Chapter 1

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3rd POV


This story takes place in Warren, Michigan in the beginning. In a field of four people of the age eleven. The four were playing two-on-two soccer (futbol). There is a girl with medium-length curly blondish brownish hair, with blue eyes, the girl had a bunch of freckles on her face she is the shortest out of the four she goes by the name of Annabelle Hood. The next person is the boy tallest of the four, a brunette, straight, short hair, blue eyes, and he is Thomas Hood, Annabelle's twin brother. The third person is a girl with very medium length dark brunette wavy/curly hair she is a few centimeters taller than Annabelle, dark brown eyes and she is Annabelle's best friend her name is Sandra Hemmings. Last but not least is a boy reddish brownish short, with straight hair with blue eyes, a centimeter shorter than Thomas, he is Thomas's best friend his name is Doug McGuire.

While those four were playing soccer (futbol). Two substantial barn owls swooped down and landed on Sandra's head with letters in their beaks.

" Sandra why are there owls in your hair ?" asked Annabelle giggling.

" I don't know why don't you ask them " sassily replied Sandra. Both of the boys chuckled at this while Annabelle glared at Sandra.

" You love me! " Exclaimed Sandra

" Ya, ya " Annabelle replied sticking her tongue out while taking the letters from the owls and then the owls flew away.

" Hey, there are letters for all of us !! " Shouted Annabelle

" Jeez why don't you say that louder for Canada to hear you ?" teased Doug

Annabelle: -_-

Doug: (:

Each of the children went into separate sections of the field and read their letters,

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