Chapter 57

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" Sorry about the bite, I reckon that twinges a bit," said Sirius. Harry and Sirius was helping Ron out of the Shrieking Shack.

" A bit ? A bit ? You almost tore off my whole leg off !" said Ron.

" I was going for the rat. Normally I have a very sweet disposition of a dog," began Sirius. " In fact more than once James suggested, that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with, but the fleas, they're murder ". When they got outside Harry and Sirius set Ron on a log, Lupin was holding his wand at Pettigrew. Sirius walked down the hill and was staring at Hogwarts.

" Go," Ron told Harry.

" No it's alright I'll stay," said Harry

" Go Harry we'll stay " said Hermione. Harry sighed and walked down the hill to join Sirius.

" Annabelle your sassy " said Ron

" I didn't even say anything " said Annabelle.

" No from earlier " said Ron

" Please Ron are you just realizing she's sassy to everyone " said Hermione

" Except Neville! Nevabelle ! " cheered Ron

" Ronald! For your information I am sassy to Neville but not that much !"snapped Annabelle

" I see what your taking about now " said Lupin

"Please don't let the dementors" begged Peter. Hermione then looked up at the sky, her eyes grew wide.

" Harry ! " Hermione called, he turned to see Hermione pointing at the moon. A Full Moon. Lupin's eyes began to change color, he began to transform. Sirius ran over to him.

" Remus my old friend, have you not taken your potion tonight ? You know the man you truly are Remus ! This heart is where you truly live ! This heart here ! " Lupin dropped his wand and Peter picked it up. He aimed it at his head.

" Expelliarmus !" Harry shouted, the wand flew out of his hand. Peter waved and smiled at them, before turning back into a rat. Peter ran off. Lupin's nails began to grow longer and sharper his clothes ripped, and he grew taller, fur was covering his face and body.

" Run ! Run ! " Sirius shouted as Lupin finished changing. Lupin flung Sirius away, howled and began to towards them. Snape emerged from the tree, not noticing Lupin. He grabbed Harry by the collar.

" There you are Potter !" he sneered. Lupin growled, Snape turned and shoved them behind him, trying to protect him. Lupin went to them, knocking them to the ground. Lupin went for them again, but Sirius as a dog leaped on him Sirius and Lupin began to attack each other, Snape shoes them further behind him. Sirius and Lupin were tearing at each others skin. Lupin went for them again but Sirius bit him, causing Lupin to chase after him instead.

"Sirius ! " Harry said, he broke free and ran after them.

" Get back here Potter ! " Snape yelled after him. Soon thee were Dementors circling the sky, they all ran to find Harry,then there was a flash of bright light blinding them. By the time got there Sirius and Harry were unconscious, Snape put them on stretchers and they all hurried to the castle,

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