Chapter 19

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" Hey " Annabelle chimed." How are your classes so far? She asked them. They told her all about their classes and how they went and saw Hagrid and Snape issues.

" Are you serious? Snape took ten points away for that ? " questioned Annabelle.

" Yes !" Exclaimed Harry.

" Well ok then he's a jerk " she responded the others nodded their heads in agreement.


6 hours later

Annabelle ( Annabelle 1) was walking through the halls talking to Seamus, Neville, and Dean.

" But why would you put sprinkles on ice cream" argued Seamus. Annabelle and Seamus were having a ridiculous argument about sprinkles as a topping on ice cream.

" Cause I like sprinkles on my ice cream " Annabelle argued back,

" But it makes ice cream crunchy " he pointed out.

" Well maybe I like my ice cream crunchy" she replied. The two were glaring at each other.

" So what's your guy's favorite kind of ice cream? " Asked Dean laughing at their argument while trying to change the subject.

" My favorite is .... " started Neville then paused to think then when he had his answer he went to speak when

" BELLS " ( people started to just call her Bells, so that's her nickname for almost everyone now ) shouted a variety of voices. Then Seamus, Neville, Dean, and Annabelle turned around to see Sandra, the other Annabelle ( Annabelle 2), Luna, and Madelyn, gesturing to her to come to them since apparently, they had something important to tell her.

" Go on Anniebelli we'll talk to you later " laughed Seamus the other boys nodded their heads in agreement.

" Thanks, boys " she replied and ran up to her other friends.

" Okay, so Madelyn came up with a marvelous idea " stated Annabelle 2.

" Her idea was to create a group of just the five of us " continued Luna.

" We just need a name " finished Sandra.

" Hmmm this is a fantastic idea ! " exclaimed Annabelle 1

" I know right! So we were thinking about meeting up on Saturday in the Hufflepuff common room to talk about the club" spoke Madelyn.

" Ok seems legit " responded Annabelle 1.


That Tuesday in the morning Annabelle had Transfugations also that was with Ravenclaw. After class Annabelle caught with Ron and Harry who had just come from flying.

" Seeker" repeated Ron

" But first years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest Quidditch player in... " Harry cut off Ron.

" A century, Wood told me " suddenly a hand landed on Annabelle's shoulder caused her to jump, she turned her head to see Fred and George.

" Well done Harry, Wood just told us ! " said Fred.

" Fred and George are on the team they're beaters." Explained Ron as Annabelle and Harry exchanged a glance.

" Cool ... Wait what do they do ?" Softly asked Annabelle, the twins laughed.

" Our job is to make sure the players on the team don't get too bloody up too bad," said George.

"Can't make any promises of course. Rough game Quidditch ." Continued George.

" Brutal! " Fred corrected, Annabelle glance at Harry to see a worrying expression on his face, Fred caught the look and quickly said

" But nobody's died in years. Some vanish occasionally."

" But they turn up in a month or two" quickly added George.

" Oh go on Harry! Quidditch is great. Best game there is and you'll be great too !" Ron assured Harry.

" But I've never played " Harry protested.

" What if I make a fool of myself" he continued worriedly.

" You won't make a fool of yourself. " Annabelle jumped at the appearance of Hermione. " It's in your blood " she gestured to the display at the side of the hall. " and then she left.

" Woah! Harry you never told your father was a seeker too " said Ron looking at the display.

" I didn't know " he softly replied.

" Seems like she knows more about you than you know yourself " spoke Annabelle gesturing to where the direction Hermione went.

" It seems like everyone does Bells " he quickly responded.

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