Chapter 82

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The next morning. Annabelle heard people having a conversation more like an argument but she didn't want to open her eyes yet.
" They're so cute though ! " Sandra exclaimed
" No ? I don't like this ! I don't like the situation ! " Thomas argued. There was a moment of silence. Annabelle could feel breathing on the top of her head and heard a heart beat.
" Tom, calm down," Hermione said calmly.
" He has a name," Annabelle said opening her eyes and sitting up.
" Bells ! Your awake," Annabelle 2.
" Morning," Annabelle said smiling at her, before getting up. They all turned and looked at her. Annabelle then looked her watch. " It is 5:30 in the morning why are you yelling ? "
They all looked at Thomas.
" Well we were all sleeping till Tommy decided to wake up," Ginny began.
" He didn't like what he saw," coursed Harry and Ron
" You and plant boy here, were sleeping in the same sleeping bag ! He had his arms wrapped around you ! Your head was him ! " Thomas exclaimed.
" He has a name," Annabelle stated
" Yeah, it's plant boy," Thomas answered
" No, it's Neville," Annabelle huffed rolling her eyes.
" Nevabelle ! " Ron cheered
" Not the time ! " Annabelle snapped
" Why were you in the same sleeping bag ? " Thomas questioned
" I couldn't sleep, " Annabelle answered
" Why didn't you wake me ? He has no right doing that ! Your my sister for crying out loud ! And he's my friend ! " Thomas argued
" I'm sorry next time I'll wake you," Annabelle hissed before grabbing her stuff ( besides the sleeping bag ) and walked out slamming the door.
" What's with all the commotion ? " Neville asked in a sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes.
" Morning Neville ! " coursed Luna S and Madelyn.
" Morning," he yawned. He look around. " Where's Bells ? "
Plant boy ! Don't look at her ! Don't touch ! Don't even speak to her ! " Thomas growled before walking out.
Umbridge was getting very curious to where they were going every afternoon and evening. She had nearly questioned almost everyone in the group, but no one gave in. It was quite funny to see her constantly failing attempts at trying to figure it out. Today's lesson was Levatation, Neville, however was still trying to disarm the statue.
" Just focus on the point Neville, try again, " Harry said
" Expelliarmus ! " he said.
" Let's take a break," Harry suggested, he nodded. Cho was levitating Nigel as Harry stopped and watched. " Keep your concentration. Good. A little higher " Harry put his hand over Cho's and raised her hand a little higher. They looked at each other, causing Cho to loose focus, making Nigel fall.
" I'm okay. I'm okay," Nigel said standing up, dusting himself off. Annabelle and Sandra looked each other and giggled.
It was the day before Christmas Eve, today was going to be their last class since many of them were going home for Christmas. Classes would start again after break. Umbridge was still doing everything in her will power to catch them, but nothing was working. Harry was walking around the room, fixing height of wands.
" Working hard is important. There's something that matters even more. Believing in yourself," Harry said fixing the height of Luna L's wand.
" Think of it this way. Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than we are now. Students. If they can do it why not us ? " Harry walked over to new who was still trying to disarm Pavarti.
" Expelliarmus ! " Neville shouted. Pavarti's wand flew out of her hand. Everyone was shocked. People began to crowd around Neville, congratulating him.
" Good job ! " Harry said. Practice was now over. " So, that's it for this lesson," Harry began. " Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays ". Everyone frowned. " So just keep practicing on your own as best as you can. Well done everyone. Great work ". Everyone began clapping soon they began to leave.
" Good job Neville ! " exclaimed Annabelle hugging him.
" Thanks," he breathed hugging back. They continued taking till they reached the doors, it got a bit awkwardly silent.
" See ya later," Annabelle breathed
" Bye, " said Neville. Annabelle went to the Gryffindore common room with Hermione and Ron while Neville went to the library with Seamus and Dean. Ron, Hermione, and Annabelle were sitting on the couch when Harry came in, sat on the floor and told them he and Cho kissed !
" Well how was it ? " Ron asked
" Wet," Harry said awkwardly. " I mean she was sort of crying ".
" That bad are you ? " Ron asked snickering.
" I'm sure Harry's kiss was more than satisfactory," Annabelle said. Harry gave her a confused look and exchanged glances with Ron. " Cho spends half her time crying these days ".
" Yeah but you think snogging would cheer her up," Ron said, he was trying not to laugh.
" Don't you under mustang how se must be feeling ? " Hermione said. The boys didn't answer. " Well, obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric, therefore confused about liking Harry and guilty about kissing him. Conflicted because Umbridge is about to sack her mom from the Ministry, and frightened vault failing her OWL's because she's so busy worrying about everything else".
" One person couldn't feel all that, they'd explode," Ron said
" Just because you got the emotional range of a teaspoon," Hermione said. They all looks at each other. Ron began laughing, soon they were all laughing.
Authors note: Hey so I got a mini story from last week, well you all know how I told you about getting kicked out of the school Wednesday, well there's more to it now.
* Mini Story *
Well my friend James drove me home that day. I told my brother about it. The next day I'm sitting and talking to my friend Brett at lunch and James comes and sits next to Brett because all the butcher kids ( including my brother ) just left. And well
James: I didn't know you were in this lunch
Me: Well I am
Then he says something unexpectedly
James: Your brother said to me so my sister told me that you gave her a ride home and I said yeah and then he said now you think your so cool giving her a ride home. Don't look at her, don't touch, don't even speak to her. I said it was just a ride home
Me: Wow
Me and Brett were laughing
Brett: That sounds like Nate.
I died on the inside laughing

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