Chapter 81

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The lessons for Dumbledore's Army started very quickly. The very next day, everyone who had signed up was in the Room of Requirement, Harry had decided to start easy and teach them how to disarm each other with their wands. Harry put a spell in the Death Eater statue so it would move. Neville was first, Harry stood next to him. Neville looked uncertainly at Harry, he nodded.
"Expelliarmus! " Neville shouted. A spark flew out of his wand, but of disarming the statue, Neville's wand flew out of his hand and was thrown back into a wall, where it stuck. Everyone ducked, and some people chuckled.
" I'm hopeless," Neville said
" No, you're not. You are just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus! " Harry said flicking his wand, he successfully disarmed the Death Eater. As the lesson went on, almost everyone in the room successfully disarmed each other or the statue, except Neville. After the lessons, Annabelle was standing in front of the fire, looking at it, when a body all of a sudden stood next to her.
" How's your hand ?" she asked not even looking at the person.
" It's fine, " Neville answered.
" You shouldn't have those marks on your hand. It's all my fault, " Annabelle said taking his hand and examining it.
" No, it's not, " Neville argued.
" Yes it is if I didn't decide to do that you would have those marks," Annabelle said looking up at him.
" No it wouldn't have mattered, you've done that to me many of times in the hallways when teachers saw. We didn't get in trouble, maybe a point was taken away but Umbridge is different she' know what I mean," Neville said looking at her. Annabelle laughed.
"Bells! You better get going! " Doug shouted pointing at the clock.
"Alright! I'm going ! " she shouted back. Annabelle turned to leave. " Wait......" Annabelle turned back around and hugged Neville. " Bye Nev, good luck with the spell I'm sure you'll get it," She kissed his cheek before leaving for detention. She didn't expect him to practice it in class though.
The lessons were going really well actually. Everyone said they haven't had this much fun since Professor Lupin taught Defence Against the Dark Arts in the third year. Today, Harry was demonstrating how to stun the other person.
" Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It sort of a wizard's bread and butter really. So um, come then Nigel give me your best shot," Harry said walking to the other side of the room, while Nigel a second-year Gryffindor stood on the other end of the room looking slightly terrified. Annabelle gave him a thumbs up. Nigel raised his wand.
"Stupefy! " Nigel shouted. The spell threw Harry backward against the mirror wall, Nigel was thrown back by the pressure of his wand, either way, it was successfully done.
" Good. Not bad. At all. Hermione! Ron! You're up," Harry said standing up. Hermione gave a confused look. Ron walked up to her.
" Don't worry I'll go easy on you," he whispered.
" Thanks, Ronald," Hermione said sarcastically shaking her head. She always hated it when people made her look like a weak little girl. Annabelle saw Fred and George make a bet over who was going to win. Ron and Hermione were now on opposite sides of the room facing each other.
" Come on Ron! " The boys coursed. Everyone watched as they raised their wands. Ron opened his mouth ready to stun her.
"Stupefy! " Hermione said quickly. Ron went flying backward, nearly hitting the wall. He landed on his back. All the girls surrounded Hermione, congratulating her, George paid Fred two sickles.
" I let her do that," Ron said. The twins nodded sarcastically. Hermione looked at Ron and laughed.
Later that night Legit 5 was having a meeting at the ROR, and they decided to turn it into an overnight. Annabelle was just walked back from the fire with a thing of popcorn and began putting it into small bowls.
" Finally ! " cheered Madelyn cheered making everyone laugh.
" So Maddie, have you and a certain Ravenclaw boy spoken? " Annabelle 2 asked as she ate popcorn. 
" Not much, just basic hellos in the hallway. I still can't believe he did that, I can't even look at him the eye," sighed Madelyn looking at the floor.
" Awe ! " the girls coursed hugging her.
" Thanks, guys," Madelyn laughed, they got up and sat back down on their sleeping bags.
" If any boy tries to hurt you again like that any of you I will take them down," Annabelle said as she pretends to flex. They laughed.
" What if it was Neville ? " Sandra asked.
" He's going down," Annabelle answers not missing a heartbeat. They laughed.
"Speaking of Neville," Annabelle 2 began.
" Rumor has it, " Luna continued.
" Is what they're saying true? " Madelyn finished. Annabelle's face fell and looked at the floor and ate popcorn.
" Something about not speaking," Sandra said, Annabelle, sighed.
" He shouldn't have those awful marks on his hand, it's all my fault. If I didn't decide to run, jump, tackle, him then we could still speak to each other outside the common rooms and this place," Annabelle explained.
