? " Mrs. Weasly said. Eventually they any upstairs to Ron's room. They were sitting in the floor talking.
" So when did you get here ? " Harry asked Hermione and Annabelle.
" A couple of days ago, though for a while I wasn't so sure if I was coming," Hermione answered
" Yesterday, it was a big iffy for me and Tom coming," Annabelle replied.
" I know, you both mentioned it in your letters," Harry said.
" Mum sort is lost it lat week. Said that Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts, it's too dangerous," Ron said.
" Oh come on," Harry groaned.
" She's not alone. Even my parents and they're Muggles know that something bad is happening," Hermione said.
" Same, my mom wasn't so sure of even letting me go, she knows something is up," Annabelle added.
"Anyway. Dad stepped in and told her she was being mad. Took a few days but.but she came around," Ron said.
" This is Hogwarts were talking about. Its Dumbledore what could be safer ? " Harry asked. The other three looked at each other.
" There's.....been a lot of talk recently that.....Dumbledore gotten a bit old, Hermione said.
" Rubbish ! He's only-what is he ? " Harry asked.
" 150," Annabelle guessed.
" Give or take a few years," Ron said. They all began to laugh.
A night or so later after they eaten dinner, they used Floo Powder to go visit the twins joke shop. When they went to Diagon Alley, they saw all the shops destroyed from the Death Eaters. The joke shop was about the only one running. Everything about the joke shop spelled Fred and George. Walls paints orange like their hair and the walls covered in green and purple shelves. The Joke products were outstanding ! Annabelle was looking at some pink in a small bottle with Hermione and Ginny.
" Love Potion Ladies ? " Fred and George asked.
" They really do work," Fred said.
" But from what we've heard you're doing fine yourselves," George said.
" What do you mean ? " Ginny asked
" Are you current dating Dean Thomas ? " George asked.
" That's none of your business," Ginny said. Fred and George laughed and began going up these stairs.
" How much is this ? " Ron asked.
"Five Galleons," they said in unison.
" But I'm your brother," he protested.
Fred and George exchanged a look before saying " Ten Galleons ". Annabelle now was looking at Extendable Ears.
" Hey Banana Pickle," a familiar voice said.
" Hey West Potato," Annabelle said bluntly.
" I have something to ask you ? " Jóse said nervously. This caught her attention, Annabelle turned her head to look at him.
" Go for it," she said.
" W-would y-you um l-like to um g-go out with m-me ? " He asked/stuttered.
" Sure," Annabelle answered with uncertainty in her voice but Jóse didn't notice.
" Really ? " Jóse asked in disbelief. She nodded. He pecked her on the lips. " See you at Hogwarts," then he laughed. At that moment Doug walked up to her.
" Doug ? " Annabelle asked.
" Yes Bells," he said.
" Am I imitating ? " Annabelle asked.
" Why do you always ask me the weird questions ? " Doug said.
" Just answer the question," Annabelle said.
" Maybe, " he answered then laughed, Annabelle silently laughed to herself. Then she grabbed a container holding the Extendable Ear and went to go purchase it. She was looking where she was going when she accidentally bumped into someone, audio her box to fall.
" I'm so sorry ! Are you okay ? I wasn't looking were I was going," she asked picking up the box.
" Yeah, are you okay ? " a familiar voice answered. She froze looked up and saw Neville. She put the box down.
" Neville ! " She exclaimed tackling him into a hug.
" Bells ! "he mimicked hugging her back. Annabelle giggled and listened to his heart beat.
" Bells ! "Hermione shouted, Annabelle jumped and released from Neville.
" I wish I could talk to you more, see ya Hogwarts," Annabelle said picking up her box, kissing his cheek and then headed over to Hermione. The two girls plus Ron and Harry began to leave.
"Hi Ron," a voice said. They turned to see Lavender Brown, she was watching Ron shyly from behind the counter. Hermione and Lavender never talked while Annabelle and Lavender spoken a few times. Lavender had long curly dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and pale,
" Hi," Ron said back awkwardly. Lavender watched Ron as they walked out of the store.
" How do Fred and George do it ? Half the Alleys closed down ? " Hermione asked. " Oh no, everyone got their wands from Olivanders ", They walked over to the abandoned shop. The sight was tragic, boxes ripped open and all over the place, wands were all over and ripped paper.
" Harry. Is it me or does it look like Draco and Mummy don't want to be followed ? " Ron asked. They turned and saw Draco and his mother trying not to be noticed, they watched the two figures in black walked quickly down the Alley, not noticing the four watching them. No words were spoken, when the four began to follow. Something was different about them than the others times they acted suspicious. Harry was in lead with the others following closely behind. They saw them go into Knockturn Alley, and walk into Borgin and Burkes. Harry suggested they climb the roof to see what was happening. They all agreed, it was easier than expected to climb the roof. When they reached the top, they saw Draco standing in front of looked like an old wardrobe, there were other people there, dressed in all black and creepy looking. They watched as Draco looked at the wardrobe. They ducked when a man turned around, they weren't so sure of they got aught or not. But when they went to looked though the window to find curtains blocking their view. Sigh. Well Hogwarts is in a view days !

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