Letters 3

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That summer Annabelle went to the Dance/music camp again. She and Legit 5 also visited Madelyn in North Carolina. That summer Annabelle broke her leg by falling down the stairs ( ones with metal at the end of each step [ I've done somersaults down them when I was like 5 ] ). How she fell ? Annabelle wasn't thinking and decided to do a cartwheel down the stairs. She was in a cast for some time, she even was in a cast when she visited Madelyn and seeing the rest of Legit 5, anyways onto the first letter.

Dear Wendy, ( Annabelle )

I hope your leg is okay !! And please be more careful !! It was hilarious though watching Neville read the letter from you about how you broke your leg. His face was priceless ! It was in the middle of concern/She's going to get herself killed/I'm gonna pass out. Anyways do you know why Sandra keeps taking my hoodies ! Miss you

- Peter Pan ( Seamus )

Dear Anniebelli,

Hope your leg gets better ! And be more careful ! We can't have you be walking down the aisle in a cast ;) And we started to get the pictures developed. Also more products to test ! Ooo don't know if Ginny or Ron told you but, you and Thomas are invited to come with us to go to the Quidditch World Cup with us, Harry and Hermione, miss you

- Fred and George

Dear Banana Pickle

Hope you leg gets better ! And what made you decide to do a cartwheel down the stairs ? Like really !? Did you expect a good landing ? I hope your trip to North Carolina visiting Madelyn was good ! And I'm glad to hear you went to the camp again ! Miss you

- West Potato

Dear Bells,

Hope your leg gets better ! And I finally convinced myself that your accident prone and insanely stupid at times. To cartwheel down the stairs just sounds like a bad idea from the start. Cant wait to see you at the Weaslys. Miss you

- Harry

Dear Annabelle,

When I said break a leg, I didn't mean it literally. Also I hope you had fun visiting Madelyn and seeing Luna, and the other Annabelle. By the way do five have a secret group or something ? Cause you five are always together, well most if the time you are. Still shipping Nevabelle ! And I don't know if Ginny or Fred and George told you yet but, you and Thomas are invited to go to the Quidditch World Cup with us, Harry and Hermione. Miss you

- Ronald

Dear Bells, I do hope your leg gets better. But how stupid are you to think doing a cartwheel down the stairs is safe. Seriously !? Well we still need to go dress shopping for the wedding !! Keep reading ! And can't wait to see you at the Weaslys. Miss you

- Mione

Dear Bells,

I hope your leg gets better, your accident prone. Anyways glad to hear you had a good time at camp and in North Carolina ! I don't know if Ron or Fred and George has told you but, you and Thomas are invited to go to the Quidditch World Cup with us, Harry and Hermione. Miss you

- Ginny

Dear Bells,

Hope your leg gets better, and I hope my message on the cast makes you laugh. It was seeing you and the rest if Legit 5 in North Carolina. That pillow fight we had was intense ! I have a scar from it ! ( Annabelle 2 fell in a lamp and the bulb broke and the glass dug into her leg ). By the way Sandra actually does have the hoodie this time. And me and Neville think we should put you in a hugging jacket. Miss you

- Annie

Dear Bells,

Hope your leg gets better ! And I hope you like my drawing on the cast ! It was fun seeing Legit 5 in North Carolina, and I still can't believe you made Annie eat dirt, even though it was truth and dare. And that pillow fight ! Intense ! Miss you

- Lulu

Dear Bells,

Hope your leg gets better and I hope you like my message on the cast. Thanks for visiting me, it was a blast. My mom keeps muttering to herself ' they're insane ' XD I can still see the ketchup stain on the wall in my room I have poster to cover it so my mom doesn't see. And glad to hear you went to the camp again. Miss you

- Maddie

Dear AC, ( Annabelle Christine [ middle name ] )

I hope your leg gets better ! What made you decide to do a cartwheel the stairs ? Well you should've seen Neville's face when he read your letter about you breaking your leg. He looked like he was gonna pass out ! It was hilarious ! AND PLEASE TELL SANDRA TO GIVE BACK SEAMUS HOODIE ! Miss you

- DT( Dean Thomas )

Malfoy wrote many letters to her but she never answered, Annabelle was so mad at him, she was questioning their friendship. She read them but never answered, so he doesn't even know about her leg or her visit to North Carolina.

Dear H.

Please answer ! What did I do ! If its about Buckbeak I kind understand ? Why aren't you answering ? Are you dead or hurt !? See you at Hogwarts. Miss you

- M

Dear Bells,

ANNABELLE CHRISTINE HOOD, PLEASE BE MORE CAREFUL !! Me and Annie were discussing about putting you in what she calls a hugging jacket ? Plus what if you get seriously hurt ! Or you end up....I don't even wanna....I can't loose you, your one of my best friends ! It wouldn't be the same with out you. Just please be more careful. Well I'm glad to hear you had fun visiting Madelyn in North Carolina and seeing Luna, Annie, and Sandra. And can you please tell Sandra to give back Seamus his hoodie. Can't wait to see you at Hogwarts, be careful ! Miss you

- Nev

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