" Bells," Madelyn breathed.
" You've done those millions of times to him before where teachers witnessed it, they either laughed, ignored it, or take a point away," Sandra said.
" Umbridge is a bitch," Annabelle 2 said. They all laughed. Annabelle began to drink some water from her water bottle.
" If she wasn't a witch she would perfect for a clown, she wouldn't even need the makeup, let's sign her up for clown college, " Luna said. Annabelle did a spite take and they began laughing really hard. Then began to spit water at each other. The mini-war soon ended.
" So Annie, " Annabelle began
" You and Mr. Wood," said Luna.
" Well...we write letters all the time, it's just that," Annabelle 2 began
" Just what? " Sandra questioned
" It's not the same, I miss him so much," she cried.
" Awe my baby, don't cry, " Annabelle said hugging her, rubbing her back.
" I trust him with a lot of my secrets I even told him about the group," Annabelle 2 said in between cries.
" You told him about Legit 5 ? " asked Sandra, Annabelle 2 nodded.
"Aha! I knew it! " Ron shouted jumping out from nowhere along with Hermione, Ginny, Thomas, Harry, Doug, Peter, Carter, Jóse, and Neville.
" AHHHHHH ! " the girls screamed.
" Could you scream any louder? " Jóse sassed as they grabbed their stuff and walked over to them.
" But how? " Luna asked
" There's not that many hiding spots," Madelyn stated.
" That you know of," Hermione said
" How much did you hear or see? " Sandra asked.
" Everything," Dean said.
" You can't tell anyone about this or else," Annabelle 2 threatened.
" We won't," Carter.
"Promise? And Jóse say one word I'll throw my shoe at you, " Annabelle said/promised
" Promise," they answered. They made the circle bigger and everyone got situated. Annabelle was now next to Neville and Sandra.
" So tell us," Ginny said
" Tell what? " Legit 5 asked
" About the group," Ron answered
" Oh ! Well we formed in the first year," Luna stated
"Who? How? Why? " Harry asked
" Well, it was after we all met. And Maddie came up with the idea and the name," Sandra said
" Wait, you kept this from us four years? " Neville asked
"Yep! " Annabelle chimed
" So when you all said you were going to go meet up with each other at a place, you really were having a meeting or something, " Thomas said
" Basically, it was supposed to be a secret to everyone till now," Annabelle 2 said.
" Wow," Peter breathed. Legit 5 all glared at him for a second.
" So Annabelle if I hurt any of them you would take me down? " Neville asked
" Duh," she said.
"How? " Seamus asked
" I'll hit you with my pillow, or tie you to a tree, or pour water over you each time I see you or throw things at you, " Annabelle said.
" So hurtful," Neville breathed. They all laughed.
" Longbottom I will take you down," Annabelle playfully threatened. They laughed again. A few hours later, everyone was asleep bedside, Neville, and Annabelle. They were on there sides whispering to each other.
" And that's how I broke the window," Annabelle said making him laugh. All of a sudden Neville went serious.
" I heard what you said, " Neville said looking at her.
" Would you look at that? It's pretty late. Night," Annabelle said, turning on her other side, hiding her self in her sleeping bag. Neville sighed, he got out of his sleeping bag and slid into Annabelle's. Her head was now sticking out. Annabelle was startled by the sudden body next to her, she turned and saw Neville.
" Woah there Mr.Longbottom," Annabelle said, they were really close that they're bodies were touching. Neville rolled his eyes.
" Bells it wasn't your fault," Neville insisted. Annabelle sighed.
" I guess...but-" Annabelle began
" It wasn't your fault, but like you said earlier its late I'm going to sleep, " Neville said beginning to get up.
" Stay," Annabelle said grabbing his hand. Neville raised an eyebrow at her.
" I-I can't sleep, " Annabelle stuttered
" I've been having nightmares again".
" Fine, " Neville breathed slipping back in, putting his head on her pillow.
" Thank you, " Annabelle said readjusting her self. She was back on her side and place her head on Neville's chest. She could hear his heartbeat.
" Your welcome," Neville said quietly wrapping his arms around her.
" Night Nev, sweet dreams," Annabelle said closing her eyes.
" You to Bells, and night," Neville said kissing the top of her head before closing his eyes.
Authors note Heyyyyyyyyyy !! Sorry I haven't update for a long time. How have you all been ?? Anyways so how did you like the chapter ?? Are Neville and Annabelle going to get together this year ?? What would Thomas think ?? Please comment !! Love you all !!
- Pickles :)

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