Chapter 73

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It was almost dark out when they entered the field for the third task. The task was to find the Tri-Wizard Cup inside the maze, whoever finds it will be the Tri-Wizard Champion. Annabelle was with her friends, shouting Harry's and Cedric's names. The audience was cheering and holding up signs. 

" Silence ! " Dumbledore bellowed. " Professor Moody placed the Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows the exact position. Now as for Mr. Diggory-" he was cut off as Cedric's fans cheered for him. " And Mr. Potter-" he was cut off again as people cheered and clapped for Harry. " Tied for first position they will be the the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum-" Durmstrang cheered. " And Ms. Delacour-" Beaxtbatons cheered for Fleur. " First person to touch the cup will be the winner ! " Everyone cheered. " I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, for at any point a contestant wishes to with drawl from the task, he or she needs only to send sparks  with their wand," Dumbledore instructed. " Contestants ! Gather around !  " Dumbledore ordered. " Quickly ! " They gathered around him. " In the maze you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Inside there's something even more challenging. People change in maze. ( Cries because of Newt ). Find the Goblet if you can, but be very careful. You could lose yourselves along the way. ( Cries again because of Newt ). Come on kids ! Prepare yourselves ! " The champions got into position.

" On the count of three. One-" the canon went off. Harry began to slowly walk into the maze, he looked back once more at Moody, he looked at him and pointed left, the maze closed behind him. Everyone chatted as they waited and saw sparks shot up and heard screams. Krum and Fleur came out of the maze already. Then all of a sudden Harry appeared out of nowhere clutching onto Cedric and the trophy. Everyone cheered. Annabelle looked closely and saw Harry sobbing and Cedric looked lifeless. 

" No ! " gasped Annabelle as Fleur screamed. Her friends looked at confused as tears ran down her cheeks. Dumbledore ran towards Harry.

" Harry ! "He tried to pull him off Cedric but he resisted.

" No ! " Harry fought. 

" Dumbledore what happened !? " The Minister asked 

" Hes back ! " Harry said in between tears. " Hes back ! Voldemort's back ! " Annabelle's eyes widen and her heart stopped for a moment. " Cedric- he asked me to bring his back ! I couldn't leave him there ! Harry sobbed. " Not there ! " 

" Its alright Harry. Its alright. Hes home. You all are, " Dumbledore said in a comforting voice. 

" Keep everybody in there seats ! " the Minister shouted. " A boys just been killed," he whispered loudly.The audience gasped realizing Cedric had been killed. A lot people started crying, a lot of Hufflepuffs, staff, and Cho. 

" The body must be moved Dumbledore there are too many people ! " said the Minister. 

" Let me through ! Let me through ! " Mr. Diggory shouted. He collapsed next to Cedric's body. 

" That's my son ! That's my boy ! " Mr. Diggory let out a terrible scream, the entire audience watched the scene play out. Moody walked over to Harry picked him up, and dragged him out. Annabelle looked at the pother Annabelle and Sandra and they just bursted into tears. Someone tapped her shoulders, she turned and saw her brother. She collapsed into his arms and cried.

" H-He c-can't b-b-b-be d-d-d-dead, n-no n-n-n-no," Annabelle cried. 

" Shhhh," Thomas said rubbing her back repeatedly.

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