Chapter 76

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Harry went to his hearing and now is allowed to come back to Hogwarts. Now they were at the train station. Moody and Tonks were with them. Annabelle was ahead of everyone else and was already on boarding side. Soon they all joined her, they found a compartment. The ride there was silent, Annabelle had to step out a couple of times since she couldn't handle the silence. When they finally arrived at Hogwarts, they were walking towards the carriages when they heard an obnoxious voice from behind them. Malfoy. 

" I can't believe the Ministry is letting you walk around free.  You better enjoy while you can ! I suspect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it," Malfoy sneered. Harry stepped forward, Ron grabbed him to prevent him from tackling Draco. " What did I tell you ? Complete nutters," Malfoy mumbled.

" Just stay away from me ! " Harry snapped. Malfoy pulled on Annabelle's braid before walking away. 

" Its only Malfoy, what do you suspect ? " Ron said as Annabelle rubbed her head.  They continued to walk, the last carriage had just left, they were waiting for the next one. 

" Hey guys," a voice said from behind them. It was Neville, he was holding a plant that resembled a cactus, but it was moving and had large orange spots.

" Hey Neville," they sighed, except Annabelle, she hugged him, then they released. They all began to wait for a carriage. There was a clanging sound from behind them.  Annabelle and Harry turned to see a carriage. But this time the carriage wasn't pulling itself like usual. The carriage was being pulled by a horse thingy, however it wasn't just any horse, the horse was winged and gray, and very bony. Annabelle leaned over to Harry,

" You see it too right ? " she asked.

" Yeah," he answered.

* Quick story*

Annabelle was 7 years old at her grandmas house with her siblings. Annabelle was outside with her grandma helping her plant flowers. Annabelle's grandma had a heart attack when were planting flowers right in front of her eyes. Annabelle called for siblings, and grandpa. Annabelle's grandma died that day, they all cried, thaf's why Annabelle can see the Thestrals.

* End of quick story *

" What is that ? " Harry asked. 

" What's what ? " Ron asked

" That, pulling the carriage ? " Harry said.

" There's nothing pulling the carriage Harry, its pulling its self like always," Hermione said. Harry walked to the side of the carriage mumbling to himself. 

" Your not going mad,"  a dreamy voice said. They looked up at the carriage, a girl was already sitting in it. She was reading a magazine named Quibbler up-side-down. She had waist length, straggly blonde hair, she had a very airy kind of space around her. Annabelle smiled, she liked this girl, one her favorite people in the world. " I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am ". They eventually sat in the carriage. Annabelle sat next to the girl while everyone else kinda kept their distance. 

" Everyone this is Looney Love- Luna Lovegood," Hermione said. 

" Interesting necklace," Annabelle complimented.

" Its a charm actually. It keeps the necklace away," Luna answered in a dreamy voice. " Hungry ? I hope there's pudding ". Ron and Hermione began whispering to each other.

" Whats that your reading ? " Annabelle asked.

" The Quibbler, would you like to read it ? Its very interesting, " she asked Annabelle who nodded. Luna handed her one and then Annabelle began to read it. 

" Bells, why are you reading up-side-down ? " Neville asked

" Because I can," Annabelle answered, everyone but Luna gave her weird looks. When they got to Hogwarts, Luna let Annabelle keep the magazine, and they parted ways. Annabelle sat down next Annabelle 2 and Justin. And across from Sandra.

" Can I have your attention ? " Dumbledore asked. Everyone went quiet. " Now we have to changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Gruby Plank who'll be taking care of Care of Magical Creatures. While Professor Hagrid is away. I would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing her good luck " The woman was next to Snape, she wore way to much pink, looked like a pale pink toad, with a sickly sweet smile on her face. 

" I think I'm going to puke from all that pink," whispered Sandra

" Same," coursed the Annabelle's. 

" Now, as usual Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you-" Umbridge cleared her throat. Everyone looked at her, even Dumbledore stopped talking. No one has ever interrupted Dumbledore before. Ever. Annabelle made quick eye contact with Neville. She stood up and made her way over to Dumbledore. 

" She was at my hearing. She works for Fudge," Harry whispered. 

" Thank you Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely it is, to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me," she began. Nobody was smiling, the entire Great Hall was looking at her like she was nuts. " I'm sure we'll be very good friends ".

" That's likely,' Fred and George said sarcastically. Annabelle silently laughed earning a nudge from Justin. 

" The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historical school. Progress for the sake progress must be discouraged. Lets us preserve what must be per-sued perfect, what can be perfect, and prove practices ought to be....prohibited," she said with a sickly sweet girlish giggle.

" Thank you Professor Umbridge that was really something," Dumbledore said. Everyone started clapping but it was rushed.

" What does it mean ? " Harry whispered as Dumbledore continued talking.

" It means the Ministry's interfering with Hogwarts," Hermione answered.

authors note:

hey everyone !! Its November now !! That means Mocking Jay comes out in theaters this month !! Who's excited !! I am for sure !! Love you all

- Pickles

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