Chapter 34

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Summer vacation has come to an end much to the children's disappointment. Annabelle was excited to go back to Hogwarts but, she loved the Burrow. Anyways it took a while to get started in the morning. They were up at dawn, people colliding on stairs, half-dressed with bits of toast in their hand. For example, Annabelle was going up the stairs while eating toast and fixing her hair. Ron was coming down the stairs while brushing his teeth and pulling up his pants. They didn't see each other so there was a smack and they both fell down the stairs. Annabelle had to redo her hair because Ron got toothpaste in it and Ron had to pull up his pants again because they fell down back to his ankles. Let's just say the morning was chaotic but they managed to get in the car, Mr. Weasly started the car and they trundled out of the yard. Harry was trying to get a last glimpse at the sight of the burrow. Soon enough they had come back because George had forgotten his box of Filibuster Fireworks, then five minutes later they turned back because Fred forgot his broomstick, by the time he clambered into the car they were running late. Mr. Weasly glanced at his watch and then at his wife.

" Molly, dear - "

" No Arthur "

" No one would see- this little button here is an Invisibility Booster I installed- that gets us up in the air-- then we can fly above the clouds, We'd be there in ten minutes and no one would be any the wiser- "

" I said no Arthur, not in broad daylight." They reached King's Cross five minutes to eleven. Mr. Weasly dashed across the roads for trolleys for their trunks and they hurried to the station. When they got to platforms 9 and 10 there were only five minutes to catch the Hogwarts Express.

" Percy, Fred, George, and Thomas! You first ! " hollered Mr. Weasly, one by one the four boys ran at the platform and disappeared, Ginny and Mrs. Weasly went next. Ron, Harry, and Annabelle all took one look at the clock, 40 seconds to eleven! Harry and Ron went at the same time full speed, expecting to go through but instead CRASH! The boy's trolleys hit the barrier and bounced backward Harry was knocked off his feet, Hedwig bounced of the trolley, rolling away while screeching and Ron crashed into Harry's trolley making him do a terrible front flip over the trolley and his luggage fell out with a thump. People around them stared.

" What do you think your doing ? " asked an angry guard. 

" Lost control of the trolley " Harry gasped clutching his ribs. The guard walked away throwing suspicious looks. The boys managed to get their things back onto their trolley.

" Why can't we get through ? " asked Harry.

" The barrier sealed itself," said Ron patting the brick wall. Annabelle glanced at the clock.

" The train leaves at 11 o'clock, we've missed it !" exclaimed Annabelle. " Hey guys, if we can't get through, maybe mum and dad can't get back," said Ron.

" Well, then we should go wait by the car " suggested Annabelle. " The car ? " asked Ron, " The Car ! " repeated Ron but more with enthusiasm. Soon enough they were back at the car. Ron and Harry put all their stuff in the trunk while Annabelle out the lets in the back seat. Annabelle got in the back with the animals, Harry took the passenger seat in the front, and Ron took the driver's seat. Ron put the key in the ignition and started the engine and they started to fly.

" Well I should warn you Muggles aren't accustomed to flying cars ! " said Harry. " Oh right " Ron hit a button and the car turned invisible. Soon after they were flying they turned visible again. Ron kept hitting the button.

" Oh! no! The invisibility boost must be faulting! " Ron panicked. " Never mind that that, go lower we need to find the train," said Harry, Ron lowered the car so that they were just over the tracks.

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