Chapter 84

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Christmas break was over, they are back at Hogwarts, it was unusually warm out that day, Annabelle was looking for Harry with Hermione and Ron.
" Harry ! Hagrids back ! " Hermione exclaimed. Harry waved goodbye to Cho and joined them. They hadn't see Hagrid since lat year, so they were very excited. They ran down the hill trying their best not to trip, as they neared Hagrid's hut, their running became faster, when they were at Hagrid's doorstep, Harry was just about to knock when they heard ' her ' voice.
" I'll say this one last time, I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been," Umbridge said. They peaked through the window to see Umbridge questioning Hagrid.
" I told you, I've been away for me health," Hagrid answered
" Your health ? " she said leaning towards the window, they ducked just in time.
" Yeah, a bit of fresh air you know ? " Hagrid said
" Oh yes as a gamekeeper fresh air must be difficult to come by," Umbridge said. " If I were you I wouldn't even bother unpacking at all," she said with her sucky sweet smile. She exited Hagrid's hut, sprayed perfume on her then on Hagrid's door before heading back toward the castle. When she was out of sight, they neared Hagrid's door, Harry knocked quietly, Hagrid opened the door, looking disdained, but his face lit up when he saw it was them and not Umbridge. He invited them in, Hagrid looked terrible, he looked as though he had been beaten up rather badly. They sat down at the enormous table while Hagrid sat a few feet away from them holding a steak to his black eye. Harry asked Hagrid why he had been away for so long.
" This is top secret, alright ? " Hagrid said, they nodded. " Dumbledore sent me to parley with giants,"
" Giants !? " Hermione gasped. Hagrid shushed her.
" You found them ? " Harry asked
" Well they're not that hard to find to be perfectly honest," Hagrid began. " They're a little big to see. I tried convincing them to join the Order. And I wasn't the only one to win them over ".
" Death eaters " Ron said
" Yes, trying to persuade them to join You-Know-Who," Hagrid said
" Did they ? " Harry asked
" I gave them Dumbledore's message. I suppose some of them remember that he was friendly to them, I suppose," Hagrid sighed.
" They did this you ? " Annabelle asked
" Not exactly," Hagrid said, still holding the steak to his eye. Fang began to bark. " Go on you have it then," Hagrid chuckled tossing the steak to Fang who ate it greedily. A breeze came through a half open window, all of them stood up and looked in the direction where the breeze came from. " It's changing out there. Just like last time. There's a storm comin Harry, and when she does we best be ready when she does," Hagrid warned.
Hagrid's warning was true. Not long after that day, a major breakout in the wizard prison Azkaban happened. Millions of Death Eaters, still loyal to Voldemort escaped. Cornelius Fudge continued to deny that these breakouts were the results of the Dark Lord, The Daily Prophet reported that theses breakouts were caused by Sirius Black. Every student in the school was on edge, with all these Death Eaters loose, they were warned to keep caution. When they walked in the Great Hall for breakfast, it was deadly quiet, all four tables full students, had theirs noses buried in The Daily Prophet the cover read ' Breakout in Azkaban ! '
" Dumbledore warned Fudge this could happen. He's going to get us liked cause he can't face the truth," Hermione said as they walked down the Great Hall.
" Harry," Seamus said. They stopped and turned around, it was the first time in weeks Seamus talked to him. Seamus awkwardly stood up.
" I uh, I wanted to apologize," Seamus began. Seamus told him that since his mother reads The Daily Prophet, he had to believe it. " But, I'm trying to say is......I believe you ".
" That's alright Seamus, I don't blame be you, " Harry said.
Lessons started up again that afternoon. Annabelle came in with Harry, when they walked in they noticed Neville standing in front of the mirrors staring at a photo of the original Order of the Phoenix, he was staring at his parents.
" Neville," Annabelle said softly as they walked up to him.
" Fourteen years ago, a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange used the Cruciatus Curse on my parents. She tortured them for information but they never gave in," Neville began. " I'm quite proud to be their son, but I'm not quite sure I'm ready for everyone to know this yet," Neville said. They nodded. Annabelle grabbed Neville's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
" We're going to make them proud Neville. That's a promise," Harry said. Not long after that, everyone else began to arrive. Today's lesson, Harry was going to teach the Patronus Charm, the hardest lesson he'll probably ever teach. After showing them his Patronus, and demonstrating how to do it, the lesson began.
" Make it a powerful memory. The happiest you can remember," Harry began. " Allow it to fill you up". He saw Seamus having trouble. " Keep trying Seamus". Annabelle was in deep thought thinking about her happiest memory she could remember. " A full body Patronus is the most difficult to produce. But shields forms can be equally useful against a variety of opponents," Harry said. " Fantastic Ginny ! " Ginny made a horse Patronus. Wonderful ! " Just remember your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focus. So focus. Luna ". He hasn't seen her cast one yet. Hermione made a otter. Ron made a Russell terrier that knocked down Neville, Annabelle giggled. Luna L just made a bunny. Sandra made a panda, Annabelle 2 made a monkey, Madelyn made a tiger and Luna S made a wolf.
" Come on Bells, think of your happiest memory," Harry said standing next to her.
" Happiest memory ? " Annabelle questioned
" That's right," Harry answered. Annabelle thought about it then her face lit up.
" Expecto Patronum ! " Annabelle said. A silver-white most came out of her wand taking form of a dolphin.
" Wonderful ! " Harry congratulated
" Thanks Harry," Annabelle giggled watching her dolphin swim around he room.
" I'm trying," Neville sighed. Annabelle lost focus and looked at Neville causing her Patronus to disappear.
" Go help him," Harry whispered in her ear. She nodded and walked up to Neville.
" Come on Neville ! You can do it ! Watch me," Annabelle said as she produced it again. And once again her dolphin was swimming around the room. " Think of your happiest memory," she advised. Neville nodded and took a deep breath and cast his Patronus. It took form of a badger, which started to play with her dolphin. Annabelle giggled. The room began to shake, like an earthquake, but it was no earthquake. Everyone's Patronus disappeared and the room was silent, everyone looked around. The room shook again. Annabelle made her way over to her brother. The mirrors on the wall broke showing the wall, thee was a small hole in the wall. Nigel walked up to the hole and looked into it. Harry walked up next to Nigel and moved him out of the way, he looked into the hole and say Umbride.
" I'll make short of this," Umbride said raising her wand at the wall. Harry grabbed Nigel and pushed him out of the way. " Bombara Maxima ". The wall exploded, Thomas grabbed his sister and held her close to him and turned his back to the wall, he got hit a bit but he was okay. When the dust cleared they saw Umbridge and her 'gang' looking sinister at them. Malfoy shoved Cho knelt view, she was crying ?
" Get them ! " Umbridge said. They grabbed Harry roughly by the shoulders and shoved him into Dumbledore's office and the other people were taken. When they got to Dumbledore's office, Cornelius and Kingsley were there.
" We've been watching them for weeks. And see ' Dumbledore's Army ' proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning Cornelius," Umbridge said. Percy was holding Harry and Cho. " All of your fear mongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were, smokescreen, for your goal to seize the Ministry".
" Naturally," Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling.
" No. He had nothing to do with it, it was me !" Harry insisted.
" Most Nobel of you Harry to shield me. But a its been pointed out, the parchment clearly says 'Dumbledore's Army ' not Potters," Dumbledore began. " I've instructed Harry to form this organisation, and I and I alone am responsible for these activities ". Fudge began to speak to know of the men that were there.
" will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban. To await trial for conspiracy and sedition ". Harry tried to get out of Percy's grasp.
" Ah, I thought you might hit this little snag. You seem to be laboring under the illusion that I'm going to...what was the phrase ? ' Come quietly ?' Well I can tell you this, I have no intention of going to Azkaban," Dumbledore said.
" Enough of this ! Take him ! " Umbridge ordered. Dumbledore winked at Harry just as Fawkes the Phoenix flew toward Dumbledore, he clapped his hands over his head, grabbing into Fawke's foot in the process. Fire and wind came from where Dumbledore was standing. When the fire disappeared, they saw that Dumbledore and Fawkes were gone. Fudge, Kingsley, and Umbridge were thrown backwards.
" Woah," Kingsley said regaining his balance and standing next to Fudge. " Well, you may not like it Minister, but you can't deny Dumbledore's got style ".

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